日期:2015-04-27 08:53













毕业季来临 毕业还是失业






Are we losing too many good men to women of other races?


You know, it is very interesting.


It's a woman about the races to man, it’s a little bit…


But if we are talking about, if we are talking about to other races, it’s very interesting ,because you know, I feel as black woman, you know, and I have men tell me this, when I say, you know, we are at the clubs. I’ve been raised I am old fashion. You are at the club, you know, take your butt all over there and be up in man's faces. You know I wanna wait for the men to come over and say "hey, how are you doing?”, but then you have other woman who ran up to the man and they treat them like, and I am saying I am black woman, and they are treated like they are adored, but if I do that, I got a name for myself. Because I run it up in your face, I don't know any black women, that could go out here and make a sex tape and get a cupcake line, a clogging line, a perfume line and be toddled round ON THE ARM, ON THE ARM of an ethnic like this is my girl because you know, when we do that kind, we call super haired. We call, you know, and so when I see this kind of stuff, I’m going, wow, I am a good woman here, I am trying to raise a good black man, a boy to be a good black man. But I don't feel like I am on put on the pedestal like the other women.


Does that upset you that so many black men are married to, or dating to white women?


If you find…It doesn't upset me. If you with a woman that loves you, that is gonna treat you like you need to be treated. And she is of anther race, and then God bless you. But if you are saying but I meet a black man who go I don't wanna date, I date out the race, because you, all black women are too loud! So you put this, you make us as wide sward, you call this wide sward then hell black women are. I guess god done wrong by black men, but I’m not sitting here and go all black man is ass so I’m not go and forget all your, I don't do that! I go "no, there is some good black men out there”, but when you wanna date other races exclusive to us, yeah, then I get really upset.


Absolutely. Absolutely.


Just like they said, black women are the most loyal, that black men are the most likely to date outside their race and black women are the least likely to date outside their race. (We, yeah)Is it time for black women to open the door to possibility of dating outside their race?


Based on the numbers, they are 1.8 million more of us than there are black men. You go down the number of men that are homosexual, so they don't want women at all; you have men who are already taken in a relationship with a woman married or have a boyfriend. (all my curse is in prison)yeah~you know, there are those that are in prison, and then there those that date outside of our race like Sherri said, they want nothing to do with black women.


No.1, I think this discussion is about the issue is real, but it is kind of like a destruction, because at the end of the date, the vast majority, he knows this number, 90% of black men who get married, they marry black women. And then if we can look to some high profile black men in the media etc, and we act like this rampant prominent is much worse than it really is.






International community pledges aid and assistance


Many countries and international charities have pledged to help Nepal to deal with the disaster, with emergency supplies in dire need. Many people in the capital Kathmandu spent the night sleeping in tents, amid fears of possible aftershocks. Nepal is a popular destination for backpackers, and many have been speaking about the moment the quake struck.


The worst earthquake disaster to hit the region in more than 80 years. A Chinese tourist recalls the moment the quake struck.


"I was in a small alleyway when the earthquake struck. It knocked me over. I felt strong shaking, stones were dropping from above. I couldn't see anything as the air was full of heavy dust. The shaking went on for about 20 or 30 seconds, I can't remember exactly. When I ran into the street, I saw telegraph poles had fallen down, walls collapsed, buildings cracked. People were standing in the street. There were two strong aftershocks. Many people started crying. There were no phone signals and we couldn't send out messages," said a Chinese tourist in Nepal.


The streets of Kathmandu are now packed with thousands of people - both locals and tourists, refusing to go back to homes and hotels, afraid of possible aftershocks.


"What if the earthquake comes again and we couldn't escape? We will be buried alive. My family dare not go back home after the earthquake. We are so afraid," said a local resident.


"We have heard people say bigger and more quakes are still to come. So we slept here in the tent. This is safer, and we can make a quicker escape," said another resident.


Offers of help are now pouring in from governments around the world, with drinking water, food, medicine, and tents all badly needed.


Volunteers and staff from the Red Cross are working on the ground, helping with the search and rescue, and administrating first aid.


The Red Cross blood bank in Kathmandu is operating at full capacity.


With strong aftershocks continuing, further damage to buildings is expected, sparking more fear among people who've already suffered a terrifying 24 hours.





Urban unemployment slows in 1st quarter


Growth in China's urban unemployment rate slowed for the first time since the global financial crisis during this year's first quarter. That was the word from a news conference held Friday by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.


A spokesman for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said Friday that China's urban unemployment rate came in at 4.05 percent at the end of March.


"From January to March, China's employed rural population grew by 3.24 million, that's 200,000 less than the same period last year. By the end of March, China's registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.05 percent, lower than the 4.09 percent logged for the whole of 2014 and the 4.08 percent registered in the first quarter of last year," said Li Zhong, spokesman.


China has a population of over 1.3 billion and a workforce of 900 million. The country makes the creation of jobs its top priority. Li said more measures to help create jobs should be implemented.


"An executive meeting of the State Council was held on April 21st and a statement has been released, emphasizing that due to increasing pressure on employment this year, the government must introduce more proactive policies. New policies must be taken to encourage people to start their own business and to make innovations. We will work to help people who have lost their jobs due to structural adjustments or measures to address overcapacity to find new employment, and coordinate efforts to ensure employment can be found for people who move from rural to urban areas to find work, vulnerable urban residents who have difficulty finding jobs, and decommissioned military personnel," he said.


There'll be seven and a half million college graduates this year, a record high number adding to employment pressures. The economic slowdown has made job creation more complex and more difficult. But Li said China is making greater effort to boost entrepreneurship and innovation and create more jobs.
