China released its annual characters and words of 2015 on Monday, with incorruptibility and Internet Plus winning out among the candidate characters and words.
characters and words是字词;incorruptibility是廉;Internet Plus是互联网+。
“恐(terrorism or dread)、反恐(anti-terrorism)”分别当选年度国际字(annual character on international issues)和国际词(annual word on international issues)。
与年度字词同时揭晓的,还有年度“十大流行语(Buzz Word)”“十大新词语(New Word)”和“十大网络用语(Cyber Word)”。
“十大流行语”为“抗日战争胜利70周年(70th anniversary of the victory over the War of Resistance against the Japanese Aggression)、互联网+、难民(refugee)、亚投行(AIIB)、习马会(the meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou)、巴黎恐怖袭击事件(Paris attack)、屠呦呦(Tu Youyou)、四个全面(Four Comprehensives)、大众创业、万众创新(Encourage people to do business creatively and drive innovation)、互联互通、共享共治(An interconnected world shared and governed by all)”。
“互联网+、众创空间(Hackerspace)、获得感(sense of gain)、非首都功能(non-capital functions)、网约车(Internet car)、红通(red notice)、小短假(little short holiday)、阅兵蓝(parade blue)、人民币入篮(Chinese currency joining the SDR basket)、一照一码(one code for one license)”入选“年度十大新词语”。
而全年最活跃的“十大网络用语”则囊括了网民熟悉的“重要的事情说三遍(Important things cannot be repeated too much);世界那么大,我想去看看(The world is big and I want to see it);你们城里人真会玩儿(We can't understand you townies' behaviors);为国护盘(For the country to support the market);明明可以靠脸吃饭,却偏偏要靠才华(She could have earned a living with face, but instead, she uses her talent);我想静静(Leave me alone);吓死宝宝了(I wasn't born yesterday, but you scared me to death);内心几乎是崩溃的(I lost my control, in my heart);我妈是我妈(Prove that my mom is my mom);主要看气质(Focus on the aura)”。