日期:2014-11-28 09:11













乌克兰亲俄叛军任命领导人 危机加剧



"We pose no threat to anyone" - Putin


As Russian military planes arrive in Crimea -- Vladimir Putin offers assurances that Russia presents no threat to anyone, as he meets with military chiefs in Sochi.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "We pose no threat to anyone, and do not intend to get involved in any geopolitical games or intrigues, let alone conflicts, no matter who tries to draw us into them or how they do so."


A very different view from NATO Commander Philip Breedlove. He says the U.S. will continue to support Kiev in its battle for control of eastern Ukraine -- where he says Russia is providing the "backbone" to separatist rebels fighting government forces.
而北约指挥官菲利普·布里德洛夫(Philip Breedlove)则持有完全不同的观点R3o9.SjfEkeXOf#。他表示,在控制乌克兰东部的战争中,美国将继续支持基辅——他表示,俄罗斯正在为抵抗政府军的分裂主义叛军提供支柱%tBLKwxRbio-D*


(SOUNDBITE) (English) NATO COMMANDER, U.S. AIR FORCE GENERAL, PHILIP BREEDLOVE, SAYING: "The U.S. remains firmly committed, providing finances, equipment and specialized expert advice to Ukraine to help security forces here respond more effectively to defend against the attacks they are facing daily from Russian troops and the Russian-backed forces in the east."
美国空军将军,北约指挥官菲利普·布里德洛夫(Philip Breedlove):“美国仍然坚定地为乌克兰提供资金,设备和特别专家建议,帮助这里的安全力量更有效地作出回应,抵御他们每天面临的来自俄罗斯军队和俄罗斯支持的东部力量的袭击+P+ZN67++AQom3Vtzo5D。”


Breedlove also expressed concern over what he said was Moscow's militarization of the Crimea peninsula, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in March.



Sound and fury spurs political crisis in Mexico


Relentless outrage on the streets of Mexico over the apparent massacre 43 trainee teachers. The wave of discontent has hit the government,spurring calls on President Enrique Pena Nieto to step down. But with no credible opposition in sight, it looks unlikely that he will go anywhere. Instead, he is calling for an end to the violence.
墨西哥街道上,人们对43名实习教师遭遇大屠杀感到义愤填膺*TG_&[tmuydc。民众不满的声音对政府造成了打击,引发要求总统裴纳尼托(Enrique Pena Nieto)下台的呼声ouk|tL.|~X[ld。但是由于没有可信任的反对派,总统似乎不可能辞职|.Z!YIlL2G。相反,他呼吁民众停止暴力活动_;t^a-s.Kk[


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) MEXICAN PRESIDENT ENRIQUE PENA NIETO, SAYING: "If what we demand is justice, and for those responsible for these acts to pay for them and for the law to be applied, it can't be done through acts of violence and vandalism."
墨西哥总统裴纳尼托(Enrique Pena Nieto):“如果我们需要的是正义,需要罪魁祸首为自己的行为付出代价,需要法律对他们作出制裁,通过暴力活动和蓄意破坏不可能达到目的AWVa*!(5Ihw)]wb!#@。”


He himself has also come under fire for allowing the government to do business with a Mexican company that owned a luxury house in Mexico City that his wife was in the process of buying. Under pressure, the First Lady of Mexico decided to sell.


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) MEXICAN FIRST LADY ANGELICA RIVERA SAYING: "In the same spirit of openness that I shared the details of the house, I want to tell you all I have decided to sell the property."
墨西哥第一夫人安赫莉卡·里韦拉(angelica rivera) :“按照公开的精神,我和大家分享这座房屋的细节nURZtM4%7fP(。我要告诉大家,我决定把这处房产出售7~di*dBb8Q2N!N。”


Political analyst Jose Antonio Crespo says the government is in a battle for credibility.
政治分析家Jose Antonio Crespo表示,政府正处于信任危机中992_@R~k.~-1


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) POLITICAL ANALYST JOSE ANTONIO CRESPO, SAYING: "Will the people believe the government or not? Because if people don't want to believe anything, the protests could continue indefinitely because whatever the politicians do, as they have no credibility."
政治分析家Jose Antonio Crespo:“人们是否相信政府?因为如果人们不相信任何事情,抗议活动无疑会继续,因为无论政客们怎么做,他们都不再有信誉|iU5NZ2xkA=c2Ii-。”


The fall of a president would be unprecedented in modern Mexico. And for all the public indignation, no figurehead has emerged to channel the anger and present an alternative.



UN to miss Dec. 1 Ebola target as cases rise in Sierra Leone


While Ebola infections are slowing in Liberia and Guinea -- not so in Sierra Leone where the number of cases are rising. This means the UN will not meet a deadline to contain the spread of the epidemic, says Amadu Kamara who is the UN Ebola Crisis Manager in Sierra Leone.
尽管利比里亚和几内亚的埃博拉疫情出现缓解的迹象,然而在塞拉利昂却并非如此,这里的感染病例仍在增加7]S#o=IWe*e4X^。联合国驻塞拉利昂埃博拉危机负责人Amadu Kamara表示,这意味着联合国将不能在最后期限之前控制疫情的传播f=+7Fx@_-X4C6g[J


(SOUNDBITE) (English) AMADU KAMARA, EBOLA CRISIS MANAGER, UNMEER IN SIERRA LEONE SAYING: "We will not be able to reach the target on 1st December, but we are very confident that the strategy is effective and is working and in time we will be able to meet the target."
联合国驻塞拉利昂埃博拉疫情负责人AMADU KAMARA:“我们在12月1日将不能完成目标,但是我们非常有信心,目前的策略是有效的,正在发挥作用,假以时日,我们将能够完成目标Ni=lNo]~H@。”


In some cases it is a matter of education.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) AMADU KAMARA, EBOLA CRISIS MANAGER, UNMEER IN SIERRA LEONE SAYING: "There are many things we have to do. We have to make sure that the quarantines are effective. We have to make sure that we keep still educating people a lot about what they can and cannot do. We still believe that people are engaging in practices that are not necessarily conducive to breaking the transmission. So although the beds are the most physical manifestation of where we are short, there are other aspects that will be useful."
联合国驻塞拉利昂埃博拉疫情负责人AMADU KAMARA:“我们要做的有很多Vn1vq^yDOj.jw。我们必须确保隔离检疫是有效的a@JE2Zl0h,]7Ri.。我们必须确保不断教育民众能够做什么,不能做什么qX*HMZ^QR7ab&Kk4。我们仍然相信,人们正在参与对于控制疫情传播来说并非必要的活动OK(0+ubV81~pN。所以,尽管床位是我们最为短缺的,然而还有许多其他方面也有效果H6%khdcmBgPa。”


The Ebola death toll now tops 5,400, with the majority of those cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.





Australia's Hughes dies after being hit by ball
比赛被球击中头 澳洲球员宣告死亡


Australian cricketer Philip Hughes has died in hospital in Sydney, two days after he was hit on the head by a ball during a match. Michael Clarke, Australia's cricket team captain, read out a message from Hughes' family. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CAPTAIN OF AUSTRALIAN CRICKET TEAM, MICHAEL CLARKE, SAYING: "Cricket was Philip's life and we as a family shared that love of the game with him. We'll like to thank all the medical and nursing staff at St. Vincent's hospital and Cricket New South Wales Medical Staff for their great efforts with Philip. We Love you." The 25-year-old international batsman was rushed to hospital and died without ever regaining consciousness. Doctors said cases like his were very rare. (SOUNDBITE) (English) CRICKET AUSTRALIA DOCTOR PETER BRUKNER SAYING: "This was a freakish accident because it was an injury to the neck that caused haemorrhage in the brain. The condition is incredibly rare. It's called vertebral artery dissection, leading to subarachnoid haemorrhage, is the medical condition. If you look into the literature, there's only about 100 cases ever reported." The news has brought an outpouring of grief from cricket players and fans. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott also paid tribute to Hughes. (SOUNDBITE) (English) AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT SAYING: "The thought that a player in his prime should be killed playing our national game is shocking and sobering. We should be conscious of the risks that our sportspeople run to give us the pleasure that they do."His death has sparked calls for the Australian team to abandon a test match against India next week.




Love letters to Monroe among 300 items on auction


Never-before-seen letters from Marilyn Monroe's personal collection are set to hit the auction block as part of Julien's Auctions' Lost Archives of Marilyn Monroe sale.


The 50s actress kept letters from former husbands Joe DiMaggio and Arthur Miller, as well as fellow stars and are now to be sold as separate lots.


"We've priced them very conservative because we don't know," said Martin Nolan, Exec. Director of Julien's Auctions. "They have never been seen before, this is the first time they have come to the auction block, first time the world gets to see these letters. So we actually don't know where the price will go."


One of the most endearing letters comes from baseball star Joe DiMaggio after learning via the media that Monroe wanted a divorce.


"He writes this amazing letter, beautiful handwriting, very impressive," Nolan said. "But his first and foremost number one concern was he truly loved Marilyn, but he was concerned for her welfare, he felt she looked as though she was about to collapse. He didn't like to see her crying. And then he expressed his love, he expresses his regret and apologies if he had anyway hurt her. And he is begging her to come back to him. So it's a true love letter."
The most expensive lot is also rumored to be one of Monroe's favorite.


"We have this amazing coat that you can see behind me and it's known as Marilyn's favorite coat," Nolan said. "Because when Marilyn liked something she kept wearing it again and again. And there is numerous photographs and videos of Marilyn in the car with Arthur Miller."


"In fact, when she was leaving Lenox Hill Hospital after having some surgery, you can see her with Arthur Miller. You can see her at the airport. She loved this coat, it is in fantastic condition. It was sold initially at her estate auction in 1999, and it comes back to the auction block with an auction estimate of US$80,000-120,000."


Raw behind-the-scenes video footage from the set of The Misfits, which was Monroe's last film, will also be available through the sale.


A black velvet spaghetti strap dress worn by Monroe in 1956 during a press call for the film The Prince and the Showgirl is estimated to sellfor US$40,000-60,000.


The auction will be held December 6 in Beverly Hills, California. There are 300 items, including photographs and personal items and records.Despite having passed away more than 50 years ago, the public's fascination with the fallen star still seems as great as ever.

  • epidemicn. 传染病,流行病 adj. 流行的,传染性的
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • credibilityn. 可信,确实性,可靠
  • millern. 磨坊主,铣床(工)
  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • tributen. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物
  • specialized专门的 专科的
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • blockn. 街区,木块,石块 n. 阻塞(物), 障碍(物)
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐