每日视频新闻:米歇尔的传奇家谱 从奴隶到第一夫人
日期:2015-04-03 11:11



ABC新闻:米歇尔的传奇家谱 从奴隶到第一夫人













Michelle Obama’s Slave Ancestry
米歇尔的传奇家谱 从奴隶到第一夫人


It is moving, it is sobering, it is a reach back into history. The tales about the family tree of first lady Michelle Obama and an American map that traces her back to the slaves and slave owners that were in her past. This woman who made it all the way to the White House. ABC's Yunji de Nies has more on the first of this journey.
非常感人,非常严肃,我们回顾一下历史vD7ZAs-=mRBQxEQ。这个故事是关于第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马的家谱和一份美国地图,将她带回家族过去的奴隶和奴隶主时代pNynf,Is;|,R*|l&(。米歇尔·奥巴马一路入主白宫成为第一夫人+af_GCMTpTCT4bo。ABC记者Yunji de Nies报道米歇尔成为第一夫人的路程]7PQgJQ@(ni-7UQrv]|[


The rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady-Michelle Obama.


Here is a journey that began more than a century ago with the death of a slave holder who left all of his property to relatives including a six-year-old girl named Malvinia valued at 475 dollars. She worked on a farm that grew wheat, corn and cotton living an unimaginable life of labour.


She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasn't kind of the notion of a plantation that we have.


With so few slaves, Malvinia likely worked in the house and laboured in the field. As a teenager, she gave birth to a son with a white man.


The child is listed in this 1870 census as a "mulatto", the term used to describe a person of mixed race. His name was Dolphus Shields,Michelle Obama's great-great-grandfather. Many families have stories like Mrs Obama did about white ancestors.
这名孩子在1870年人口普查时等级为“白黑混血儿”,用来形容不同种族联姻生下的孩子(0(6)DcJ#in-E|VQ。他的名字是Dolphus Shields,正是米歇尔·奥巴马的曾曾祖父4l*8Y&janwKAnZ[-NbI,。许多家庭的祖先都有着和奥巴马夫人一样的故事@-y;PiK2qWfS


This is a good memory of him.


Shields grew up a free man and became a carpenter. Barbie Helld was his informally adopted daughter.
Shields作为自由之身长大,成为一名木匠Ld8&[S^RlM。Barbie Helld是他非正式收养的女儿Ig0nKd0j,_P


He was just a beautiful person, full of love.


Three generations later, Marian Shields Robinson would give birth to little Michelle. In Mrs Obama Holt sees Shields.
三代以后,Marian Shields Robinson生下米歇尔V#ill2)yxcTZn%9wn-G。在奥巴马夫人身上,Holt看到了Shields的影子Q0&!X@OD0b(2


She seems to be a very loving person, and so was he. And they were just a good match.


A family that went from slavery in the south to the halls of the White House.


It's just an amazing journey.


An amazing uniquely American journey. For Good Morning America. Yunji de Nies. ABC News, Washington.
这是非常振奋人心的独特的美国梦历程a)6L3oHSKcdgDjbMC。ABC新闻早安美国节目,Yunji de Nies在华盛顿报道RQCjS,ASa5%_eb





China faces aging situation and medical difficulties


Now for more on this, we are joined in studio by CCTV's Jin Yingqiao.


Q1, Yingqiao, go deeper into the nation's aging population problem, and the latest initiative to care for them?


Jin: It is such a pressing issue, especially in view of the country's economic landscape. As some put it: the nation is aging before it gets rich. What's more alarming is that, according to official estimates, the number of elderly people with disabilities is going to surpass 46 million by 2020. For them , a regular nursing home is just not enough, even if they can manage to secure a place there. What they need is medical care, ideally within where they live. And now the government is addressing this issue, by equipping nursing homes with professional medical functions. Take a look.


"Bed blocking" is a common scenario in China's hospitals... especially for elderly patients.


Many of them remain there for months, or even years, after they have recovered...


"When asked whether she could go home, I always say 'no'. She was given a tracheotomy and needs medication every day to prevent infection. If she stays at home, when an incident occurs, she needs to go there by ambulance. It's not convenient," Patient's relative Mr. Xu said.


Extra beds for intensive care units have been set up in hospitals across Shanghai, but demand is far beyond the supply.


The hospital wants those recovered to transfer to nearby nursing homes. But relatives argue there's inadequate medical equipment and care at these facilities.


"I've visited several local nursing homes, and they don't have sputum aspirators. It's lethal when phlegm blocks her windpipe," Patient's relative Mr. Xu said.


To free up beds for those in urgent need, Shanghai has set up several "intensive care nursing homes", where medical staff from various hospitals are available for basic health care and treatment.


But relatives expect more than that.


"We know old people want to get IV in bed, but as part of the pilot program, the hospital requires all patients to go to a transfusion room,"


Nursing director with Shanghai Pudong Intensive Care Nursing Home said.


"Medical treatment is essential for elderly care. I think the government should set a standard for intensive care units at nursing homes," Yu Ming, president of Shanghai Pudong Intensive Care Nursing Home, said.


Challenges certainly remain and as experts say the country is aging rapidly, a lack of medical services and staff will exacerbate an already-sensitive situation.


Jin: Currently, Shanghai is proposing this 90-7-3 program as an answer to elderly care. Namely, 90 percent of the elderly will stay at home for care; 7 percent will rely on the community; while 3 percent rely on nursing homes. So the target of this pilot program is just improving on the 3 percent, and that is really a huge challenge.


Q2, And what experiences can we learn from other places?


Jin: Well, actually, there are quite a lot of examples from abroad. In Denmark, their focus is on the training of personnel within the nursing homes. It's reported that, initially, caregivers had a low social status in the country, which is, to some extent, also pretty true in China. But Denmark managed to build a very professional caregiver team, first by the government enforcing a twice-annual work-environment inspection for caregivers...and, secondly, schools producing high-level talent in the field. In Japan, a country with a large elderly population...routine things like rehabilitation and first-aid care are performed by nursing homes, and patients with serious illnesses are sent to nearby hospitals. So in that case, nursing homes actually outsource their medical services to hospitals.





Cold snap brings winter back to Xinjiang and Gansu


China's northwest regions of Xinjiang and Gansu have been experiencing a lot of extreme weather since the start of the spring season.


Affected by the cold wave coming in from Siberia, heavy snow has hit the northern part of Xinjiang's Yili, Bozhou, Tacheng and Tianshan areas since Tuesday. The temperature dropped by five to eight degrees Celsius, and it brought the region "back to winter overnight". Meanwhile,dusty weather has swept northern China since last weekend, bringing strong winds and dust to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and Shaanxi. Jiuquan city in Gansu province even experienced strong sandstorms yesterday. It is already the fourth time this year that sandstorms have hit the country's northern regions -- double the number during the same period last year.


A sudden snowfall has hit China's northwest Xinjiang region. In Qinghe county -- of Xinjiang's north A'letai area -- local houses and streets are covered in sheets of white. Residents say it's unusual to see such extreme weather in April.


"There wasn't too much snow yesterday. But overnight the snow was so heavy. The weather was warm two days ago but then it turns to be like this. I am still not used to the change," Local resident Zhang Lucheng said.


The snow is as thick as 20 centimeters in some places in the city. But the cold weather snap has provided rural areas with the greatest problems. In Fuhai county -- of A’letai area -- the local farmers say half of their 5,000 wheat crops have been damaged and 1,600 sheep were lost in the heavy snowstorm. The local agricultural department predicts the total economic loss could reach 270,000 yuan.


"We will give the technical guidance to our farmers and try to do some remedial works to minimize the losses," Wang Min with Local Agriculture Technique Promotion Station said.


The National Meteorological Center says the snow and rain is likely to continue there in the coming week. But, thankfully, weather in Gansu is improving. Just yesterday, Jiuquan -- in the northwest of the province -- was suffering through a brutal sandstorm. Heavy dust and strong winds made it impossible for road travel. In some places, visibility was reduced to less than 30 meters. The Mogao Caves -- a popular local tourist site -- closed down for the day. However, the local meteorology center cancelled the sandstorm alert today as the sky turned blue once again.

  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧
  • wheatn. 小麦,小麦色
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷
  • convenientadj. 方便的,便利的
  • carpentern. 木匠 v. 做木工活
  • personneln. 职员,人事部门
  • meteorologyn. 气象学,气象状态