BEIJING — A surprisingly large amount of Chinese employees refuse to take paid leave, a legal right for workers stipulated by Chinese law, a new survey has found.
paid leave是带薪休假;legal right是合法权利。
据人社部(Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security)调查显示,目前带薪休假的落实率仅有50%。
《人民日报》就此进行的调查表明,在政府机关、事业单位和国有企业(government organs, institutions and state-owned enterprises)工作的员工,因为担心给领导留下偷懒的坏印象(leave bosses the bad impression of being lazy),或担心休假会影响未来升迁(influence future job promotions)而不敢休假。
而从事销售工作的员工则是因为休假期间只有底薪(basic salary),没有提成(bonus)而放弃休假。另外申请手续太麻烦(complicated application procedures)也是员工放弃带薪休假的原因。
中国人民大学法学院教授刘俊海表示,落实带薪休假制度,对刺激消费(promote consumption)、促进服务业发展(the development of the service industry)、推动新常态下的经济转型(economic restructuring)都是有好处的。同时也可以缓解黄金周出行人流过于集中带来的一些社会问题和安全隐患(social and security problems)。
对于如何落实带薪休假制度,刘俊海建议,企业方面要认识到就业市场供需关系(supply and demand relationship)迟早将发生改变,带薪休假可以成为吸引人才的重要手段(ensuring paid leave may serve as an important method for employers to attract the best talent)。劳动者方面也应加强维权意识(be more aware of their legal rights)。
他指出,北京等地对带薪休假落实情况实施监察(launch inspections on the implementation of the system of annual leaves with pay),是个很好的开端。