日期:2014-08-30 13:05
















Relatives demand answers on whereabouts of Russian soldiers in Ukraine


Outside 331 Paratroopers Regiment, in the Russian city of Kostroma. Mothers, wives and relatives wait for news of their loved ones -- Russian servicemen said to be detained in Ukraine.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) WIFE OF RUSSIAN SERVICEMAN, VALERIA SOKOLOVA, SAYING: "The wives are asking, 'how did they get to Ukraine?', and they said they got lost. I think 350 people cannot just get lost."
俄罗斯士兵VALERIA SOKOLOVA的妻子:“妻子们都在问,‘他们是怎么去乌克兰的?’他们说士兵们失踪了@zn2wG[U)54)CBzi。我认为350人不可能凭空消失!f7,in82]Vi!uDg*4a。”


Earlier this week, Ukraine released video of what it said were captured Russian soldiers. This, as Russia continues to deny sending its troops into Ukraine to help an insurgency by pro-Moscow separatists.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) UNIDENTIFIED MILITARY OFFICIAL, SAYING: "It's highly likely that on Sunday all of your husbands will call you the phone. I'll tell you why: They will all return on Saturday to the camp in military vehicles from the field. They will service the vehicles, wash them, go to the bath themselves. They will get new clean underwear, and on Sunday they will eat something. And quietly in their free time, they will talk to their mothers and loved ones."


The Russian Defense Ministry say accounts of Russian military units operating in Ukraine bear "no relation to reality. But two members of Russian President Vladimir Putin's human rights council -- citing eyewitness accounts and relatives -- say that, on August 13, over 100 Russian soldiers were killed in a battle inside Ukraine. Distressing news for these mothers and wives, who likely left regiment 331 with more questions than answers.



Ebola outbreak could infect 20,000 people: WHO


Ebola continues to ravage communities in four West African countries, with well over 3,000 cases now reported. But in Switzerland, the World Health Organization says the deadly epidemic may have already infected two to four times that many people, and could potentially infect over 20,000 before the outbreak is contained.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO)'S ASSISTANT DIRECTOR-GENERAL FOR POLIO, EMERGENCIES AND COUNTRY COLLABORATION, BRUCE AYLWARD, SAYING: "So 20,000 is the scale that has, I think, not ever been anticipated in terms of an Ebola outbreak."
世界卫生组织负责小儿麻痹症,紧急事件和国家合作的副总干事BRUCE AYLWARD:“我认为感染的总规模是20,000人5Z!NhcIU##uNT].Md。以前从未预料到埃博拉病毒能够引起这么多人感染sRE%M_+JBoUScEFB!fQ。”


The W-H-O says it's putting into place a half billion dollar operation to tackle Ebola, spread over six to nine months, and based on projections that the epidemic could spread to ten more nations. This isn't a regional or a West African issue, it said. It's a global health security issue that needs an international response.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) WHO'S ASSISTANT DIRECTOR-GENERAL FOR POLIO, EMERGENCIES AND COUNTRY COLLABORATION, BRUCE AYLWARD, SAYING: "It is a big operation, we are talking, well over 12,000 people operating over multiple geographies in very difficult and high risk circumstances, it is expensive."
世界卫生组织负责小儿麻痹症,紧急事件和国家合作的副总干事BRUCE AYLWARD:“这是一项大的行动,我们说的是,不同国家超过12,000人处境堪舆,非常危险,代价非常高Vx7S~yQNUz-Se~o。”


Thursday's announcement marks a major raising of the response by the W-H-O. It had come under criticism by some agencies for reacting too slowly to the Ebola outbreak. But the medical charity Doctors Without Borders says questions still remain...who will implements this half billion dollar plan? By its account, none of the organizations in the most-affected areas have the right set up in place to respond on a scale big enough to really make an impact.



Russian rebels to allow Ukrainian troops safe exit


Heeding a request by Russian President Vladimir Putin, pro-Moscow rebels fighting in eastern Ukraine say they will allow Ukrainian troops who they've trapped, to leave the area safely through a humanitarian corridor. The announcement seems to fly in the face of recent developments- namely claims by Ukrainian officials that Russian troops are indeed on the ground in Ukraine. Although Russia has so far denied direct involvement, the West and its allies have no shortage of criticism. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.


(SOUNDBITE)(English) AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER TONY ABOTT SAYING: " it seems that Russia is now stepping out of the shadows and overtly trying to achieve its objects of domination in Ukraine and it is completely, absolutely and utterly unacceptable."


During a security council meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power exchanged barbs with her Russian counterpart.
联合国安理会在纽约总部召开会议期间,美国大使萨曼莎·鲍尔(Samantha Power)和俄罗斯大使针锋相对iKttlnl|sfQ[


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. AMBASSADOR SAMANTHA POWER SAYING: "... at every step, Russia has come before this Council to say everything except the truth. It has manipulated. It has obfuscated. It has outright lied.
美国大使萨曼莎·鲍尔(Samantha Power):“在每一个阶段,俄罗斯在安理会面前从未说出事实*^Lse=Nkz+Akm。他们一直在操控乌克兰事务L9JyVk@1sq=cZEq00。他们使大家非常困惑I+j14=KcfLWQQDwX!n;m。他们完全是在说谎9v)h])6++81[v,((wkU#。”


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR VITALY CHURKIN SAYING: "...I would suggest that we send a message to Washington: 'stop interfering with the internal affairs of sovereign states. Stop trying to undermine a regime that you don't like."
俄罗斯大使丘尔金(Vitaly Churkin):“我建议我们向华盛顿传递一个消息:不要干涉主权国家的内务OTy;V~qMYw=_2FN。不要试图危害你不喜欢的政权mC4fY.GDj]|J。”


Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis along the border has gone from bad to worse. Nearly 56,000 refugees from eastern Ukraine have flooded across the border into Russia where relief groups are supplying them with food and tents. According to the UN, more than 2500 people have been killed in the fighting since it began in April.





Actress Kirsten Dunst wishes 'Brangelina' well


After years of speculation, actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have tied the knot according to media reports. The glamorous Hollywood couple, dubbed "Brangelina" in tabloid headlines, were married in France. Actress Kirsten Dunst, who appeared in the 1994 movie "Interview with the Vampire" opposite Pitt, wished him and Jolie well as she appeared at an event sponsored by Miu Miu as part of the Venice International Film Festival. When asked what she thought of the stars' marriage, she laughed and said "I don't know. This is difficult," before saying "I wish them well." The actress was in Venice to offer support for films being shown as part of the "Venice Days" selection at the festival.





President Obama Delivers an Update on the Economy, Iraq, and Ukraine


At the White House this afternoon, President Obama provided an update on important issues ahead of his attendance at the NATO Summit in the United Kingdom next week.


The President first addressed the "number one thing that most Americans care about" -- our economy. He noted that the economy is growing "at a stronger clip" than predicted and that we have more work to do to continue this momentum:


This morning, we found out that our economy actually grew at a stronger clip in the 2nd quarter than we originally thought. Companies are investing. Consumers are spending. Over the past four and a half years, our businesses have created now nearly 10 million new jobs. So there are reasons to feel good about the direction we’re headed. But as everybody knows, there’s a lot more we should be doing to make sure more Americans benefit from the progress that we've made and I am going to be pushing Congress hard on this when they return next week.


As the U.S. military continues to carry out targeted airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and to address the humanitarain situation on the ground, the President reiterated his commitment as Commander-in-Chief to "always do what is necessary to protect the American people and defend against evolving threats to our homeland."


"Our military action in Iraq has to be part of a broader, comprehensive strategy to protect our people and to support our partners who are taking the fight to ISIL. And that starts with Iraq’s leaders building on the progress they’ve made so far and forming the inclusive government that will unite their country and strengthen their security forces to confront ISIL."


The President reported that our strikes have cost ISIL terrorists arms and equipment, and Iraqi and Kurdish forces are continuing to push them back. The U.S. will consider a range of options but he made clear that a successful strategy will require working with an inclusive Iraqi government and strong regional partners to meet this threat:


Now ISIL poses an immediate threat to the people of Iraq and the people throughout the region. And that’s why our military action in Iraq has to be part of a broader, comprehensive strategy to protect our people and to support our partners who are taking the fight to ISIL. And that starts with Iraq’s leaders building on the progress they’ve made so far and forming the inclusive government that will unite their country and strengthen their security forces to confront ISIL.


Any successful strategy, though, also needs strong regional partners. I’m encouraged so far that countries in the region -- countries that don’t always agree on many things -- increasingly recognize the primacy of the threat ISIL poses to all of them. And I’ve asked Secretary Kerry to travel to the region to continue to build the coalition that’s needed to meet this threat. As I’ve said, rooting out a cancer like ISIL will not be quick or easy but I’m confident that we can -- and we will -- working closely with our allies and partners.


For our part, I’ve directed Secretary Hagel and our Joint Chiefs of Staff to prepare a range of options. I’ll be meeting with my National Security Council again this evening as we continue to develop that strategy. And I’ve been consulting with Congress and I’ll continue to do so in the days ahead.


After speaking with Chancellor Merkel of Germany today on the situation in Ukraine, the President noted that the evidence is clear: "Russia is responsible for the violence in eastern Ukraine."


The violence is encouraged by Russia. The separatists are trained by Russia. They are armed by Russia. They are funded by Russia. Russia has deliberately and repeatedly violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the new images of Russian forces inside Ukraine make that plain for the world to see. This comes as Ukrainian forces are making progress against the separatists.


As a result of the actions Russia has already taken, and the major sanctions we’ve imposed with our European and international partners, Russia is already more isolated that at any time since the end of the Cold War. Capital is fleeing. Investors are increasingly staying out. Its economy is in decline. And this ongoing Russian incursion into Ukraine will only bring more costs and consequences for Russia.


The President also noted that the NATO-Ukraine Commission will meet next week at the NATO Summit and provide "another opportunity to continue our partnership with Ukraine." "I look forward to reaffirming the unwavering commitment of of the United States to Ukraine and its people when I welcome President Poroshenko to the White House next month," he added.

  • eyewitnessn. 目击者,见证人
  • distressingadj. 使人痛苦的,令人烦恼的 动词词distress
  • deliberatelyadv. 慎重地,故意地
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • anticipatedadj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付
  • speculationn. 沉思,推测,投机
  • ravagen. 破坏,蹂躏 v. 毁坏,破坏,掠夺
  • reliefn. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比 adj
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.