日期:2014-12-11 12:48

















Green Climate Fund reaches $10 billion goal


Environment talks in Lima were given a boost after Australia's surprise contribution into the Green Climate Fund. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.
澳大利亚意外向绿色气候基金捐款,使得在利马举行的环境会谈备受鼓舞w9up9%tEU(6]L09WFZm_。澳大利亚外交部长毕晓普(Julie Bishop)宣布了捐赠计划zrEOmb%jIZ


(SOUNDBITE) (English) JULIE BISHOP, AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SAYING: "Co chairs, I have been asked by the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to announce today at this meeting that Australia will pledge a contribution of two hundred million Australian dollars over four years to the Green Climate Fund."
澳大利亚外交部长毕晓普(Julie Bishop):“各位同仁,澳大利亚总理艾伯特要求我在今天的会议上宣布,澳大利亚承诺在四年的时间内向绿色气候基金捐款2亿澳元whUO9v7u&NTeB.L)QD。”


Leaders from 190 nations are attending the talks to work on a draft to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Officials said the fund, which helps poor nations cut greenhouse gasses, has now surpassed the $10 billion dollar goal set by the U.N. Australia had previously been criticised after not having made a donation at a climate meeting last month. Prime Minister Tony Abbott defended the move when asked if it was another backflip in policy.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) AUSTRALIA PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT SAYING: "I think it's fair and reasonable for the government to make a modest,prudent and proportionate commitment to this climate mitigation fund. I think that's something that a sensible government does."


Australia's donation is the latest in a string of policy reversals for Abbott whose struggling conservative government has hit record low approval ratings.



Cuba detains "Women in White" activists on Human Rights Day


At a popular square in Cuba's Havana, plain clothes police officers stuff protesters into waiting cars. The protesters are with the so-called Women in White ... wives and relatives of dissidents who have been in jail. The "Women" are generally tolerated in Cuba, but occasionally harassed by authorities. They came out on Wednesday for the annual International Human Rights Day. But skirmishes like these continued at the square and it's unclear just how many protesters were carried away and detained. It happened in front of pro-government supporters holding their own counter-protest ... chanting in support of the Communist, one-party government. Authorities in Cuba typically detain dissidents for a few hours or a few days before letting them go, and the Women in White are often taken directly home instead of jail. But police detained close to 400 opposition activists in November alone, and the monthly average of detentions this year has been nearly 765 people.



France's last hostage returns home celebrating freedom


His freedom was nearly three years in the making ... but France's last remaining hostage abroad is finally home on French soil. Serge Lazarevic had been kidnapped by Al Qaeda's North African wing in Mali in 2011. He arrived on Wednesday to the warm embrace of French President Francois Hollande.
他的重获自由酝酿了近三年,但是法国在国外的最后一名人质终于回到法国土地上R,k8S-6Z7siZA;)h9|I。2011年,Serge Lazarevic在马里被基地组织北美分支绑架3)vp9Vtr,K5[@NmESP7^。他于周三抵达法国,受到总统奥朗德热情拥抱欢迎1xCMt.)tHS5%HR


(SOUNDBITE) (French) FREED HOSTAGE, SERGE LAZAREVIC, SAYING: "Being a hostage is a bit complicated, it's not very simple. But the journey back to my freedom is beautiful. I had forgotten what freedom was."
获释人质SERGE LAZAREVIC:“作为人质的情况非常复杂,一点都不简单hQgEGX5BZW[2。但是重返自由的旅程非常美妙nFPF_+*W,%qUIW+@0。我已经忘记了自由是什么味道%00QgAFSSw2eO3&(。”


But amid the hugs ... questions linger over just the how the 50-year-old engineer came to be released. There were reports of a prisoner exchange and possible ransom. France dispatched thousands of French troops in Mali last year ... to scatter Al Qaeda militants in the former French colony. But it's had to rely on a network of negotiators to secure the release of a number of French hostages held in the region.


(SOUNDBITE) (French) FRENCH PRESIDENT, FRANCOIS HOLLANDE, SAYING: "I made it my goal to free all hostages. That wasn't possible for some.They were killed. They are dead. But you are here. I want to say that it is a joy for the French people because there aren't any more French hostages anywhere in the world."


The release comes days after a failed hostage rescue attempt in Yemen left an American and a South African hostage dead.





Protest outside NY royal venue
剑桥公爵夫妇观看比赛 纽约人场外抗议


This was one of the latest protests over the choke hold death of a man in New York by a police officer. The demonstration happened outside the venue where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were watching a basketball game. The demonstrators staged a 'die-in' near the Barclays Center. About 300 broke through police lines at the entrance to the Atlantic Terminal Mall. The protests erupted over a decision not to indict anyone over the death of Eric Garner when police put him in a banned choke hold. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DAMON DAVIS, PROTESTER, SAYING:


"I'm out here in solidarity with these people, for their struggle. It's the same as it is in St. Louis." (SOUNDBITE) (English) GILBERT ROSA,PROTESTER, SAYING: "We tried to do it through legal channels and the legal channels are totally stacked against us. The legal channels are fixed." (SOUNDBITE) (English) JAMES WHITE, PROTESTER, SAYING: "I've been arrested for absolutely no reason and when asking officers of the law why it is they were doing what they were doing they simply put me in handcuffs." Inside the building six basketball players added their voices to the growing protests. They wore t-shirts emblazoned with Garner's final words in the pre-match warm-up for the Cleveland Cavaliers game against Brooklyn Nets The decision in the Garner case came just a week after a grand jury cleared another white officer who shot dead an unarmed Black-American teenager in Missouri.





Nobel Prize winner sells medal for 4.7 mln USD


A 1962 Nobel prize has been sold at an auction in New York for 4.7 million US Dollars, the first ever auction for a Nobel prize medal.


The gold medal was won by James Watson, the only living Nobel laureate to sell his prize. Watson says part of the proceeds will go to educational institutes and other charities.


Watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA in 1953 with other two scientists. It was believed to be one of the most significant discoveries in 20th century and earned Watson the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology in 1962.


However, the famous geneticist has been largely isolated from scientific community and lived in poverty after he said in an interview that Africans were genetically less intelligent than others.
