日期:2014-11-26 08:18













乌克兰亲俄叛军任命领导人 危机加剧




Hagel exit marks first major Obama cabinet change since midterms


After less than two years leading the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is on his way out. President Barack Obama announced the resignation at the White House.
领导五角大楼不到两年的时间,美国国防部长查克·哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)即将卸任c1r0Ij|RWq,CxGX(ADj。奥巴马总统在白宫宣布了哈格尔辞职的消息]HOB&&E!2e9


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "Last month, Chuck came to me to discuss the final quarter of my presidency and determined that having guided the department through this transition, it was an appropriate time for him to complete his service."


Hagel's departure marks the first major change to Obama's cabinet since Democrats were routed in midterm elections three weeks ago. During the White House event, Hagel said he was grateful for the experience.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) OUTGOING DEFENSE SECRETARY CHUCK HAGEL SAYING: "It's been the greatest privilege of my life -- the greatest privilege of my life to lead and most important, to serve -- to serve with the men and women of the Defense Department and support their families."
即将卸任的美国国防部长查克·哈格尔(Chuck Hagel):“这是我一生中最宝贵的财富——是我度过的最宝贵的生活,能够为国防部的军人和他们的家人服务是我一生中最重要的日子j0b,DlI_rAMr52z]4p_*。”


Hagel's tenure began in 2013 during a tumultuous time, with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq winding down amid major budget cuts at the Pentagon. The situation in Syria is also said to have been a divisive issue between Hagel and the administration. Hagel had warned in a memo leaked this fall that Obama's policy of attacking Islamic State without addressing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was in jeopardy. Hagel will remain in the job until a successor is in place. Top potential candidates to replace Hagel include former under secretary of defense Michele Flournoy, former deputy secretary of defense Ashton Carter, and Rhode Island Democratic Senator Jack Reed.
哈格尔的任期始于2013年一段混乱时期,由于五角大楼预算大幅缩减,阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争逐渐偃旗息鼓oBCVw7y#e,!8Pw!FE。哈格尔和政府之间关于叙利亚形势问题也存在分歧9SGTR7ciPEyh。今年秋季泄漏的一份备忘录表明,哈格尔曾经警告称,奥巴马在未通知叙利亚总统阿萨德的情况下袭击伊斯兰国的政策是危险的dJ&bX8lANa。哈格尔将继续该职位,直到新的国防部长就职0TlmZ[3%ZVxOFe|hby。接替哈格尔的最可能的候选人包括前国防部次长米歇尔·弗卢努瓦(Michele Flournoy),国防部副部长卡特(Ashton Carter)和罗德岛民主党参议员杰克·里德(Jack Reed)1(627R)xHA&&0u2j


No trial for officer in Ferguson shooting


A grand jury decision on the fate of the white police officer who shot an unarmed black teenager in Missouri was delivered after a tense wait. Crowds had been gathering in the streets of Ferguson city for hours in anxious anticipation. The ruling - officer Darren Wilson will not be charged over the killing of Michael Brown. St Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullogh announced the grand jury's finding.
经过紧张的等待后,大陪审团对在密苏里州枪杀手无寸铁的白人青少年的白人警察的命运做出裁决vyWeV8r,z;[o.x。人群聚集在佛格森街道急切地等待了几个小时7m44zF_qd&z@。判决结果为,达伦·威尔逊(Darren Wilson)警官不需因枪杀迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)而面临起诉jmpS-Mt17U6Y@Vym3gC。圣路易斯县检察官鲍勃·麦卡洛克(Bob McCulloch)宣布了大陪审团的裁决]v,6CZu&(;BVS!ZLz


(SOUNDBITE)(English) BOB McCULLOGH, ST LOUIS COUNTY PROSECUTOR, SAYING: "They discussed and debated the evidence among themselves before arriving at their collective decision.After their exhaustive review of the evidence, the grand jury deliberated over two days making their final decision. They determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against Officer Wilson and returned a no true bill on each of the five indictments."
圣路易斯县检察官鲍勃·麦卡洛克(Bob McCulloch):“他们首先对证据进行了讨论和辩论,然后集体得出结论(_rD[lSo5[uV!nd。对证据进行严格审查后,大陪审团在两天内进行了慎重考虑,做出了最后决定i4PBOOFVwu。他们认为没有合理理由对威尔逊警官提起任何控告,五项指控全部不实,v_W,bvdMOt|ptVw;k4o。”


Shortly after the announcement there were reports of gunshots being fired, and bottles being hurled. Many in Ferguson vowed to take to the streets whatever the outcome. Authorities have already brought in the National Guard to back up local police.


Progress made, but nuclear talks are extended: Kerry
伊朗核谈取得进展 但需延期


Talks between Iran and six world powers have failed for a second time this year to reach a deal over Tehran's nuclear program. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says negotiators are now aiming to secure an agreement by March, with more time needed to iron out the technical details.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY, SAYING: "We are certainly not going to sit at the negotiating table forever -- absent, measurable progress. But given how far we have come over the past year, and particularly in the last few days, this is certainly not the time to get up and walk away."


Kerry says the talks are tough, and the stakes are high... But he says the world IS safer than it was a year ago.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY, SAYING: "Today IAEA inspectors have daily access to Iran's enrichment facilities and a far deeper understanding of Iran's programme."


But the talks have foundered on the scope of Iran's uranium enrichment program, which the west says could ultimately be used to produce a nuclear bomb. Tehran however, says the program is for peaceful purposes and that economic sanctions now in force, are unreasonably harsh. During the extension period, Tehran will be able to continue to access around $700 million per month in sanctions relief. But Kerry says there will be no additional help until Iran curbs its nuclear ambitions.





Scandal-plagued former Washington mayor Marion Barry dies


Marion Barry, the scandal-plagued former mayor of Washington, D.C., has died at the age of 78. Serving as DC mayor from 1979 until 1991, the civil rights activist was once considered one of the nation's most promising black politicians -- that was before serving jail time for smoking crack cocaine. Soon after Washington's so-called "Mayor for Life" was back in the spotlight seeking another term in office. (SOUNDBITE) (English) MARION BARRY, SAYING: "Voters understand that everybody, in their lifetime, has trials and tribulations. I am a remarkable -- I had a remarkable recovery. Most people (inaudible) wouldn't be standing here, they'd be either dead, in a hospital, or feeling sorry for themselves." The course of Barry's career changed on January 18, 1990. On that day hidden cameras captured the married mayor in a Washington hotel room with a younger ex-girlfriend, turned FBI informant where he is seen lighting up a crack pipe. FBI agents and police rushed in for his arrest. It's in this surveillance tape that Barry famously uttered an expletive charging that he was quote "set up." But after six months in jail, and talk of womanizing, drinking and drug use swirling around him, his campaigning paid off and he was reelected for for a fourth term. (SOUNDBITE) (English) MARION BARRY, SAYING: "So the voters in Washington understand the hurt and pain I caused in 90 but also are a redemptive community and forgiving community." The cause of his death has not yet been disclosed.





'Little Apple' sweeps across the Pacific


It may have been a night for the music industries top stars at the AMA's, but for Chinese fans, it was a home-grown band that stole the show. The song Little Apple, has been topping the charts across China for months. It was written and performed by The Chopstick Brothers and has become such a hit that the Brothers were asked to perform it at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles.


CCTV Hollywood reporter met up with the singers after rehearsals and asked them the origin of the song and how they think Americans will react to the hit single.


Is America ready for the Chopsticks Brothers? The Chinese duo—Xiao Yang and Wang Taili—are the creative team behind Little Apple, a song that’s become a sensation in China since its debut last summer. With its bouncy tune, simple lyrics, and outlandish settings, the music video for Little Apple is a viral hit and has been played 823 million times on China’s major music and video streaming sites. The origin of the song is as simple as the beat.


"In the spring of 2012, I finished writing Little Apple. It didn't take me very long to write it because the process was fun. Of course, we changed the notes several times but I liked to dance with it because the song delivers a concept of simple happiness," Wang Taili said.


Making it onto prime time on the American Music Awards with such A-list stars as Taylor Swift, Mary J. Blige and One Direction is a big deal, and not just for the Chopsticks Brothers. This is the first time a Chinese song will be showcased on the global stage. And the ingenious inspiration for the song came from healthy choices.


"I keep a very healthy lifestyle. One apple a day, keeps the doctor away. So I have one apple every day. That's how I thought about having Little Apple as the title. Little Apple keeps us healthy and happy. Our co-workers, families, boyfriends, girlfriends... everybody can be our Little Apple. I think that was a good name," Wang said.


Becoming number one in China is not an easy task and the Chopstick Brothers will not rest on their laurels. Coming to the United States to do the American Music Awards has been a lot of work.


"The challenge is very big. AMA has a very professional and top-notch choreography team. Little Apple might be something they've never done before. When the producer got our song and music video, he said the audience probably never would understand what we want to do here. It's refreshing but very challenging. Plus we're very new to this stage and it's our first time performing for Western audience. We were under lots of pressure. But we had lots of good chemistry with our choreographers. They found a way to make our dance moves very exaggerated and straightforward, which made them more powerful,‘ Xiao Yang said.


Undaunted by the work and inspired by the worldwide audience watching the Award show, the Chopstick Brothers have said that western music producers really like their style and even fans from around the world have created their versions of the hit single.


"We've met two music producers in the U.S.. They think our style is very refreshing and we should keep it, which is very rare to American market. Also we got lots of parodies videos and sing-along sound tracks from fans all over the world. They are full of creative ideas. The translated English lyrics are really funny too," Wang said.


The Chopstick Brothers are neither brothers nor born to be musicians but they say they have an opportunity to change the way the west looks at Chinese artists and that challenge is something they are willing to do.


"An American friend told me most of Americans think China is a country of good manners and artworks with depth. Some of them might think we are too serious. However, Little Apple changed that perception. They realized that Chinese have a great sense of humor and we enjoy all kinds of music. I think this is a very good start for Americans to be more open-minded to Chinese pop music," Xiao said.


Maybe China found its own “Gangnam Style.” From Beijing parks to Shanghai skyscrapers and in Guangzhou factories to karaoke rooms in Macau, people are singing “Little Apple”— a song apparently so catchy it is even winning over the American public.

  • announced宣布的
  • reedn. 芦苇,芦笛,簧片 Reed:里德(姓氏)
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • choreographyn. 舞蹈,舞蹈编排
  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • remarkableadj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的
  • harshadj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的
  • quoten. 引用 v. 引述,举证,报价
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片