新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List30:Unit6
日期:2016-05-26 18:21



【考法1】adj. 一致的,能共存的:capable of existingtogether in harmony

【例】I don’t think that they could becompatible as roommates. 我不觉得他们做了室友之后生活会很和谐。‖a theory that is compatible with what we already know about earlyman 一个与对远古人类的已有知识不存在矛盾的理论

【近】accordant,coherent, concordant, conformable, congruent, congruous, consonant, harmonious

【反】conflicting, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious 有冲突的,矛盾的

compelling .

【考法1】adj. 极具说服力的:having the power to persuade

【例】made acompelling argument against military intervention 就反对军事干预提出了很有说服力的论证‖If you can’t present any compelling evidenceto prove your innocence, you will be found guilty. 如果你找不出任何能证明你清白的有力证据,你就会被定罪。

【近】conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective, forceful, persuasive, satisfying,strong, telling

【反】feeble,weak 说服力不足的

【考法2】adj. 迫切的,紧迫的:needing immediate attention

【例】There isno compelling need to raise taxes at this time. 现在没有迫切的提升税率的必要。

【近】burning,clamant, critical, crying, dire, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious,importunate, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent

【反】minor,negligible, trivial, unimportant 不重要的,琐碎的


【考法1】adj. 互补的:mutually supplying each other’s lack

【例】Thecomplementary contributions of the cooking and cleanup committees wereessential to the success of the barbecue. 负责食物和卫生的两个小组之间的相互配合是野炊成功的关键。

【近】correlative, interdependent, reciprocal, supplemental, supplementary

【反】contradictory, incompatible 矛盾的


【考法1】vt. 使复杂化:to make complex or difficult

【例】Don’t complicate matters by getting theparents involved. 不要把父母牵扯进来,这会让问题更复杂。

【近】complex,embarrass, entangle, ravel, perplex, sophisticate, tangle

【反】simplify,streamline 简化

【派】complicated adj. 复杂的,麻烦的

comprehend .

【考法1】vt. 理解,了解:to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of

【例】the age atwhich children can comprehend the difference between right and wrong 一个小孩可以开始分辨是非的年龄‖With internet,television, cellphone and even radio down, we are unable to comprehend what hashappened. 互联网、电视、手机乃至无线电都不起作用了,我们无法获知发生了什么。

【近】appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold, catch, cognize, conceive, discern,grasp, perceive, recognize, savvy, see, seize, sense, understand

【反】misapprehend, misconceive, misinterpret, misperceive, misunderstand 误解

【考法2】vt. 包括,包含:to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount

【例】Our notionof morality should comprehend much more than proper sexual behavior. 我们的道德观不应该仅仅止步于恰当的性行为。

【近】carry,contain, embrace, encompass, entail, involve, number, subsume, take in

【反】exclude,leave, omit, preclude 排除,忽略

【派】comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的;comprehension n. 理解;comprehensible adj. 可理解的

concrete .

【考法1】adj. 实体的,实在的:relating to or composed ofmatter

【例】concreteobjects like rocks and trees 像石头、树这一类的实物

【近】physical,substantial, substantive

【反】airy,diaphanous, gossamery, immaterial, tenuous, thin, vaporous 虚无飘渺的,非实体的

【考法2】adj. 事实性的,明确的:existing in fact and notmerely as a possibility

【例】Concreteevidence, and not just a theory, must be presented at a trial. 在法庭上需要出示确凿的证据,而非臆测。

【近】effective,existent, factual, genuine, real, true, very, de facto

【反】conjectural, hypothetical, ideal, platonic, suppositional, theoretical 猜测的,理论上的


【考法1】vt. 谴责(为不道德的、邪恶的):to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually afterweighing evidence and without reservation

【例】a policywidely condemned as racist 一个被广泛谴责为种族歧视的政策‖It is a sign of human progress that slavery, which was once common,is now universally condemned. 曾经很平常的奴隶制如今却沦落到人人谴责的境地,这不能不说是人类文明的进步。

【近】anathematize, censure, damn, decry, denounce, execrate, reprimand, reprehend,reproach, reprobate

【反】commend,endorse, extol, laud, praise 赞扬,赞颂


【考法1】adj. 有条件的,受制约的:subject to, implying, ordependent upon a condition

【例】aconditional offer 有条件限制的录取‖Their support is conditional on their approval of his proposals. 他只有让他的提案得到他们的同意才能得到援助。

【近】contingent, dependent, subject, tentative

【反】absolute,categorical, unconditional 不受制约的;independent 独立的

conflate .

【考法1】vt. 混合:to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the samethroughout

【例】The movieconflates documentary footage and dramatized reenactments so seamlessly andingeniously that viewers may not know what is real and what is not. 电影将纪实档案和娱乐性的夸张如此巧妙无缝地糅合起来,以至于观众不知道哪一部分是真实的,哪一部分是虚构的。

【近】amalgamate, combine, composite, fuse, homogenize, immingle, incorporate,integrate, interfuse, meld, merge, mingle, mix

【反】disunite, divide, part,separate, sunder 分离

【派】conflationn. 合并

conform .

【考法1】vt. 使协调:bring into harmony or accord

【例】We have toconform this new rule with existing policy regarding student-run organizationson campus. 我们必须要让这些新规定与现行的校园学生社团的政策相协调。

【近】accommodate, attune, conciliate, coordinate, key, reconcile

【反】disharmonize 使不和谐

【考法2】vt. 调整(以适应):to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use orsituation

【例】I can befunny or serious, for I always conform my behavior to the situation. 我会根据情况调整举止,因此我有时候会很活泼,有时候会很严肃。

【近】acclimate,acclimatize, accommodate, adjust, condition, doctor, edit, fashion, fit, put,shape, suit, tailor

【考法3】vi. 遵照,遵从:to be obedient or compliant

【例】anindependent-minded person who refuses to conform to another’s wishes 一个思想独立的拒绝遵照他人的意愿行动的人

【近】adhere,comply, follow, goose-step, mind, observe

【反】defy,disobey, rebel 不从,反抗

【派】conformistn. 墨守成规的人;conformismn. 守旧
