日期:2014-03-04 10:34









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Pakistan court attacked


The aftermath of an attack by gunmen on a court in a busy shopping area of Pakistan's capital, Islamabad. At least 11 people have been killed. At least 30 more have been wounded. Witnesses described hearing several blasts and then shooting.


(SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) KHWAJA JAVAID IQBAL, LAWYER, SAYING: "There were three or four explosions. All the judges and lawyers in the court ran for shelter. The police retaliated with some firing, then when we heard chants of Allah o Akbar we realised that the Taliban had attacked. After that they kicked the doors of chambers and fired at the lawyers inside."
律师KHWAJA JAVAID IQBAL:“共发生了三起或四起爆炸h[WGBExtMLs4,o(KcbZa。法庭内所有法官和律师都奔往避难所N=Clf]MD6FiU#w5LAh2f。警方开枪还击,随后我们听到有人高呼Allah akbar,我们意识到发动袭击的是塔利班分子*WCsn4T_)xTb%DaKVV。随后,他们踢开法庭大门,向里面的律师开枪=VZ3eC9f^h~E]6B51。”


There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bloodshed. The Taliban called a month-long ceasefire at the weekend in an effort to revive peace talks. The attack on Islamabad, though rare, is likely to show the central Taliban leadership doesn't have complete control of its operations.



Ukraine accuses navy chief of treason


Ukraine's navy chief swears allegiance to Crimea's pro-Russian regional authorities, another twist in the unfolding saga. Denis Berezovsky faces treason charges after he failed to resist and laid down his weapons during the Russian blockade of his headquarters. Another admiral's taken his place in charge of the navy as prosecutors launched a criminal investigation against him. On Sunday there were pro- and anti-Russian demonstrations a day after Moscow approved military intervention on Ukraine's soil. The bloodless seizure of Crimea by Russian forces has unleashed a wave of international condemnation and calls for their withdrawal. NATO's secretary general says Moscow's actions are illegal.
乌克兰海军司令宣誓效忠克里米亚亲俄罗斯地方政府,这个不断发展的事件中又一个转折点tp.hzV0Xmny。在俄罗斯军队封锁海军总部期间,别列佐夫斯基(Denis Berezovsky)未能抵抗,并缴械投降,面临叛逃控罪MucZUT=162XDiN。在检察官对别列佐夫斯基进行罪行调查期间,另外一名海军将领接替他的职位负责海军事务rM]EM(f_(![]L。周日,莫斯科赞同军队进入乌克兰国土一天之后,支持和反对俄罗斯的民众纷纷举行了示威活动B4P~kZ[J,,%da6Ki0。俄罗斯军队不经战争占领克里米亚引发国际社会一系列谴责,要求他们撤退P.C+Lj!Q|%XA!d。北约秘书长表示,莫斯科的行为是非法的PU=f3A(-mE(&JD;VyxT)


(SOUNDBITE) (English) NATO SECRETARY GENERAL ANDERS FOGH RASMUSSEN SAYING: "Military action against Ukraine by forces of the Russian Federation is a breach of international law. It contravenes the principles of the NATO-Russia Council and the partnership for peace."
北约秘书长拉斯穆森 (Anders Fogh Rasmussen):“俄罗斯联邦军队对乌克兰采取的军事行动是违法国际法律的,是违背北约-俄罗斯理事会及其合作伙伴追求和平的精神的kwQ*]W==;3mlRo(j(G。”


The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has given tentative support to U.S. calls for a Ukraine monitoring mission. The 57-nation group held informal talks on Sunday ahead of a meeting of its permanent council on Monday.



North Korea frees Australian


Australian missionary John Short was shown on North Korean tv on Monday apparently confessing to the crime for which he was jailed in Pyongyang.
周一,澳大利亚传教士约翰·肖特(John Short)出现在朝鲜电视台,承认了自己的罪行BiEM+uu,6y)wM。他因罪被关押在平壤监狱k7tt!&MxKi


(SOUNDBITE) (English) JOHN SHORT, AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY, SAYING: "I deeply apologise for what I have done, spreading my Bible tracts on February the 16th, the birthday of his Excellency Kim Jong-il."
澳大利亚传教士约翰·肖特(John Short):“我在2月16日伟大领袖金正日生日当天布道,我为自己的行为深切地道歉lgjub51Do!2U]Tx。”


Hours later the 75-year-old was stepping off a plane in Beijing a free man after North Korea said it was deporting him because of his age. Short, jailed by North Korea in February, left Beijing airport without speaking to reporters. His wife Karen said she was delighted he was free.
几个小时后,朝鲜称由于约翰·肖特(John Short)已经75岁高龄,下令将其驱逐出境uX],DS%Wp,@#DIT+。约翰·肖特(John Short)随后在北京登上飞机ihxDE*|FsCC|Mxt3Xo_@。2月份被朝鲜关押的肖特(John Short)未接受记者采访就离开北京机场m*,)i^tCo)@9LO。他的妻子凯伦表示,丈夫重获自由她感到非常高兴h0l_l8e0TF.F~


(SOUNDBITE) (English) KAREN SHORT, WIFE OF MISSIONARY JOHN SHORT, RESPONDING TO QUESTION ABOUT WHETHER SHE'S SURPRISED BY HIS RELEASE: "Ah, no. Thankful. Really thankful. I don't know how you can make thankful more thankful. Ten thousand times thankful is how I feel. And I don't think words can fit big enough. But that's what I feel, yes. "
传教士约翰·肖特(John Short)的妻子凯伦·肖特(Karen Short),被问到是否对丈夫的获释感到惊讶时回应:“不,我非常感激gPGB5YHhUd。真的非常感激@E~jlCK8ELi。我不知道怎样表达感激之情[;74O2J^H.[SZwR3。无以伦比Wg4mTzb6Y6E8(*E@qX。我觉得语言难以表达5WN)3UM,|XyGS。但是这就是我的感觉,是的].n75oZC;rx&%4Q。”


Last week North Korea released video of a South Korean missionary apparently confessing to spying and planning to establish a secret church. The man identified by the North as Kim Jong Uk spoke at what appeared to be a stage-managed media conference. North Korea says it espouses religious freedom but is ranked as one of the world's most oppressive regimes in that respect.
上周,朝鲜发布了一段视频,一名朝鲜传教士承认间谍行为,并计划建立秘密教堂7XJaX=Y;=cnSy0#|[AZd。这个名叫Kim Jong Uk的男子似乎是在国家控制的媒体新闻发布会上讲话k-,J6s3#ze-q+k0R。朝鲜表示,他们支持宗教自由,但是却被评为全世界宗教信仰方面压迫性最强的地方Y%nvtPT3*g]






Top actors and actresses gather for 86th Academy Awards


It's Oscar night in Hollywood, and the biggest stars in the world of cinema are attending the 86th Academy Awards at the Dolby Theater.


Jared Leto has been named best supporting actor for his role of the trans-gender woman in the AIDS drama "Dallas Buyers Club", while the best supporting actress Oscar has gone to new comer Lupita Nyong’o from "12 Years a Slave". "Frozen" has won best animated film.


Over 3,000 guests are attending the event along with hundreds of reporters. The ceremony is being hosted by American comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.





NATO urges Russia to bring troops back to base


NATO has warned Russia that military action against Ukraine is against international law. It has also expressed grave concern over the Russian parliament's authorization of the use of force.


After an emergency meeting of NATO ambassadors in Brussels, the alliance called on Russia to order its forces back to bases and refrain from interfering in Ukraine. It urged both parties to immediately seek a peaceful solution through dialogue.


Speaking before the meeting on Sunday, NATO chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, warned that Russia’s actions were unacceptable. He said Russia’s seizure of Crimea is a threat to peace in Europe and the situation must be "de-escalated.

  • tentativeadj. 试验性质的,暂时的,犹豫不决的
  • condemnationn. 谴责,非难,定罪, 非难或定罪的理由
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • graven. 坟墓,墓穴 adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄重的
  • resistv. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住 n. 防蚀涂层
  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • unacceptableadj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • revivevt. 使重生,恢复精神,重新记起,唤醒 vi. 复生
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱