每日视频新闻:经济低迷 就业困难成全球性问题
日期:2014-04-06 14:41









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Four dead after car rolls into New York City waterway


Rescue crews on scene of a tragic accident in Queens. Officials say four passengers were killed after their car plunged into a waterway that flows into New York City's East River late Friday night. Rescue divers pulled two men and two women from the vehicle submerged in Steinway Creek. The fifth occupant managed to escape with minor injuries. A breathalyzer test found him sober. All four victims - between the ages of 19 and 21 - lived in a middle-class neighborhood in Queens. Police say they're still investigating, but suspect the car hit a curb in a dead-end street around 10:30pm,before rolling into the creek.


EU hopeful but cautious over Afghan election


In the dark of night, Afghan election workers wrap up what had been a historic day. Afghans cast their ballot for a new president on Saturday. The first ever democratic transfer of power in their country's violent history. Voter turnout was higher than expected and polls stayed open much later than planned. A world away in Athens, Greece, foreign ministers of the European Union had gathered for meetings. They're hopeful, but also cautious, about this moment in Afghan history. EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton.
在夜晚的黑暗中,阿富汗选举工作人员结束了历史性的一天9SMB[1FLXH-=!Sp。周六,阿富汗人投票选举新总统ei2b#%gf#Rv!Z.。这是阿富汗暴力的历史上首次进行民主的权力过渡RvB]ZME5z6w!|(=。投票率高于预期,投票站开放的时间远远超过原计划Iuj!#kNdXptI。在希腊雅典,欧盟各国外交部长召开会议sgloU_=JBzF~。他们对阿富汗历史性的一刻抱有希望,但是非常谨慎QXUIbg_qs8er4NR。欧盟外交政策首席执行官阿什顿(Catherine Ashton):


(SOUNDBITE) (English) EU FOREIGN POLICY CHIEF CATHERINE ASHTON, SPEAKING ABOUT AFGHANISTAN, SAYING: "This will be a historic moment, if we get this right, this democratic transition...The latest information I have has been that things are going forward and we wait to see now what the results will bring."
欧盟外交政策首席执行官阿什顿(Catherine Ashton)就阿富汗问题发表讲话:“这将是历史性的一刻,如果我们正确对待这次民主过渡-J%E8_ty7)#.E。我获得的最新消息是,事情进展得比较顺利,我们现在对结果拭目以待.]P5RJrnU&z。”


Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans.
荷兰外交部长蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans)也发表了讲话Rh)J7I2V=5q~f!S#


(SOUNDBITE) (English) DUTCH FOREIGN MINISTER, FRANS TIMMERMANS, SAYING: "It is encouraging to see so many young people saying, regardless of the violence, I want to cast my vote. So it's a bit hot and cold, on the one hand you can be encouraged by the fact that so many people want to use their democratic right to vote, and on the other hand it is still impossible to have a meaningful observer mission in Afghanistan because it is too dangerous."
荷兰外交部长蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans):“看到许多年轻人说,无论暴力形势多么严峻,我都想投票,这非常令人鼓舞3DZ|9r3k]Z4A。所以,这是双面的3-Ds|MK~-l3fVQI。一方面,许多人希望行使自己投票的民主权力,另一方面,由于太过危险,向阿富汗派遣有意义的观察团仍然是不可能的1+UQuS]Pw|%(!JbKq。”


Saturday's voting was largely peaceful. There were only isolated attacks on polling stations. This, in a country racked by decades of war and during an election Taliban insurgents had vowed to derail.



Plane search goes underwater


With time running out to find the flight recorder of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 Saturday's search was the most intensive so far. The Australian navy vessel Ocean Shield has joined the hunt. It's being used to tow specialist sonar equipment that could trace locator signals from the plane's black box flight recorder. The ship's on a converging 240-kilometre course with a British vessel in the southern Indian Ocean. Royal Australian Navy Commander James Lybrand says they're hoping for a result.
随着搜索失踪马来西亚航空MH370航班的时间逐渐流逝,周六的搜索是目前为止最为集中的@nZ]eT0UFq8PBcGU1da。澳大利亚海军舰船海盾号(Ocean Shield)加入了搜索行列,用来牵引专业的声纳设备,追踪定位失踪飞机黑匣子的信号8LTQL267wr。这艘舰船在240千米的范围内搜索,而一艘英国船只在南印度洋搜索L|uqX%emMX^h]1。澳大利亚皇家海军指挥官James Lybrand表示,他们希望能够获得结果()r+lF&I9%#g0SXuU


(SOUNDBITE)(English) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY COMMANDER JAMES LYBRAND SAYING: "On board the Ocean Shield at the moment we're certainly doing all we can in the location we're at. We're running a series of parallel legs over best constructed location of MH370's last position."
澳大利亚皇家海军指挥官James Lybrand:“在海盾号上,此时此刻,我们正在现在的位置尽一切努力|se_^g=QuBYV。我们正在MH370航班最后的位置采取一系列平行的活动Ao4+v&|Y!we)tPW2m。”


Also taking part are 10 military aircraft, three civilian ones, and 11 ships. A British nuclear submarine and a Malaysian frigate were also due to join the search. Flight Lieutenant Todd Montgomery, and Australian Air Force air traffic controller, says it's important for everyone to get answers.
同时还有10架军用飞机,3架民用飞机和11艘船只参加搜救行动CYJJ-1M]*S*;xVmZVA@z。一艘英国核潜艇和一艘马来西亚护卫舰也即将加入搜索行列Km]4hHY0_D4WV7vp6A1。空军上尉,澳大利亚空军航空管制员Todd Montgomery表示,每个人都需要答案,这非常重要fz&y5hl_,9p#;n7hOI


(SOUNDBITE)(English) ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER, FLIGHT LIEUTENANT TODD MONTGOMERY SAYING: "There's a lot of people who have friends and family that are involved and they obviously have personal reasons to want some closure on what has happened."
空军上尉,澳大利亚空军航空管制员Todd Montgomery:“许多人的朋友和家人都牵涉其中,很明显,他们都有了解事实真相的个人理由@+UgYO&hMQes。”


Flight MH370 vanished on March 8th with 239 passengers and crew on board. Despite the huge international search now going into its fifth week no trace has yet been found of the people or the plane.





Experts warns of housing bubble in areas around Beijing


The Chinese government is considering policies to build a city cluster around Beijing. The policies have already pushed up property prices in the small towns around China’s capital city.


Gu An is a small town 50 kilometers from the center of Beijing, and just across a river that divides Beijing from Hebei Province. Gu An is also close to a second Beijing airport now under construction. The town’s location has made the local real estate market white hot. Local property agents say that real estate prices per square meter have risen to 8,000 yuan, up from 7,000 yuan at the end of last year. Eight thousand yuan per square meter is considered a bargain for many people in Beijing though analysts say the prices at Gu An might be just a bubble.


"This house price is basically overdrawn economies in the future. This includes Gu An’s industrial areas. We can see that the development of its real economy is behind that of the property market.


The main risk is that the fluctuation of property prices in Baoding and Gu An is too big," said Du Bingguo, Director of Research Center, China Index Academy.


Still, Gu An real estate agents say that property prices will keep rising as Beijing continues to shift administrative branches, colleges, and wholesale markets to the region.





U.S. jobless rate unchanged at 6.7% in March


US payrolls data disappointed. The U.S. economy failed to create enough jobs in March even as the abnormal winter chill dissipated.


Labor Department data shows on Friday that the US economy only allowed employers to add 192 thousand new jobs to their payrolls last month, missing a forecast of 200 thousand. That’s after adding 175,000 jobs in February. The private sector is the only contributor to job growth.


The jobless rate remained at 6.7 percent, higher than the five-year low of 6.6 percent reached in January. The data missed market expectations but the results may still leave room for the Federal Reserve to further back off from using stimulus programs.

  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • constructionn. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • constructedvt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct
  • curbn. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘 vt. 抑制,束缚,牵(
  • fluctuationn. 波动,起伏
  • commandern. 司令官,指挥官
  • transitionn. 过渡,转变
  • academyn. 学院,学术,学会