QUENTIN Tarantino's Oscar-winning "Django Unchained" returned to Chinese screens yesterday, about a month after it was pulled for unspecified "technical reasons."
昆汀•塔伦蒂诺的奥斯卡获奖影片《被解放的姜戈》昨天重返中国大银幕,在因未指明的“技术原因”而下线的大约一个月后 。
Nude scenes are believed to have been cut and the original 165-minute movie is now 162 minutes long.
裸露镜头相信被剪掉,原来的165分钟的电影现在只有162分钟长 。
The month's delay didn't help at the box office. Guo Ying, an official with Shanghai United Cinema Lines, said the film had taken in just 100,000 yuan (US$15,800).
这个月的推迟无益于票房 。上海联合电影院线的官方人士郭英说这部电影已经入账10万元人民币(合15800美元) 。
"It is not a good screening slot," Guo said. "The movie has to face strong competition from two Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters with stunning visual effects - 'Iron Man 3' and 'Oblivion'."
“这不是电影的黄金时段,”郭说 。“这部电影不得不面对两个有着惊人的视觉效果的好莱坞科幻大片《钢铁侠3》和《遗落战境》的激烈竞争 。
A cinema in the city's Xujiahui area sold around 7,000 yuan worth of tickets for the film yesterday, compared to ticket sales of 130,000 yuan for "Iron Man 3" and 50,000 yuan for "Oblivion."
上海徐家汇地区的一家电影院昨天为这部电影了售出约7000元的票,相比13万元的《钢铁侠3》票房和5万元的《遗落战境》 。
The cinema manager, who asked not to be named, said the low ticket sales came as no surprise. Tarantino's movies, with their scenes of sex, bloodshed and carnage, would not be the first choice for the majority of cinema-goers, she said.
要求不透露其姓名的影院经理说低票房并不令人吃惊 。塔伦蒂诺的电影充斥着床戏、流血和杀戮,对于大多数影迷来说不会是第一选择,她说 。
Also, since the suspension, a lot of movie fans have seen the film on DVD or online.
此外,由于延迟,很多影迷已经DVD或网上看过这部电影 。
The film was released in China on April 11 but was halted one minute after the screenings began for "technical reasons," according to the film's distributors.
这部电影4月11日在中国上映但开始一分钟后因“技术原因”停止放映,根据影片的分销商 。
At the 85th Academy Awards the film received best original screenplay award for Tarantino and best supporting actor award for Christoph Waltz.
在第85届奥斯卡奖上电影使塔伦蒂诺获得了最佳原创剧本奖,克里斯托弗•沃尔兹获得最佳男配角奖 。