日期:2015-05-15 09:18



Sky News:基因决定你是否长寿










毕业季来临 毕业还是失业




The secret to longevity


Accountant Sydney Brookman loves two things, working, which he’s been doing since 1937."I don’t wanna retire, I wanna keep working as long as I can live."
会计师Sydney Brookman喜爱两件事,工作——自从1937年以来一直不曾停止!d]sFW_~Mf0;wXY。“我不想退休,我想活多久工作多久leob5yh3)zg%^4X~HSt。”

And telling jokes. "I can rattle off 100 jokes, 50 I can tell, just by memory."

He is 97 years old."And I feel fine. Physically I feel great. My sexual demands may be a little less, but I can't help that."

He is a youngster compared to Rhea Tauber, a former school teacher. She writes a weekly column for her local paper and is working on her autobiography. She recently turned 100.
与Rhea Tauber相比,他已经算是年轻人了o.#hI.nb2HG。她以前是一位学校老师,现在为当地一家报纸写每周专栏,并在写自传T5W-LK_kXKrb44M~。最近她刚刚100岁Ixb&2ClGfgu^l|f4#v


"They held a big party for me on my 100 birthday and everybody in the whole county came down. Because they've never heard of anybody who is 100 years old still working."

For the last 35 years, she’s been living on her own and said she's happy that way. It keeps her on her toes.

"When I was 100 years old, they said, 'You shouldn’t be living alone. You get all steps to climb up.' But that’s good for me. It's my excercise: up and down the steps."

At a time when the American life expectancy is 78 years, there is no obvious reason why Rhea and Sydney should still be alive, much less thriving. Sydney's eating habits would make a nutritionist weep.

"I love fried chicken. I love fried fish. I hate vetegatables. I violate every dietary law." And Rhea is referred to by her own doctors as "the miracle lady". "They can’t figure out why. I love the way I do, enjoy life the way I do, go about, travel."

So why are they living as long and as well as they do? The answer, according to one doctor, is all in their genes.

"This is, for example, a box, where we store the blood and the DNA of our subjects."

For the last nine years, Doctor Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein Medical College, has been decoding the DNA of 1500 very old people and their children, trying to find the secret to longevity. Both Rhea and Sydney are enrolled in the study.
过去九年,来自阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦学院的Nir Barzilai医生一直致力于解密1500名非常长寿的老人和他们的子孙后代的DNA,试图寻找长寿的秘诀X5gV#]p~Lu。Rhea和Sydney都参加了这项研究cYSPP,D3y4QLYJ

"Only one of 10 thousand is going to be 100 and we notice that the people who get to be 100, they either delay or they don’t get age-related diseases."

So far, Barzilai has identified three genes that seem to play a big role.


"All the three genes that we've found so far are protecting from a disease that leads to diabetes and heart disease." ("What’s new?","See this one."...)

The genes appear to promote long life by protecting against the illnesses of old age, including heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s. "For centenarians, their aging has been delayed by about 30 years."

That it all comes down to the genes is no surprise to Sydney. He has an older brother, who just turned 100. And his grandmother lived until 113.

"It’s an active God. That's, it's genes from my grandma with regard to what age."


As for the rest of us, Barzilai hopes that, one day, his research will lead to a drug, (Oh, that’s it. That's a centenarian. Wow!) giving everyone a shot at living like this.


"When my granddaughter married, I was doing the Cha Cha. I was leading the Cha Cha line and the kids were screaming 'That's grandma dancing.'"






More app developers tap into food market


The online-to-offline, or O2O, catering sector in China is now a multi-billion dollar industry. It's estimated that users will order about 23 billion U.S. dollars' worth of meals online in 2015. This of course wouldn't have been possible without the fast development of mobile apps. And to expand their market share, developers are connecting with more traditional catering businesses.


Jennifer Yeh has been running her bakery for 8 years.


From a little known shop to a well-reputed choice among bread lovers, she has been content managing her business the traditional way.


But lately she's tried to expand her bakery presence online.


She made the decision after being approached by a few O2O companies, all trying to add her to their online catering services.


"I decide if this is the trend...i should consider it...we just offer service and product..they come here to photo and do all that app development...so i will try ..," Jennifer said.


It's a baby step for Jennifer and her bakery. But in contrast, the O2O catering industry is seeing a great leap forward in business growths.


From 2010 to 2014, its market size expanded by 10 times... from 9 billion yuan to 95 billion yuan. And observers estimate that number will soar to close to 140 billion yuan this year.


It’s estimated that a whopping 260 million people, or one fifth of the entire Chinese population, will be ordering food online in 2015..and this large appetite is being satisfied with a growing number of o2o companies targeting the catering industry.


This startup company called Wonderworld launched a catering app last month.


Although long-time market players like Meituan or E-le-me have taken most shares, Wonderworld's strategy isn't just about low prices and fast delivery.


They believe quality wins loyal customers.


"Unlike existing apps, our orders are more expensive because we focus on the quality of the food. We only hire the most skilled chefs, bakers and give users an exquisite experience so they're willing to pay more. We've only been online for two weeks so far. We have about 100 orders per day and most orders are over 100 yuan. It means people are willing to pay more for better tastes," Zhang Youxin, founder & CEO of Wonderworld, said.


Despite rising competition and lowering profit margins, the sector still looks attractive to venture capitalists. The start-up has already got their first cash injection... while bigger players such as Dianping and Meituan were recently valued at billions of dollars. China's hunger for online catering services is far from sated.





China's economy underperformed in April


A fresh batch of economic data coming out from China's National Bureau of Statistics and it's pointing to a lacklustre April, signifying the downward trend in China's economy.


The country's factories were still sustaining pressure in April, as industrial profits rose 5.9% year on year, missing expectations. China's fixed-asset investments continued to slow despite government support. January to April's fixed-asset investment rose a mere 12%, slower than the last period and marking a four-year low.


China's housing market also continued to drag in April. January to April's real estate investment rose 6% year on year, slower compared to the last period's 8.5%.


Meanwhile, despite the flood of individual investors pushing up the Chinese stock market, little of the gains are going to the retail sector. April's retail sales rose 10%, missing expectations.
