新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List5:Unit6
日期:2015-03-15 11:20



【考法1】adj. 引起争论的:likely to cause contention;argumentative

【例】contentiouscontents in a movie 电影中引发争论的内容

【近】controversial,disputatious, polemical, scrappy

【考法2】adj. 好争论的,好战的:exhibiting an often perverseand wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes

【例】The Tartars were acontentious people who terrorized much of Asia and eastern Europe during theMiddle


【近】belligerent,bellicose, combative, truculent, litigious, pugnacious

【反】dovish,peace-loving 爱好和平的


【考法1】adj. 接壤,相邻的:sharing an edge or boundary;touching

【例】contiguous nationsat war 交战中的邻国

【近】adjacent,abutting, neighboring, juxtaposed, verging

【反】apart, separate 分开的

【派】contiguity 接壤


【考法1】vt. 扭曲:to twist, wrench, or bendseverely out of shape

【例】a contortedversion of the truth 被歪曲的真相

【近】deform, distort,warp, misshape

【派】contortion n. 扭曲


【考法1】n. 契约,合同:a binding agreement between twoor more persons or parties, especially one that is

writtenand enforceable by law

【例】a billion-dollarcontract from Department of Defense 来自国防部的巨额合同

【近】agreement,compact, convention, treaty

【考法2】v. 收缩:to reduce in size by drawingtogether; shrink

【例】contract muscle 收缩肌肉

【近】compress,condense, concentrate

【反】expand 扩展;inflate 膨胀

【考法3】v. 感染疾病:to become affected by a diseaseor disorder

【例】contracted asevere cold that later turned into pneumonia 染上了重感冒,最终发展成肺炎

【近】catch, get, sicken

【反】heal 痊愈

【派】contractor n. 承包商


【考法1】v. 违反,反对:to violate, to oppose inargument: contradict

【例】contravene theproposal with no reservation 毫无保留地反对这一提案

【近】breach, infringe,transgress, fracture, deny, contradict, gainsay, reject

【反】uphold, support,buttress 支持;comply, conform,observe 顺从

【派】contravention n. 反对;违反,触犯


【考法1】adj. (因为有罪孽或过错而感到)后悔悲痛的:feeling or showing sorrow andremorse for a sin or


【例】too late to feelcontrite 现在后悔已为时已晚

【近】compunctious,regrettable, remorseful, apologetic, penitent, repentant, rueful

【反】impenitent,unrepentant 不知悔改的


【考法1】adj. 不服从的,倔强的:stubbornly disobedient;rebellious

【例】Contumaciousinsurgents refuse to talk. 不愿服从命令的叛军拒绝对话

【近】balky,contumacious, defiant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious,recalcitrant, refractory,

restive,ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful

【反】obedient, docile,ruly 顺从的

【派】contumacy n. 不服从,反抗


【考法1】n.无法解决的问题,迷:a paradoxical, insoluble, ordifficult problem; a dilemma

【例】a difficultconundrum even for the experts 一道即便是专家也束手无策的难题

【近】enigma, mystery,puzzlement, riddle, secret


【考法1】vi. 渐渐康复,渐愈:to recover health and strengthgradually after sickness or weakness

【例】the time needed toconvalesce after an operation 手术后需要用来康复的时间

【近】heal, recover,recuperate, recoup, snap back

【反】aggravate,deteriorate, intensify 恶化,加剧


【考法1】n. 便利,方便:fitness or suitability forperforming an action or fulfilling a requirement

【例】the convenience ofliving in megacity 住在大城市的便利

【近】accommodation,amenity, ease, facility

【反】burden, millstone 负担

【派】convenient adj. 方便的,便捷的
