The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China has released the new criteria for the design of public toilets on the eve of the fourth World Toilet Day, which falls on Saturday, raising the number of women's washrooms.
public toilets是公共厕所;women's washrooms是女厕。
随着城镇化(urbanization)快速发展,城市人口(urban population)持续增长,公厕数量总体不足,管理水平不高,特别是女性厕位经常大排长龙(women have to wait in long lines to use toilets)等问题亟待解决。
为解决以上问题,住房城乡建设部(Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China)组织开展了标准修订工作,统计了72.6万人的如厕时间,进行充分研究分析,在新发布标准(new criteria)中将女性厕位与男性厕位的比例(proportion of female and male stalls)提高到3:2,人流量较大地区(crowded areas)为2:1。此标准于2016年12月1日起实施(become effective),将有效缓解女性如厕难题。
今年“世界厕所日”(World Toilet Day)的主题是“厕所与工作”(toilets and jobs),关注缺乏卫生设备(sanitation)对人们生计造成的影响(impact people's livelihoods)。