Letters Between A Father And A Son,字面意思就是“父亲与儿子之间的信”,书的内容其实说的是曾获诺贝尔文学奖的英国移民作家奈保尔与其父亲之间的通信。 也许是因为我们国内也曾有《傅雷家书》,所以把这本书译为《奈保尔家书》,大家听起来会感觉亲切一些。
奈保尔——21世界诺贝尔文学奖获得者,他以小说成名,这跟他的老爸很有关系。虽然儿子的写作才能绝非做父亲的所调教,但他在每封信里都流露着对儿子的殷殷期望。 本书以时间顺序写成,既是一部奈保尔的成长史,又是一本不同寻常、感人肺腑的通信集。<br> 这是一本不同寻常、感人肺腑的通信集。在这些父子之间的往来书信中,我们看到的是一位壮志未了、为家庭所累而心力交瘁的老人;以及立志在广袤的文学沃土上耕耘的年轻人形象。
[01:10.22]A touching look into the heart and family
[01:13.64]of one of America's greatest poets.
[01:18.28]As a literary portrait of a father and son,
[01:22.27]little can match the eloquence
[01:24.76]and honesty of this collection of letters,
[01:29.11]written by Allen Ginsberg and his father,
[01:33.18]Louis, spanning the years 1944 to 1976.
[02:06.60]touch 接触,触摸
[02:10.28]don't touch me
[02:13.93]touch 感动,打动
[02:24.65]It's a touching movie.
[02:29.42]match 敌的过,匹敌
[02:33.41]The girl has beauty that could never be matched.
[02:41.09]match 相配
[02:45.30]The coat matches the dress.
[02:51.11]span 跨越
[02:59.94]A marriage than spanned 40 years.
[03:10.03]The bridge spans the gorges.
[03:18.52]Their correspondence is filled with affection, respect,
[03:22.88]and a healthy dose of argumentative zeal
[03:27.11]they debate every major political
[03:30.21]and artistic issue that faced America
[03:33.95]in over three decades of extraordinary change.
[03:38.42]But the letters also tell of a strong bond of intimacy
[03:43.79]and affection between the two,
[03:46.45]revealing just how crucial
[03:49.06]that closeness was to the development
[03:51.97]of Allen Ginsberg's art.
[04:21.00]be filled with
[04:22.45]fill 装满,灌满
[04:28.50]be filled with
[04:31.49]The bottle is filled with water.
[04:42.77]be full of
[04:46.59]The bottle is full of water.
[04:55.09]Dear vido, University College, High School,
[05:06.07]West Indies, New York, Oxford University,
[05:18.16]West Indian, British Council, Caribbean Voices,
[05:30.61]Oxford February, Port of Spain, Oxford January,
[05:43.78]The Adventures of Gurudeva, Indian Commissioner,
[05:53.36]Oxford April, Oxford March, Oxford Tory,
[06:05.31]Sangre Grande, Ashmolean Museum,
[06:16.10]Carnival Queen, Oxford July, Sunday Express,
[06:29.02]Sunday Guardian, Trinidad Guardian
[06:42.58]high school 高中
[06:44.39]幼儿园 kindergarten
[06:46.40]小学 elementary school / primary school
[06:52.24]初中 junior high school
[06:55.13]高中 senior high school
[06:59.43]express 快递,快速的
[07:06.74]It's an express train.
[07:13.07]EMS 特快邮政服务
[07:17.48]express mail service
[07:25.16]Writing to his eldest son Vidia in Oxford in 1950,
[07:31.66]Seepersad Naipaul observed:
[07:35.03]"Your letters are charming in their spontaneity.
[07:40.79]If you could write me letters about things
[07:44.21]and people--especially people--at Oxford,
[07:49.19]I could compile them in a book:
[07:52.73]Letters between a Father and Son
[07:56.07]or My Oxford Letters.
[08:21.49]Nearly fifty years later,
[08:24.24]the father's desire has been fulfilled by the son
[08:28.37]with the publication of VS Naipaul's Letters
[08:33.32]between a Father and Son.
[08:36.57]The collection covers the period
[08:39.11]between Naipaul's departures from his native Trinidad
[08:43.80]in 1950 to study at Oxford,
[08:48.33]to the untimely death of his father
[08:51.47]in 1953 at the age of 47.
[08:57.37]Alongside the letters between father and son
[09:01.20]are those between Naipaul and his older sister,
[09:05.75]Kamla, a student at the Benares Hindu University in India,
[09:13.40]who is advised by her 17-year-old brother
[09:17.03]to watch your personal effects carefully;
[09:20.61]the Indians are a thieving lot.
[09:59.30]At the heart of the book lies Naipaul's undergraduate life
[10:03.92]at Oxford and his father's deeply moving support for his son,
[10:09.87]as he strives to maintain his own writing career
[10:14.20]whilst he watches his son's own literary talent flower.
[10:20.06]The minutiae of Naipaul's college life
[10:23.89]offers a fascinating account of the genesis of the querulous,
[10:30.03]fussy and patrician Naipaul.
[10:33.88]Letters are full of stories of Naipaul's
[10:37.16]endless rounds of tea parties,
[10:40.19]writing for the Oxford journal Isis,
[10:43.55]flirting with European women
[10:46.18]and endless requests for cigarettes from home.
[11:26.46]But the most revealing
[11:28.90]and moving dimension of the collection is the love
[11:32.92]and friendship between father and son.
[11:37.06]Seepersad both vents his own literary frustrations
[11:41.54]upon his son,
[11:43.29]whilst at the same time
[11:45.47]assuring Naipaul of his own unconditional support:
[11:50.81]"I feel so darned cocksure
[11:54.58]that I can produce a novel within six months.
[11:58.76]if only I had nothing else to do. This is impossible.
[12:04.52]But I want to give you this chance."
[12:37.45]Seepersad's sudden death is very affecting,
[12:41.85]as is Naipaul's telegraphed response home:
[12:46.21]"Everything I owe to him."
[12:49.37]This is a deeply revealing collection
[12:52.94]of one of the most enigmatic writers of the post-war period,
[12:58.41]which offers an absorbing insight
[13:01.24]into Naipaul's early fiction,
[13:04.19]particularly The Mystic Masseur and Miguel Street.