日期:2015-02-14 08:13

















Nut rage defendant gets one year in jail in South Korea


The daughter of the Korean Air Lines chairman is sentenced to one year in prison for violating an aviation law in a case that's become known as 'nut rage'. Last December, Heather Cho, unhappy that her nuts were served in a bag and not on a dish, ordered the plane to return to the gate after it started to taxi. She also demanded the head of in-flight service to be removed. During testimony last month, the crew chief testified that Cho behaved "like a beast" and treated the crew "like slaves". Prosecutors had sought a three year prison term.



U.S. Senate approves Carter as new defense secretary


"On the confirmation of Ashton B. Carter of Massachusetts to be the secretary of defense, the ayes are 93, the nays are 5. The motion is carried." Ashton Carter is on his way back to the Pentagon. The former deputy defense secretary and former chief weapons buyer received his final approval Thursday. During his confirmation hearings, Carter underscored his determination to boost the U.S. defense budget. He also pledged to try and drive down the cost of new weapons and make sure new technologies get to troops faster. Carter will be Obama's fourth defense secretary. He succeeds Chuck Hagel, who resigned last year.
“确认来自马萨诸塞州的阿什顿·B·卡特(Ashton B. Carter)担任国防部长,赞成票93,反对票54#3Dc0!g|gT.m#。倡议通过oq14and0=QUM=P4。”阿什顿·卡特正在返回五角大楼的途中SqnS3#ba]LtR=1hlnUMk。这位前国防副部长和前武器装备采购主管于周四接受了最终任命#5GMe-.R.+nhj。在确认听证会上,卡特强调了他增加美国国防预算的决心VDFVVxoPfKKQy|。他还承诺降低新武器的成本,确保新技术能够尽快应用于军队中!9s&YCU;u@hY!hD!。卡特将成为奥巴马任期内第四位国防部长us1)I[_(=gc%1A[。他接替去年辞职的查克·哈格尔的职位(Nj[lOhW0zVy



Indian man sues Alabama police after alleged assault


"Let me talk to you real quick." A recent arrival from India, Sureshbhai Patel is about to meet two officers from the Madison, Alabama police department. A dashbord camera in one of the officers' cars captures the conversation... and what follows.. 57-year-old Patel is flipped to the ground, the incident recorded by a camera in a second car. Police say they had received a call about a suspicious person. Patel's lawyer says his client was just walking on the sidewalk outside his son's home. He'd come to Madison just two weeks ago to help his son's family care for a 17-month-old child. Audio captures confusion among the officers. "EMS maybe? I don't know. He don't speak a lick of English. I tried patting him down because he keeps trying to walk away." When police try lifting Patel, they find he can't stand up. "You're alright. Stand up. Stand up. Can you stand up?" Patel's attorney says his client was severely injured, requiring surgery to relieve pressure on his spinal cord. Patel is now suing the city and the two officers in a civil rights complaint. Madison police officials have apologized to Patel and arrested the officer on an assault charge.
“让我快点跟你谈谈mTK;3o[f[;MLafO。”刚刚从印度来到这里,Sureshbhai Patel即将面见来自阿拉巴马州麦迪逊警察局两名警官nhk#CdoYa(qb3=*J。其中一名警官汽车仪表盘的照相机录下了对话Dj@*S0~v&1~Fz0hz2^m。随后,57岁的Patel被掀翻在地5-jvTg9R)dd&。另一辆汽车的照相机拍摄到该事故%e4U0(YS|iz[GKi。警方表示,他们收到关于可疑人员的报警MO7O_T,e2h%aSZo。Patel的律师表示,他的当事人只是在儿子家外的人行道上散步lFYhLTYt-Y)(d%xM^i7。他两周前才来到这里,帮助儿子照看17个月的婴儿FB)T0~=P@lUugf,vt(K。录像设备显示两名警察也比较困惑77W_MQdbCGj,dJCk。“可疑吗?或许是吧3wP0c)Z_RVMCS%+。他一点英语都不会说6!]Cm3Rb=zOB。我试着拍一下他,因为他总是想走开I@WuyNyx0znt!I。”当警方试图把他带走时,才发现他站不起来了^CH&IZ,OC1。“对,站起来,站起来7.EKbap+cberNJ9。你能站起来吗?”Patel的律师表示,他的当事人严重受伤,要求进行手术来缓解脊柱压力=%-hEO-D2vkK3HBW。Patel现在正对这座城市和两名警察提起民事诉讼d0|9eu8XYX[X。麦迪逊警方已经向Patel道歉,并逮捕了被控袭击的两名警察_q9H(*g)3OKG!t*le





Chaos in South Africa's parliament


Scuffles in South Africa's parliament -- opposition lawmakers are removed by force after disrupting President Jacob Zuma's annual address. Several people were injured. Moments earlier, members of the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters interrupted Zuma's speech to challenge him about graft allegations and a state-funded security upgrade of his rural home. Speaker of the House Baleka Mbete warned members, including party leader Julius Malema to sit down, but they didn't follow her orders. (SOUNDBITE) (English) LEADER OF THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS, JULIUS MALEMA, SAYING: (SOUNDBITE PART OVERLAID WITH MBETE ORDERING MALEMA TO LEAVE THE CHAMBER) "I'm not going to leave. I'm not working for you. I'm not here on your invitation, I'm elected to be here. Never, I'm not going to leave. I'm elected to be here." It was an unprecedented sign of discontent at Zuma's administration. Malema's party wears red overalls and hard hats in the chamber, to symbolise their ties to the working classes. He says members will remain defiant. (SOUNDBITE) (English) ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS (EFF) LEADER, JULIUS MALEMA, SAYING: "And we are going to continue holding this executive accountable, we are going to be part of this parliament, we not going anywhere, we will continue to raise our issues without fear or favour." The president's popularity has been waning, following what was seen as extravagant spending on his rural home, and as South Africa's economy slowed sharply.





China starts world's largest scale human migration


China's annual travel rush for the Spring Festival period began 10 days ago. During 'Chun Yun,' as it is called in Chinese, millions head to their home towns to celebrate the Lunar New Year with their families. Experts say passenger numbers are expected to surpass last year's.

The start of China’s 40-day travel spree, which will stretch over the Spring Festival period, has begun, and Chengdu Railway Station is expecting to see 24.2 million passengers, up 9 percent compared to last year. This is the period where millions in China head back to their hometowns to spend the holidays. And there is always the fear of not being able to get a ticket.


The travel period will see 13 million people traveling within Sichuan province itself. That is surge of 1 million more compared to the previous year. Similarly, nationwide, the rail system forecasts numbers to climb 10 percent; 300 million trips will be made this year during the travel rush. Planning this operation has kept rail authorities busy.

"This year, in order to provide better services for passengers who requires special assistance, we have coordinated with subway station, city bus station, and the long-distance bus station, so those people can get the immediate help," said You Jia, deputy director of Chengdu East Railway Station.


Among those who make the journey over what has been termed “the world’s large scale of human migration,” 300,000 people are shunning trains, opting instead to ride motorcycles from coastal regions back to their homes in Wuzhou, down from 400,000 during the travel rush in 2013.

In the past, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers would ride motorcycles to return home to see their families. But experts say that this year things are changing. As more manufacturing firms move inland from the coastal regions, there will be fewer bikers on the road for the long journey home.

Though train tickets cost more than traveling via motorcycle, most migrant workers still opt for rail, with about migrant workers comprising 70 percent of train passengers during the period. Even for the airline segment, travel numbers will see an 8 percent increase to an estimated 47.5 million passengers. Crowding is also expected to intensify.

According to the CAAC or Civil Aviation Administration of China, air passenger flow during the spring travel rush will jump to nearly 29 million, at a 12.5 percent increase from 2014. It has urged the air travel industry to expedite processes in a bid to lessen bottlenecks along the travel process.


"We have moved the self-service machines to spots where there are more convenient to travelers. In addition, we have also opened more kiosks and added more shifts," said Cui Lei, Chengdu-Shuangliu International Airport.

The CAAC has also stressed that airlines should improve contingency plans in case of flights delays.

  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • segmentn. 部份,瓣,弓形 vt. 分割
  • attorneyn. (辩护)律师
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • suspiciousadj. 可疑的,多疑的
  • determinationn. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • resignedadj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去
  • migrationn. 移民,移往,移动