每日视频新闻:PayPal脱离eBay再上市 市值超466亿
日期:2015-09-16 09:54



Youtube:PayPal脱离eBay再上市 市值超466亿















PayPal脱离eBay再上市 市值超466亿


And PayPal is already worth more than its former parent, $46.6 billion compared to Ebay’s $35 billion. PayPal was a pioneer in the field of digital payments,it’s now facing growing competition from Apple, Google and Amazon among others. I spoke to PayPal’s CEO earlier today. He told me splitting from eBay gives PayPal one crucial advantage -- independence.


“Being an independent company allows us to be a truly independent neutral third party for our customers, and so there are no conflicts of interests whatsoever being part of eBay. We can partner with any merchant in the world right now as an independent neutral third party. So that’s a big advantage for us.”


“This landscape is getting a lot more competitive obviously with Apple Pay. Do you have the mobile strategy to compete with them and anyone else who comes in the field?”


“Well, it is a very competitive marketplace, but that’s because it’s a dynamic and growing marketplace. We compete in a $25 trillion addressable market, and we have several advantages as we compete in that. But probably the biggest advantage we have is we are truly a neutral third party. Our platform that we've worked on re-architecting over last several years is both operating system and point of sale technology agnostic. We can work with any merchant, any operating system whether that be IOS, Android or Windows, and provide a seamless, consistent experience for consumers and for merchants. And last year, we did over $1 billion mobile payment transactions. So we are probably amongst, if not the leader in the world in processing mobile payments.”
“这个市场竞争非常激烈,但是因为这是动态的,不断增长的市场pv2@i=z7bzl+jEwB7=Bn。在一个拥有25兆美元可访问的市场中进行竞争,我们有几个优势M~JT5Soxth。但是可能最大的优势就是我们是真正中立的第三方x^n1y3c|MyF~F。过去几年,我们致力于改善操作系统和销售技术无关论2E=Ax!vpcR~n。我们可以与任何商家合作,可以和任何操作系统合作,无论是IOS, Android还是Windows,为用户和商家提供持续无漏洞的体验0K&wv!@4FJeeBI@3I。去年,我们处理了超过10亿次移动支付交易sr1M2%#EYKs23mj。所以,我们在处理移动支付的领域中即使不是独占鳌头,也是领先者et(*c+O#4!1.~r6=DPC%。”


“Dan, there’s been such hope with watches now, wearables whether it’s on our phone, that we are finally at the point where we are going to all, you know, transfer to this digital wallet. It was all going to be at our fingertips. Consumers… it seems a little sticky that transaction. Consumers haven’t given up their traditional wallet yet. What do you see happening in that space? What’s holding it back?”


“In store, if you are just talking about a form factor change, in other words, instead of, you know, swiping your credit card, you are tapping your phone, that’s a difficult proposition for consumers. But if it’s a true value proposition change, then I believe that consumers will start to use their mobile phones and mobile…and payments, not only online and in app, but in store, because real value can be given. For instance, you can order ahead, you can skip the line, you can get rewards. All of that are what merchants today are trying to write applications that allow them to have a more intimate relationship with their consumer. And what we as PayPal want to do is power that merchant application. It’s truly a value proposition change, not a form factor change. And when that happens, I think you will see rapid adoption of in-store mobile payments.”





Hungary enacts tough immigration laws in effect


Hungary contentious border-crossing laws have come into effect. Prime minister Viktor Orban hopes they will stem the flow of thousands of migrants entering the EU country every day.


The new legislation makes "illegal border-crossing" a crime rather than an infringement. "Unlawful crossing" of a four-meter-high fence under construction can warrant three years in prison. Damaging the barriers already in place will result in a five-year jail term, and obstructing their construction will lead to a one-year term. Those caught will be taken to guarded detention camps where their cases will be heard in fast-track special courts.


The laws are Hungary's latest bid to stem the inflow of migrants, after anti-migrant propaganda poster campaigns and the construction of the border barriers.


About 200,000 refugees and migrants have entered Hungary this year, many of them fleeing war in Syria.





Foreigners in China get a taste of mooncakes


China's Mid-Autumn Festival falls on September 27 this year. Chinese people mark the festival by getting together with their families and eating mooncakes. Though the festival is still two weeks away, some foreigners have already gotten in on the fun by taking part in a mooncake making competition.


The Mid-Autumn festival is one of the most important in China, second only to the Lunar New Year.


It would not be a proper celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival without mooncakes. This baked treat, with various flavors, is an indispensable part of the traditional festival. The round shape of mooncakes represents unity, one of the most important themes for Chinese people.


There are plenty of ingredients in a traditional mooncake, including eggs, lotus seeds and different kinds of nuts. Competition participants need to cover the balls filled with the ingredients with dough skins, then mold them into a special pattern.


It was not the first time the foreigners had tasted this special Chinese dessert, with many of them having been in the country for years, but not many have tried to make them on their own.


After their first attempt, the foreigners invite their Chinese peers to make some mooncakes together; the group who makes the best mooncake in the fastest time being the winner. But many believe it is not the winning that is important, but instead to give the mooncakes as a special gift ahead of the festival.


After the competition, the participants learned to use a Chinese writing brush to put their wishes on red lanterns, another Chinese tradition.
