新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List15:Unit10
日期:2015-08-21 14:28


【考法 1】 adj. 井然有序的,有条理的: arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order
【例】 a methodical summary that included lists of points to memorize 一份包含了记忆重点的有条理的总结
【近】 neat, orderly, organized, regular, systematic, systematized
【反】 disorganized, haphazard, irregular, unsystematic 杂乱的,混乱无序的
【考法 1】 adj. 极为谨慎的: marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details
【例】 He was so meticulous about everything. 他对所有事都一丝不苟
【近】 careful, conscientious, exact, fussy, heedful, painstaking, punctilious, scrupulous
【反】 careless, feckless, heedless, thoughtless 疏忽大意的
【考法 1】 n. 勇气: vigor and strength of spirit or temperament
【例】 troops who showed their mettle in combat 在战场上表现出坚强勇气的部队
【近】 bravery, courage, dauntlessness, fortitude, guts, nerve, pluck, spirit, spunk, valor
【反】 cowardice, cravenness, gutlessness, pusillanimity, spinelessness 胆小,怯懦
【考法 2】 n. 毅力,耐力: staying quality: stamina
【例】 Those trucks had proved their mettle in army transport. 那些卡车通过在军队运输中的表现证明了它们的
【近】 durability, endurance, stamina, persistence, resolution
【派】 mettlesome adj. 有毅力的
【考法 1】 vt. 使恼怒: to cause to become offended or annoyed
【例】 be miffed by her son's disobedience 被她儿子的叛逆惹恼
【近】 aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, incense, infuriate, ire, madden, nettle, peeve, umbrage, vex
【反】 appease, assuage, mollify, placate, propitiate 平息,安抚;delight, gratify, please 取悦,讨好
【考法 1】 adj. 迁移的: having a way of life that involves moving from one region to another typically on a
seasonal basis
【例】 migratory birds heading south for the winter 为了越冬而往南飞的候鸟
【近】 migrant, mobile, nomad, nomadic, traveling
【反】 nonmigrant, resident, sedentary 常居一处的,不迁移的
【考法 1】 vt. 榨取(财富、信息等): to draw or coerce profit or advantage from illicitly or to an extreme degree
【例】 milk the workers 从工人身上榨取好处‖The interrogators milked the arrested spy, but he was dry. 审
【近】 drain, exploit
【考法 1】 v. 模仿: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior
【例】 miming a dog begging for food 模仿小狗乞食
【近】 ape, copy, copycat, emulate, mimic, simulate
mimic .
【考法 1】 adj. 仿真的,仿造的: being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually
cheaper materia
【例】 Police were concerned that the mimic gun, although intended only as a toy, might be confused with the real
thing in certain situations. 尽管仿真枪只是玩具,但警方担忧在某些情况下它会被误认为是真枪
【近】 artificial, bogus, factitious, fake, false, imitative, mock, sham, simulated, substitute, synthetic
【反】 genuine, natural, real 真实的
【考法 2】 v. 做滑稽的模仿(以取笑): to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of
【例】 The comedian was famous for mimicking the President's distinctive lisp. 这个演员因能滑稽地模仿总统
【近】 burlesque, caricature, do, imitate, mock, parody, send up, spoof, travesty
【考法 3】 v. 模仿: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior
【例】 began to learn their language by mimicking the sounds they made 通过模仿发音来学习语言
【近】 ape, copy, copycat, emulate, mimic, simulate
【派】 mimicry n. 模仿
【考法 1】 adj. 带来威胁的,有凶兆的: being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come
【例】 The novel's protagonist is haunted by a minatory black specter. 小说的主人公被不详的黑色幽灵所骚扰
【近】 baleful, direful, doomy, foreboding, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, portentous, sinister, threatening
【反】 unthreatening 不威胁的;reassuring 令人安心的
【考法 1】 vt. 切碎: to cut or chop into very small pieces
【例】 I'll buy some lean meat and mince it myself. 我会买一些瘦肉然后自己切好的
【近】 cut, dice, grind, hash
【考法 2】 vi. 小步走: to walk with very short steps or with exaggerated primness
【例】 The bride minced through the cathedral. 新娘踏着细小的步伐穿过教堂
【反】 stride 大步走