新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List7:Unit4
日期:2015-04-02 11:38



【考法1】n./ adj. 业余爱好者(对艺术或知识领域涉猎浅薄者)/ 缺乏专业技术的:a person having asuperficial interest in an art/ lacking or showing a lack of expert skill

【例】Dilettantewatch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance. 外 行 看 热 闹 , 内 行 看 门 道 。|| Many dilettante efforts could be seen at the sidewalk art show. 街边艺术展上可以看到很多技术业余的作品

【近】dabbler,amateur, nonexpert, nonprofessional, cognoscente

【反】authority,expert, pro, professional, specialist 专家


【考法1】adj. 勤勉的,辛勤的:characterized by steady,earnest, and energetic effort: painstaking

【例】A newbride is diligent for three days. 新娶媳妇三日勤。|| a student who has been unceasingly diligent in pursuit of adegree in mathematics. 一个不断勤奋追求数学学位的学生

【近】assiduous,industrious, sedulous, engaged, hopping, tied-up

【反】idle,inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied 空闲的


【考法1】v. 稀释:to make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such aswater/ of relatively low strength or concentration

【例】dilute acolor 稀释色彩|| adilute acid that's safe to handle in the classroom 稀释了的可以安全在教室处理的酸


【反】condense,densify, concentrate, thicken 使浓缩

【考法2】vt. 削弱:to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture

【例】The hiringof the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president. 新的CEO 削弱了董事长的



【反】fortify,strengthen 增强


【考法1】v. 变小,减少:to become smaller or less

【例】diminishan army's strength 削弱军队力量|| The sound of the train diminished as our distance from it

increased. 当我们距离火车的越远时,火车的声音就越小。

【近】abate, dwindle,lessen, lower, reduce, decline

【反】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, increase,raise, balloon 增加,增大

【考法2】v. 轻视,贬低:to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : belittle

【例】diminish arival's accomplishments 贬低对手的成就

【近】belittle,deprecate, depreciate, disparage

【反】acclaim,applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, praise 赞美


【考法1】n. 喧闹声,嘈杂声:a loud continued noise

【例】The din ofthe engines was deafening. 引擎的嘈杂声震耳欲聋。|| There's always a great din from the cafeteria during lunch. 午餐时间经常从咖啡店里传来很大的喧闹声。

【近】blare,bluster, cacophony, chatter, clamor, discordance, racket, rattle, roar

【反】quiet,silence, still 安静

【考法2】v. 重复:to say or state again

【例】Safetylessons dinned into us over and over. 我们一遍又一遍的进行安全教育。

【近】iterate,rehearse, reiterate dingy

【考法1】adj. 昏暗的,肮脏的:darkened with smoke andgrime; dirty or discolored.

【例】A dingyroom is always Dickensian image of the poor. 一个肮脏而昏暗的房间经常作为狄更斯时代的穷人形象。|| The bed sheets were pretty dingy so we threw them in the laundrypile. 床单太脏了以至于我们把 它扔进了脏衣服堆。

【近】darkened,dirty, bedraggled, bemired, besmirched, dusty, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged,soiled, sordid, stained, sullied

【反】clean,cleanly, immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied 干净的


【考法1】adj. 主教管辖区的:of or relating to a diocese

【例】nationalor diocesan authority 国家或教区权利



【考法1】adj. 使用策略的,机智的:employing tact andconciliation especially in situations of stress

【例】be very diplomaticwith awkward clients 总是有办法对付难缠的顾客

【近】diplomatic, politic

【反】gauche,impolitic, tactless, undiplomatic, untactful 笨拙的,不机智的


【考法1】adj. 不吉利的,不祥的:being or showing a sign ofevil or calamity to come

【例】a direforecast of a plunge in stock prices 股市大跌不祥的预测

【近】baleful,direful, foreboding, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, portentous,sinister, threatening

【反】propitious, unthreatening 吉利的,吉祥的

【考法2】adj. 可怕的,恐怖的:causing fear

【例】a seriesof dire tremors that hinted at a volcanic eruption 一系列暗示火山爆发的恐怖的震动

【近】alarming,dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening,frightful, ghastly,

hair-raising, horrendous, horrible,horrifying, intimidating, redoubtable, scary, shocking, terrible, terrifying

【考法3】adj. 迫切的:needing immediate attention;urgent

【例】There is adire need for food and medicine in the famine-stricken country. 在闹饥荒的国家迫切需要食物和药品。

【近】immediate,burning, compelling, critical, crying, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious,importunate, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent

【反】nonurgent,noncritical 不迫切的

【考法4】adj. 悲惨的:causing or marked by anatmosphere lacking in cheer

【例】With stockprices steadily falling, these are dire days on the trading floor. 股价稳步走低,交易大厅一片悲惨的景象。

【近】cheerless,chill, depressing, depressive, desolate, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary,funereal, glum, lugubrious, miserable, morose, saturnine, somber, sullen,sunless, wretched

【反】bright,cheerful, cheering, cheery, festive, gay, sunshiny 愉快的


【考法1】n. 挽歌:a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music

【例】Thisfuneral dirge is for the dead friend. 这首葬礼挽歌是写给故去的朋友的。

【近】elegy, requiem

  • threateningadj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现
  • exigentadj. 迫切的;紧急的;苛求的
  • declinen. 衰微,跌落; 晚年 v. 降低,婉谢
  • diminishedadj. 减退了的;减弱的 v. 减少;削弱(dimin
  • dirgen. 挽歌,哀乐,庄重悲哀的乐曲
  • idleadj. 无目的的,无聊的; 懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的
  • forbiddingadj. 可怕的,令人难亲近的 动词forbid的现在分
  • diligentadj. 勤奋的,用功的
  • dreadn. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事 adj. 可怕的,可怖的
  • adeptadj. 熟练的,老练的 n. 名手,专家