A senior district official in China's southern metropolis of Guangzhou has been suspended from his post for allegedly beating an air attendant, sources said Monday.
这位官员为屡被提及的职务分别为越秀区委常委以及political commissar of the Yuexiu Armed Forces Department(越秀区武装部政委),被殴打的“空姐”可以用air attendant、air hostess以及stewardess来表示。飞机上的“空乘人员”多用flight attendants或cabin crew表示。双方因为方大国carry-on luggage(随身行李)的放置而产生矛盾,进而方大国一方have a brawl with the air attendant(与空姐发生了肢体冲突)。
To suspend someone from one’s post就是“停职”,多用被动的形式表达“某人被停职”。另外,suspend也用于学校对学生的处分,表示“停学”,如:John was suspended for a year from school after cheating in final exam.(约翰因考试作弊而被停学一年。)