新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List6:Unit4
日期:2015-03-23 11:30



【考法1】adj. 有斑点的,花的:marked with small spots orcontrasting with the background; mottled, spotted

【例】a dappledfawn 一只小花鹿

【近】blotchy,mottled, specked, piebald, splotched, stippled

【反】unspotted 没有斑点的

【考法2】adj. 色彩斑斓的:having blotches of two ormore colors

【例】a forestthat was vibrant with the dappled foliage of autumn 充满秋天的生机、色彩斑斓的森林

【近】marbled,mottled, piebald, pinto, splotched, spotted


【考法1】adj./n. 大胆鲁莽的(人):foolishlyadventurous or bold

【例】Hisdaredevil stunts are sure to end in disaster someday. 玩火者必自焚。

【近】audacious,brash, madcap, overbold, reckless, temerarious

【反】circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, wary 小心谨慎的

【考法2】adj. 不考虑后果的:having or showing a lack ofconcern for the consequences of one’s actions

【例】adaredevil driver who thinks that racing on city streets is a harmless game 不计后果的司机认为在大


【近】foolhardy,irresponsible, harum-scarum

【反】responsible 负责任的


【考法1】vi. 突然移动:to move suddenly and rapidly

【例】The dogdarted across the street. 狗飞奔过马路。

【近】flicker,flitter, flutter

【考法2】n. 公开侮辱:an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurtanother's feelings

【例】The dartsflew fast and furiously when the two former lovers bumped into each other atthe party. 旧

情人在party 上偶遇,立马开始激烈的人身攻击。

【近】affront,barb, offense, sarcasm, slight, slur


【考法1】vt. 使胆怯,吓倒:to lessen the courage or confidence of

【例】She wasnot at all daunted by the size of the problem. 她根本没有被问题的大小给吓倒。

【近】demoralize, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve

【反】embolden,make resolute, hearten 使大胆,鼓舞

【派】dauntlessundaunted a. 无畏的,大胆的

【反】pusillanimous, trepid, craven, easily discouraged, meek, timorous 胆怯的


【考法1】v. 闲荡,虚度光阴:to spend time idly

【例】dawdle theday away 闲荡一天

【近】bum,dally, loll, loaf, lounge, hang about, kick around

【反】hie 匆忙,抓紧

【考法2】v. 拖拖拉拉:to move or act slowly

【例】If youcontinue to dawdle, we'll be late for sure. 你要是再拖拉,我们铁定要迟到了。

【近】crawl,creep, dally, dillydally, lag, linger, loiter, tarry

【反】bolt,hasten, course, dash, speed, scurry


【考法1】n. 不动情的言行举止,无动于衷:impassively matter-of-fact, as in style, behavior, or expression

【例】a deadpancomedy 一个没有笑点的喜剧

【近】catatonic,expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, stolid, vacant

【反】demonstrative, expressive 有表现力的


【考法1】n. 供应不足:an inadequate supply

【例】a dearthof evidence 证据不足

【近】want,deficit, insufficiency, paucity, pinch, scantiness, scarcity, undersupply

【反】plethora,spate, copiousness, abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence 过剩,丰富


【考法1】n. 溃败:a complete failure; fiasco

【例】thedebacle of the war 战争的彻底失败

【近】bummer,calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, fiasco, fizzle, flop, washout

【反】completesuccess, éclat,blockbuster 大成功


【考法1】vt. 从船或者飞机上卸货:to unload, as from a ship or an airplane

【例】theseasick passengers debarked as soon as the ship dropped anchor 晕船的乘客等到轮船一靠岸抛



【反】embark 上船,装货


【考法1】v. 贬低,贬损:to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyes

【例】ourfailure to win a single game completely debased 我们一场未胜的战绩彻底让我们的形象一落千丈

【近】abase,debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, profane, subvert,vitiate

【反】aggrandize, canonize, deify, elevate, exalt, ennoble 使神圣