From a renowned AIDS activist to a woman visiting home for the first time in 30 years, the passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 were a diverse collection of tourists, global health officials and two-continent families linked to the Dutch colonization of Indonesia.
从知名的艾滋病活动家,到30年来首次回家的妇女,马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines) MH17航班上有形形色色的乘客,既有游客和全球卫生官员,也有因荷兰历史上对印尼的殖民统治而分隔在两个大洲的家庭。
The plane was carrying 283 passengers and 15 crew members when it crashed Thursday in the east Ukraine region of Donetsk. The largest contingent -- at least 154 -- were from the Netherlands, but the flight manifest also included passengers from as far afield as Australia, Canada and the Philippines.
Perhaps the best-known person onboard was Joep Lange, a globally-recognized AIDS activist who formerly served as president of the International Aids Society, a role he used to advocate for greater awareness and action on the disease.
这架飞机上知名度最高的人可能是兰格(Joep Lange),这位国际公认的艾滋病活动家曾担任过国际艾滋病协会(International Aids Society)主席。他过去常借助这样的身份来倡导人们更多地了解和防治艾滋病。
Mr. Lange was due to chair a panel on Sunday afternoon at a major international AIDS conference in Melbourne titled 'A Frank Dialogue on the Future of HIV Treatment: All the Way from the Factory to the Patient,' looking at aggressive strategies to scale up the use of antiretroviral treatments in poor countries.
兰格原本定于周日下午主持在墨尔本召开的一个重要的国际艾滋病大会的小组会议,这次大会名为“坦率探讨HIV治疗的未来:从工厂到病人”(A Frank Dialogue on the Future of HIV Treatment: All the Way from the Factory to the Patient)。大会将探索在贫困国家增加抗逆转录病毒治疗方法使用的有效策略。
Yet as with any international flight, the plane was packed with people from all walks of life. Ninik Yuriani, 56, an Indonesian-born passenger on the flight, was traveling to visit her 86-year-old mother in Central Java's small town of Wonosobo to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday later this month, her younger sister said Friday morning.
和其他国际航班一样,MH17航班的乘客来自各行各业。56岁的印尼裔乘客Ninik Yuriani的妹妹周五早上告诉记者,Yuriani原本乘机前往中爪哇省的禾诺波(Wonosobo)小镇探望自己86岁的母亲,一起庆祝本月晚些时候的开斋节。
Ms. Yuriani moved to the Netherlands 17 years ago with her only daughter to look for a better future, Ms. Nuraheni said, working as a supermarket cashier and teaching Indonesian dance in Amsterdam.
为了有一个更好的未来,Yuriani 17年前和独生女儿移居荷兰,在阿姆斯特丹的一个超市担任收银员,同时还教授印尼舞蹈。
'She sent me messages through WhatsApp few days ago asking me to pick her up at the airport in Jakarta at 9:15 a.m. today,' Enny Nuraheni said. 'We planned to go by car to Wonosobo on Monday.'
Enny Nuraheni说:“她几天前在WhatsApp上发了消息,让我今天上午9:15在雅加达机场接她。”她们计划周一开车去文罗梭波。
Another passenger, Albert Rizk, was returning home from a European vacation with friends after months of working up to 70 hours per week as a real estate agent and director at Raine & Horne in Sunbury, Australia, a Melbourne suburb of about 33,000 people. For Mr. Rizk and his wife, Marie, this was their big once-a-year trip with friends they knew from the tight-knit community.
另一位乘客里兹克(Albert Rizk)是在与朋友赴欧洲度假之后回家时乘坐这架飞机的。数月来,他每周工作时间达到70小时,他是位于澳大利亚Sunbury的Raine & Horne的房地产经纪人和主管。Sunbury是墨尔本郊区,约有3.3万人口。对于里兹克和他妻子玛丽(Marie)来说,这是他们与朋友一年一次的重大旅行。他们是从社区结识的这些朋友。
On Friday, friends and community members dropped by the real estate office where he worked to drop off flowers and share memories of the Rizks, who had been a fixture of the community, according to Ken Grech, a director at Raine & Horne in Sunbury, who has known Mr. Rizk for 34 years.
Raine & Horne的一名主管格雷奇(Ken Grech)表示,周五,社区成员和朋友们来到他工作过的这间房地产中介办公室,送上了鲜花,一起缅怀里兹克。格雷奇已经认识里兹克34年了。
'If you met Albert, you'd take an immediate shine and liking to him,' said Mr. Grech. 'He was always smiling and willing to help. His wife always supported him through the long hours.'
Mr. Grech said that when it was time for the Rizks to return home from their European vacation, they tried to change their flight to take an earlier one their friends were booked on to avoid a long layover in Kuala Lumpur. They weren't able to, so stuck with their original itinerary on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.
Relatives were also mourning lost loved ones in Malaysia. Akmar Mohd Noor said her sister was flying home from Geneva to join her family for Hari Raya, the celebrations to mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
在马来西亚,乘客家属也悼念逝去的亲人。Akmar Mohd Noor说,她的妹妹从日内瓦搭乘飞机回家,准备与家人共度开斋节。开斋节是庆祝穆斯林斋月结束的节日。
'She was coming back from Geneva to celebrate with us for the first time in 30 years,' Ms. Akmar told reporters.
A cousin of the plane's captain, Wan Amran Wan Hussin, said the pilot sent his wife a WhatsApp message shortly before the plane left Amsterdam saying he would be home soon.
失事飞机机长的表亲Wan Amran Wan Hussin称,机长在飞机起飞前不久向他的妻子发送了一条WhatsApp信息,称他很快就回家了。
Mr. Amran, who had been a pilot for Malaysia Airlines for 25 years, was the father of two boys, his cousin said.
The cousin, who only identified herself as Ms. Umi and who spoke to reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, said she had come to the airport with the pilot's widow and children. She said the older son, who is 10 years old, understood what was going on but that his second son, who is eight years old, seemed confused.
She said she saw Mr. Amran a month ago and that he spoke of the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared on March 8. She said Mr. Amran was to turn 50 in September.
'He is a very good man, a very responsible person, especially towards his family,' Ms. Umi said.
Possibly the largest group of passengers was a collection of public health officials en route to attend the international AIDS conference in Melbourne. The event was expected to attract 12,000 participants with speeches by U.S. President Bill Clinton and pop icon Bob Geldof.
乘客中人数最多的一个群体可能是去墨尔本出席国际艾滋病会议的公共卫生官员。此次会议预计将吸引12000名参与者,美国前总统克林顿(Bill Clinton)和摇滚巨星鲍勃•格尔多夫(Bob Geldof)将在会上发表演讲。
Among those due to meet Mr. Lange, the AIDS activist, was long-time colleague David Cooper, Director of the Kirby Institute, an institute specializing in HIV/AIDS research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.
原定要和兰格开会的人中,有一位是他的老同事库珀(David Cooper)。库珀是悉尼新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)艾滋病研究院Kirby Institute的主任。
Mr. Cooper recalled a reflective companion who would take him to Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum to look at the works of Russian futurist Kazimir Malevich. Mr. Lange was an avid reader of humanist literature by the likes of Portuguese Nobel laureate José Saramago and even named one of his daughters after a relative of late romantic composer Gustav Mahler, Mr. Cooper said.
据库珀回忆,兰格是一位喜欢沉思的同伴,他会带着库珀去阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆(Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum)观赏俄罗斯未来主义艺术家卡济米尔•马列维奇(Kazimir Malevich)的作品。兰格酷爱阅读人文主义色彩浓厚的文学作品,例如诺贝尔奖得主、葡萄牙作家若泽•萨拉马戈(José Saramago)的著作。库珀说,兰格在给自己的一个女儿取名时,甚至还用了已故浪漫主义作曲家古斯塔夫•马勒(Gustav Mahler)一位亲戚的名字。
Mr. Cooper said Mr. Lange was also a firebrand who stood up to pharmaceutical companies, governments and universities in his quest to treat HIV/AIDS in low income communities across Europe and Africa. Mr. Lange soon made a name for himself by advocating for drugs like AZT to be combined with others -- DDI, DDC, Nevirapene --for a more effective and less toxic therapy. Along the way, he debunked some of the less effective antiretroviral drugs rushed to market.
'He was never afraid to speak his mind to anyone,' said Mr. Cooper. He also worked with Dutch companies like Heineken International and Royal Dutch Shell PLC to raise money to distribute anti-HIV drugs, he said.
库珀说,兰格从不害怕向任何人说出他的想法。他说,兰格还与荷兰的Heineken International、皇家壳牌有限公司(Royal Dutch Shell PLC)等企业合作筹集款项,用于分发治疗HIV的药物。
Others took to Twitter to express their sadness at Mr. Lange's death. Seema Yasmin, a medical doctor based in Dallas, Texas, recalled how Mr. Lange would often cook for his five daughters while discussing AIDS on conference calls.
其他人则在推特(Twitter)上表达了他们对兰格罹难的哀伤。得克萨斯州达拉斯市的医生亚斯明(Seema Yasmin)回忆起了有关兰格的往事,他说兰格经常一边给他的五个女儿烧菜,一边参加电话会议,讨论艾滋病问题。
'I asked him why he worked so much,' Ms. Yasmin said in a Twitter posting. 'He said: 'Do you know how much it costs to buy shoes for 5 girls?' He was a kind man and a true humanitarian.'
The Melbourne event was also supposed to be an opportunity for Mr. Lange to catch up with Thai expert Praphan Phanuphak, who carried out Thailand's first clinical trial for an AIDS vaccine in the 1990s. Mr. Lange, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Praphan established the HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research Collaboration, or HIVNAT, a research center to combat the virus in Asia, in 1996.
墨尔本会议本应成为兰格和泰国专家巴攀(Praphan Phanuphak)碰头的一个机会。二十世纪九十年代,巴攀实施了泰国艾滋病疫苗首次临床试验。兰格、库珀和巴攀成立了荷兰澳大利亚泰国艾滋病研究合作中心(简称HIVNAT)。该研究中心成立于1996年,致力于抗击艾滋病毒。
On yearly retreats with the HIVNAT staff to Thai resort towns like Pattaya, Mr. Lange would host long dinners which started with passionate speeches and ended with the doctors breaking out into impromptu Dutch ballads, Mr. Praphan recalled.
A few months ago, Mr. Lange visited Bangkok to check in on HIVNAT, and chat with the doctors working on the project, many of whom he had personally mentored. He pledged to help more local doctors study in Amsterdam, and talked about new drugs that could be brought to the HIVNAT project from recent clinical trials in Europe. But the old friends barely had time to reminisce because Mr. Lange had to rush back to Amsterdam, Mr. Praphan said.
A week ago, they hatched a plan by email to go to a Dutch embassy reception in Melbourne on Tuesday, and then leave early to enjoy a private dinner and catch up, Mr. Praphan said.