Let's hope that if Britney Spears is planning on making it third time lucky in the marital stakes that she finds herself a classier dress than this for her big day. The pop star, who's at the centre of internet rumours she's planning to wed boyfriend Jason Trawick, is seen here donning a tacky white bridal gown on the cover of a fashion mag. Britney, 28, wore the outfit as part of a Japanese Manga-style photoshoot for the September issue of British publication Pop Magazine.
让我们祈祷这次小甜甜布兰妮如果真正要结婚的话,婚纱会稍微比现在穿在身上的更好看一些吧!传言,这位身处在“舆论漩涡”昔日的国际巨星即将与现任男友Jason Trawick结婚,第三次步入婚姻的殿堂。28岁的布兰妮身穿日本漫画风格婚纱为流行杂志做封面照呢。
Here comes Britney: Pop star Spears appears as a Manga-style bride on the cover of Pop Magazine. However the star, who is renowned for her poor fashion taste, says she thinks the shots are 'beautiful' - so maybe we could expect to see her in this type of dress for her big day, if reports she is to tie the knot with her former agent Jason, 44, are true.
虽然,品位一向“独特”的布兰妮十分看好这次的时尚选择,然而这个日本漫画式风格婚纱照片仍旧不被舆论看好。如果布兰妮和男友Jason Trawick即将结婚的传言是真的话,让我们小小期待下布兰妮身着她所喜欢的婚纱步入婚姻殿堂也是不错的。
Provocative: In one cover she dresses in a leotard with a rucksack, looking like a naughty schoolgirl
Japanese style: In another cover she appears almost doll-like. The latest fashion photos of Britney are courtesy of Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. She appears almost doll-like on the cover, looking like a little girl as she wears a manga costume of white lace. Another pictures show her dressed as a schoolgirl, in a nod to her hit song Baby... One More Time.
日系风格:小甜甜这次复出选择的路线无疑是“日系风”,她打扮成一个洋娃娃的样子,很有诱惑力。布兰妮这次的最新时尚照片则出自艺术家Takashi Murakami之手。
Oops! The singer is on holiday with boyfriend Jason Trawick in Hawaii, who she is rumoured to be planning on marrying, seen here almost losing her bikini top
Quality time: The couple looked very much in love as they shared tender hugs and kisses in the ocean