请看《中国日报》的相关报道:As China marks the World Consumer Rights Day, the spotlight would inevitably be on poor products and shoddy service. But attention is also being focused on the rights of a special group of consumers: subscribers or readers of academic and literal journals.Plagiarismhave become rampant in China, and are eroding people's trust in academia and intellectual circles.
报道中的plagiarism专指学术或艺术创作方面的造假行为,用英文可解释为:using ideas, plots, text and other intellectual property developed by someone else while claiming it is your original work(在自己所谓的原创作品中,偷用别人的观点和设计方案甚或抄袭文章段落)。Plagiarism由动词plagiarize衍生而来,举个例子,Half the ideas in his writing were plagiarized from an article I wrote last year (他这篇文章沿用的思想,有一半都是从我去年写的一篇文章里剽窃来的)。