Hang up your cape, Superman. Here comes the Annihilator–all the way from China.
Perhaps seeking to promote the country as one of the good guys, China is financing a Hollywood movie featuring a Chinese superhero who saves the world. The character has been invented by Stan Lee, the 89-year-old creator of figures such as Hulk and Ironman.
或许是为了宣传自身正义的国家形象,中国参与投资了一部讲述中国超级英雄拯救世界的好莱坞电影。影片角色出自斯坦?李(Stan Lee)之手,这位89岁的老人创作了绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Ironman)等经典形象。
The Annihilator, the protagonist of the 3D movie scheduled to open in 2014, "trains in Qigong in China and then comes to America, where he becomes a superman by coincidence," Wang Guowei, president of National Film Capital, the state-backed film fund, told the FT.
这部以"超能侠"为主角的3D影片计划于2014年上映。国影投资管理有限公司(National Film Capital,简称国影投资)总裁王国伟对英国《金融时报》表示:"超能侠在中国学习气功,之后来到美国,并在美国偶然成为了超能力者。"国影基金是一只有政府背景的电影产业基金。
"Then he returns to rescue the world – including China – from a crisis. By including the idea of China rescuing the world, it competes with the "China threat" theory."
China's ruling Communist party has long lamented that its "soft" power falls far short of that of the US. Efforts to improve matters, however, have been hampered by an overeager propaganda agenda.
Mr Wang said this would change. "Our country puts too much emphasis on going out" – projecting itself abroad. "The harder you strive to do that, the less you will succeed," he added, noting that Chinese film exports were "almost zero".
It was a myth that Chinese ideology was always different from other peoples' thinking, Mr Wang said; 98 per cent of Chinese values were in line with global values.
The Annihilator demonstrates China's fast-growing influence in the global film industry thanks to its booming market. The project tops a list of 10 international films National Film Capital said at the Shanghai Film festival it would co-finance, with a total investment of $230m.
Most of The Annihilator's $100m budget will come from China, though much of the artistic input is from the US, with a script written by Dan Gilroy, author of The Bourne Legacy, and being developed by Hollywood-based Magic Storm Entertainment.
"超能侠"的1亿美元制作预算将主要由中国提供,艺术创作投入则将主要来自美国。影片剧本将由《谍影重重4:伯恩的遗产》(The Bourne Legacy)编剧丹?吉尔罗伊(Dan Gilroy)操刀,制片方则是位于好莱坞的魔力风暴娱乐公司(Magic Storm Entertainment)。
Chinese box-office sales jumped 30 per cent last year to $1.2bn, compared with flat or shrinking sales in other major markets including the US. In the first quarter this year, China surpassed Japan as the world's second-largest movie market by ticket sales, making it the largest foreign market for Hollywood.
While more than 70 per cent of Chinese film ticket sales came from Hollywood productions, the country retains tight limits on such showings. That means that co-productions, which are exempt from the quota for foreign films, are Hollywood's best bet for a bigger piece of the pie – an expectation reflected in a wave of China-US co-production and film investment announcements over the past year.
National Film Capital, founded by a number of state-backed institutions, is chaired by Yang Buting, a former head of China Film Group, the country's state-owned studio and distributor. After lying dormant for years following its 2008 creation, it got active in February with the creation of a new fund for Hollywood investments.
国影投资由数家具有政府背景的机构发起成立,杨步亭担任董事长。杨步亭此前曾任国有电影制作与发行机构中国电影集团(China Film Group)董事长。国影投资自2008年成立以来经历了数年沉寂。今年2月,它积极活动成立了一只投资好莱坞制作的新基金。