Are electronic cigarettes dangerous?
At this point, the public health expert is screaming "of course you idiot, do you know nothing?"
Certainly there are very real fears that these sleek electronic tubes are hooking a new generation of kids on nicotine,and that this drug should not be considered safe and socially acceptable in any form. But as with most things,reality is a little more complex.Electronic cigarettes are primarily designed to get nicotine into your body via your lungs, without many of the downside of conventional cigarettes.
当然,一些令人担忧的因素切实存在,比如,这些时髦的电子烟卷吸引了新一代的孩子对尼古丁上瘾,这种药物从任何形式来讲都是不安全的,为社会所不能接受的 。但是从很大程度上讲,事实更加复杂 。电子烟主要是通过肺部向你体内吸入尼古丁,不过却没有传统香烟的其他负面因素 。
The beauty of the system is that you retain the physical experience of smoking, or vaping as it's called in this case, but with out the actual smoke.
这种系统的美妙之处在于,你获得了吸烟的身体体验,或者说获得了增值效应,但是却没有真正的吸烟 。
E-cigarettes use a liquid such as glycerin into which ingredients like nicotine and even flavorings are dissolved.
电子烟使用一种类似丙三醇的液体,尼古丁等成分甚至香料都被溶解为这种液体 。
When you take a puff, this liquid is vaporized on a hot wire, and forms a cloud of fine particles that,when inhaled, penetrate deep into your lungs.
当你抽烟的时候,这种液体受热蒸发,形成细小颗粒组成的雾气,当被吸入的时候,就会深入肺部 。
The good news for smokers is that electronic cigarette don't produce many of the harmful compounds that burning tobacco does.
对吸烟者来说,好消息是,电子烟不会像燃烧烟草那样生成那么多有害的化合物 。
And you get less harmful sidestream smoke than regular cigarettes produce.
而且电子烟产生的有害的侧流烟也比传统香烟更少 。
So at first blush, e-cigarettes look like a great way to get your nicotine hit.
所以,乍一看,电子烟似乎是减少尼古丁摄入量的好方法 。
They might even possibly help some people kick the smoking habit,although the jury is still out on that one.
它们甚至可能帮助一些人戒掉吸烟的习惯,然而这并不代表电子烟就是有益的 。
But vaping on a e-cigarette still means pumping your bloodstream full of a toxic substance. Nicotine is addictive.
吸食电子烟仍然意味着让你的血液中充满有害物质 。尼古丁是让人上瘾的 。
It's toxic at high doses. And it has a whole range effects at lower doses that may not be good for you.
剂量较大的尼古丁是有毒害作用的 。较低的剂量也有着各种各样的负面影响 。
But surprisingly, there's not much known about whether the occasional cape presents a significant risk.
出人意料的是,关于偶尔吸食电子烟是否产生严重的危害却并不明确 。
However, when you puff on an e-cig,it's not just nicotine you're inhaling. Recent research has shown that,in addition to what they are designed to do,some electronic cigarettes deliver a range of hazardous metals and other chemicals direct to your lungs with each inhale. Admittedly, these only seem to be present at very low levels; probably too low to be dangerous in most cases.
然而,当你吸食电子烟的时候,你吸入的不仅仅是尼古丁 。最近一份研究显示,除了原本的作用外,一些电子烟还含有许多有害的金属和其他化学物质,随着每次吸食都会直接进入肺部 。无可否认,这些物质的含量非常低 。在大部分情况下,其有害作用几乎可以忽略不计 。
But without regulations on e-cig performance and use,this may not always be the case. What's worse,because of these potential contaminants,even nicotine free electronic cigarettes may be more harmful than people think it they're not regulated.
但是鉴于电子烟的使用缺乏监管,其有害性就很难说了 。更糟糕的是,由于这些潜在的污染,如果没有有效的监管,即使不含尼古丁的电子烟可能也比人们认为的更加有害 。
That said, there's no reason why the technology can't be developed to avoid unwanted contamination. The trouble is, while agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration can potentially regulate e-cgs on the basis on their nicotine content, it's not quite so clear how much jurisdiction they have over other substances that may be in you e-puff, whether they're intended to be there, or not.
他们说,科技不能发展到避免不必要的污染的程度是没有理由的 。问题是,美国食品和药物监督管理局可以基于尼古丁的含量来监管电子烟,但是关于电子烟中是否可以含有其他物质,含量多少,却没有那么明确的判断标准 。
China aims to improve manufacturing sector
China aims to capture the trend of the latest technology revolution and industrial reform, and accelerate its industrial integration. This is according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which has laid out detailed plans on the country's new blueprint for the next five years.
The ministry says China will release more than 30 detailed plans to improve its manufacturing industry under the "Made In China 2025" initiative. The focus will be on key competitive sectors and significant projects.
Minister Miao Wei said China has undergone a slowdown in its industrial sector this year, but high-tech manufacturing has improved. He said that the innovation environment has also improved.
China boosts education quality in rural areas
In China's newly issued five-year plan, promoting universal education has again become one of the highlights. And improving education quality in rural areas has also seen an increased significance in recent years. According to the Ministry of Education, in the past 4 years, the country has lost over 1.4 million rural teachers, that's more than 30 percent of its total number in 2010.
Meanwhile, about two thirds of the teachers in rural areas hope to move to cities. To improve the situation, in this June, the State Council issued a support plan to boost the development of the career. Measures such as improving the teachers' quality, raising their pay and welfare, setting up an honor system and accelerating teachers' rotation between urban and rural areas, have all been seen in the document.
Meanwhile, authorities have also urged colleges to enhance the directed enrollment policies to raise the enrollment rate of rural students, and lower the passing score for them as well. A fairer education resource distribution and the modernization of the country's education are planned to be achieved by 2020.