每日视频新闻:多伦多市长承认吸毒 拒绝辞职
日期:2013-11-06 20:47



路透社:多伦多市长承认吸毒 拒绝辞职




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Toronto mayor apologizes for smoking crack, will not resign
多伦多市长承认吸毒 拒绝辞职


A repentant mayor faces his public. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologized profusely on Tuesday for smoking crack cocaine.
这位市长面对公众时后悔万分@l!r2qFC(=d(。周二,多伦多市长福特(Rob Ford)因吸食高纯度可卡因向公众真诚地道歉qUtj)Tgc2,


SOUDNBITE: TORONTO MAYOR ROB FORD SAYING: "There is only one person to blame for this and that is myself. I know that admitting my mistake was right thing to do and I feel like a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders."
多伦多市长福特(Rob Ford):“关于这件事,要责备的只有一个人,那就是我自己ZZo(ODR@(RWnu#Q[8zY。我知道,承认错误是正确的,我感觉心中一块巨石终于落地StAuW;%UR_mDz+R_j7。”


A visibly emotional Ford promised he'll never smoke crack again but insisted he's keeping his job and will run for re-election next year.


SOUDNBITE: TORONTO MAYOR ROB FORD SAYING: "I love my job, I love this city, I love saving taxpayers money and I love being your mayor."
多伦多市长福特(Rob Ford):“我热爱我的工作,我热爱这座城市,我希望为纳税者省钱,我希望继续做你们的市长amMd+N9o]lmW&=l。”


Ford said on Tuesday he probably smoked crack cocaine in what he described as one of his "drunken stupors," but insists he's not an addict. He spoke just days after Toronto's police chief confirmed police have a video that shows the mayor smoking the drug.



Death toll rises in Lagos building collapse
拉各斯建筑倒塌 死亡人数上升


In Nigeria's port city of Lagos, anxious relatives wait for news about their loved ones. As many as 50 people are still trapped under the rubble of a four story building that collapsed while under construction on Monday. Authorities say the number of dead has risen to at least five. Families mill about the debris as rescue workers pull out more bodies. One of the survivors, a construction worker, says he was inside the building when it started to come down.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) ABABIO SAMSON, CONSTRUCTION WORKER, SAYING: "I was up there at the last decking when the building just collapsed so from there, the building just took us to the ground; they used rope to carry us out."
建筑工人ABABIO SAMSON:“我当时就在最后一层的露天平台上,建筑突然开始倒塌,我们直接被抛到地面上yV%T(gw,T21P@。他们用绳子把我们救出来Q,qMhXS,FAVkA。”


This is prestigious Victoria Island, on a lagoon set back from the Atlantic, home to some of Africa's most expensive real estate. Building disasters are common in Nigeria. Regulations aren't always enforced, and that often leads to structures erected quickly and - sometimes - unsafe.



Protesters wearing masks descend on Washington, D.C


Hundreds of protesters with their faces covered marched through the streets of Washington D.C. for the Million Mask March. As they headed for the White House, demonstrators had a message for the President. The march in Washington, D.C. is part of a global movement being held in cities around the world. Protesters associated with such groups as the Occupy and Anonymous movements are demanding an end to social injustice and government and corporate greed. The rally coincides with Guy Fawkes Day, a celebration to mark the unsuccessful attempt to blow up the British Parliament in 1605.






China Mobile net profit drop 9% in Q3


Chinese biggest mobile telecom provider China Mobile is blaming instant-messaging apps such as Wechat for a sharp drop in profits.


China Mobile said earlier this week that its net profit dropped nearly 9 percent in the third quarter of this year, and it said instant-messaging apps have created what it calls severe difficulties for the company.


"The conflict was very much there. They feel very very unhappy. They never expect WeChat to be a competitor. And all of a sudden, you can even make a video call for free using WeChat. And that eclipses the profit of the mobile service carriers." CEIBS’ professor Cai Shujun said.


China’s biggest instant-messaging app operator Tencent says its has about 600 million WeChat users in China, and another 40 million overseas. Some say WeChat lets them do things they can’t with regular phone calls or text messages.


“I will follow the accounts that provide good articles, and they are much like magazines. And I also follow my bank account,through which I can collect my credit points and some gifts.” Wechat user said.


“I connected my bank account to my WeChat account, and I subscribed to some business accounts for coupons. I talk with friends and family, which saves me money on my phone bill.” Wechat user said.


WeChat added a payment function in August, and it also began selling business accounts for 300 yuan a year. These accounts enable business owners to get some information about ordinary users and to push advertisement to their accounts directly.


“The initiative plan is to penetrate to the market. And most of commercial entities, they will think of a way to give you some incentive to use it. So after they become addicted to the apps, then they start thinking about making money.” Professor Cai said.


But another analyst said instant-messaging app operators don’t really cut off the profits of Chinese mobile service carriers as bandwidth providers.


“The app operators have to compete for users by providing enought brandwidth to make their services smooth. When the number of users reach a certain level, the apps like WeChat will demand huge bandwidth for their services, and very much rely on mobile service carriers.” CBS Interactive Gu Weiran said.


WeChat’s monthly revenues have been estimated at 300 million yuan.


CCTV9:英国使馆窃听德国 德外长要求英方解释



Germany confronts UK over spy claims
英国使馆窃听德国 德外长要求英方解释


Germany has summoned the British ambassador to discuss a report saying the UK has been operating a covert spying station in Berlin, using hi-tech equipment housed on the embassy roof.


British newspaper The Independent claims Britain’s surveillance agency is operating a network of "electronic spy posts" from within a stone’s throw of the Bundestag and German chancellor’s office. The Foreign ministry has asked for an explanation.

  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • greedn. 贪心,贪婪
  • resignv. 辞职,放弃,顺从,听任
  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • milln. 磨坊,磨粉机,工厂 v. 碾碎,磨,(使)乱转
  • incentiveadj. 刺激的,鼓励的 n. 刺激,鼓励,动机
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • commercialadj. 商业的 n. 商业广告
  • explanationn. 解释,说明