日期:2014-04-12 07:45









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Hillary Clinton dodges shoe during Las Vegas speech


Hillary Clinton takes it all in her stride. The former Secretary of State appeared non-plussed as a woman hurled a shoe at her in protest, as Clinton delivered a speech at a hotel in Las Vegas. Clinton crouched to dodge the flying object as she stood on stage and continued with her remarks. The protester had been denied access to the event but had pushed past security, she was later taken into custody by the Secret Service and hotel security. The former First Lady, who is said to be thinking about running for president again, joked about the incident as she talked to around 1,000 people attending a metal recycling conference. "Is that somebody throwing something at me?" Clinton asked, according to media reports. "Is that part of Cirque du Soleil?" "My goodness, I didn't know that solid waste management was so controversial," she added.



Obama's health secretary resigns


According to a White House official, Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services, has resigned. She became the public face for the problem-plagued start to the enrollment period for Obamacare. A second official said President Obama has chosen Sylvia Mathews Burwell, his budget director, as her successor. He is expected to announce the change with Sebelius and Burwell at his side at the White House on Friday.
据白宫官员称,美国卫生和公众服务部长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯(Kathleen Sebelius)辞职Ze^;6vxAFZi。由于奥巴马医改登记问题重重,她成为公众指责的对象+LqV)TrP+7t。另外一名官员表示,奥巴马已经选择预算局长波维尔(Sylvia Mathews Burwell)接管卫生部j_QYwL2R#h&xK。预期奥巴马将于周五在白宫亲自宣布西贝利厄斯和波维尔的职位变动RTzy0hzJts!iO+



Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Auckland harbour


It was a right royal showdown. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held a yachting duel in waters off Auckland..and it appears that Kate rules the waves. The British Duchess won two races piloting an America's Cup sailing boat, leaving William trailing in her wake. Back on dry land, Kate could not hide her delight. While, the Duke joked about his lack of sealegs. It's the fifth day of their tour of New Zealand. The royal couple have taken their baby son George on the trip. Earlier, Kate and William visited an air force base, sharing parenting tips with serving airmen and women.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE STAFF SARGENT JASON SPENCER SAYING: "It's good to see he's very well trained. Emily's dummy fell out of her mouth and he had it picked up within two seconds on the floor."
新西兰皇家空军职员JASON SPENCER:“我们可以看到他受到很好的训练jSR]=#U%h!,^9。Emily的假奶嘴从嘴里掉下来了,威廉王子两秒钟内就从地板上捡起来e0jtfWU*GkUySk1n。”


As for George, he won't be making any more appearances during his parents' 19-day tour of New Zealand and Australia, but he continues to be the main focus of attention.






India's national elections enter crucial phase


India has begun the third phase of polling in its national general elections. It’s the biggest phase so far, with 91 seats up for grabs in key areas, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Kerala, with voters divided on issues such as development, inflation and corruption.


Long queues, people from across the spectrum and a hope for change. As India’s capital New Delhi went to polls people came out in large numbers to caste their ballot. Out of 91 seats that went to poll on Thursday, Delhi has 7 seats but going by history the mood in Indian capital has been indicative of the national mood. Even as congress president Sonia Gandhi and other big leaders came out to vote. Going by opinion polls, the ruling congress party is on its way out.


"People are voting for development and people are voting for the good work we have done collectively." Congress General Secretary Ajay Maken said.


The congress party found itself in many high profile corruption scandals and that is what makes the main opposition party BJP or Bhartiya Janta Party confident. It’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is hoping to reach New Delhi soon by winning the national elections, but the anti-corruption - Aam admi party is expected to play a spoiler.


"These 2014 elections will be the defining moment in Indian electoral history. I am telling you these elections will be the game changer in Indian democracy." Aam Admi Party Candidate Ashutosh said.


"This time, not just Delhi, but all of India will see the stable government that it needs, and that government will be formed by the BJP." BJP candidate Meenakshi Lekhi said.


Right at the heart of Delhi lies Chandni Chowk or old delhi constituency. Traditionally a congress party stronghold, this time round the people are looking for a different recipe.People in this area are still voting for basic issues like water and electricity.
What stands out across the length and breadth of India is the number of young voters. India saw a massive 100 million new voters added to it’s list this year, all expecting change.


Chetan Bhardwaj is a first time voter, he says he is voting for a better future. A fall in growth, lack of jobs and high prices have put pressure on a young population with aspirations.


"In today’s India there is corruption everywhere. As a first time voter I want the government to be basically fair enough to stand on my vote." First time voter Chetan Bhardwaj said.


In 2009 elections the ruling congress party won all 7 seats in Delhi. This time round it won’t be easy with a confident Bhartiya janta Party and newly formed Aam Admi Party, but for every party which has its eyes on the Indian parliament, the race starts from Delhi.





Top-level Asian forum kicks off


The Boao Forum has been underway for two days now but it officially opens today. Politicians, businessmen and economists from around the world, including Nobel Prize winner Edmund Phelps and former Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo have gathered in Boao to discuss future cooperation in Asia.


The four-day meeting has been themed "Asia's New Future: Identifying New Growth Drivers". Participants are exploring news ways in which Asian economies can be reformed.


The discussions in the first two days were dominated by innovation and financial reform, as well as other issues like urbanization, property prices, energy and global finance. A variety of important dialogues are expected in the coming days, including the China-Russia Energy and Finance Dialogue, China-Australia business leaders' dialogue and the China-Japan CEO dialogue.


Organizers of the Forum say its mission is promoting common development in Asia through further integration of the regional economy.

  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • polln. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数 v. 做民意测验,获得
  • dueln. 决斗,斗争 v. 决斗,斗争
  • striden. 步伐,一大步,大步走,进步 vt. 跨骑,跨 vi
  • inflationn. 膨胀,通货膨胀
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • stableadj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的 n. 马厩,马棚,一批
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • crucialadj. 关键的,决定性的