日期:2014-08-13 09:48







台湾高雄燃气爆炸 22死270伤




洛杉矶沙滩闪电袭击 1死13伤







Russia sends aid to Ukraine, raises red flags


A Russian convoy of 280 trucks sets off from Moscow, en route to eastern Ukraine. Russian authorities say they're bringing much needed food, water and other aid to the region, where Ukrainian forces are closing in on pro-Russian rebels. But Kiev believes the convoy is a trojan horse. And Deputy foreign minister Danylo Lubkivsky says the trucks will not be permitted to enter the country if they're are under escort by Russian military.
由280辆卡车组成的俄罗斯车队从莫斯科出发,前往乌克兰东部DQ6167J)B6Z,xtT4,DhI。俄罗斯当局表示,他们向该地区运送的是亟需的食物,水和其他援助物资%z,*0*b8quCkT#RN,DY。在这里,乌克兰力量正在包围亲俄叛军_eS|oSX~q|!X。但是基辅相信该车队是特洛伊木马1IK1Db|ML|pNK4。副外长吕普科夫斯基(Danylo Lubkivsky)表示,如果这些卡车由俄罗斯军方护送,将不允许入内H*cXtoSvl!C9vv


(SOUNDBITE) (English) UKRAINIAN DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER, DANYLO LUBKIVSKY, SAYING: "Let me be clear: you don't need tanks and artillery to bring food and medicine for civilians."
乌克兰副外长吕普科夫斯基(Danylo Lubkivsky):“让我明确一点:为平民运送食物和药品不需要坦克和大炮+ZFrL-cG7&Ru+]f-BmmE。”


This latest stand-off comes in the wake of more fierce fighting around the city of Donetsk, where pro-Ukrainian volunteer fighters exchanged gun fire with rebels, Sunday. In this battle, six Ukrainians were reported killed and more than 10 were injured. Despite the rising death toll, Ukraine says the "final stages" of ridding Donetsk and Luhansk of the rebels are underway. But the ultimate fate of both cities may be decided at another time. Kiev and its western allies are keeping a wary eye on the reported presence of 45,000 Russian troops massed on its border. And NATO's warning of a "high probability" Moscow might intervene.


U.S. air strikes not "breaking the threat" of ISIL: Pentagon


A military pilot readies for flight -- serving U.S. Central Command operations in Iraq. .... Part of a mission aimed at halting Islamic State fighters from advancing further in their quest for territory. According to the Pentagon's Lieutenant General William Mayville, the air strikes have slowed the militants down, but haven't stopped them.
在美国中央司令部伊拉克行动服役的一名军方飞行员已经做好飞行准备7omM,)k@w%Qg.@C。该任务的部分目标是阻止伊斯兰国战士进一步向他们要求的领土内推进!1w]=&JrnMP^zj%cpIo。根据五角大楼中将梅维尔(William Mayville)所说,空袭减缓了激进分子的行动,但是并未制止F=6#wttVcg((p3]


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. ARMY LIEUTENANT GENERAL WILLIAM MAYVILLE, SENIOR PENTAGON OFFICIAL, SAYING: "What I expect the ISIL to do is to look for other things to do to pick up and move out further. In no way do I want to suggest that we have effectively contained or that we are somehow braking the momentum of the threat posed by ISIL."
美国陆军中将,国防部高级官员梅维尔(William Mayville):“我期望ISIL做的是寻找其他方法来进一步推进_(NudRziDf|TWHsNTzu。我不能断言我们已经有效地控制了他们的行动,只能说,减缓了他们推进的势头W4CPn-QRC8。”


The Pentagon says targeted air strikes may continue and that personnel and munitions are ready for deployment. Here, aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, bombs for possible use in future missions are being prepared. But on the ground in northern Iraq, the militants continue their murderous rampage across northern Iraq... defiant in the face of U.S. air strikes.



Deadly typhoon rips through Japan


Japanese residents began surveying damages after a deadly typhoon tore through the region over the weekend. Local media say at least nine people were killed in flood waters when Typhoon Halong dumped nearly 40 inches of rain in one hour on Saturday.In Kyodo, residents watch as an overflowing Katsura river rages through town. Some 1.6 million people were ordered to evacuate. Halong is the 11th typhoon of the season. As of Monday, it was downgraded to a tropical depression as it made it's way north towards Russia.





Hollywood remembers Robin Williams


The death of comedic legend and actor Robin Williams has shocked colleagues and fans around the world. News of his passing prompted Hollywood's elite to express their sadness on Twitter. Steve Martin said he was stunned at the news and called Williams a genuine soul. Comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres said she was heartbroken. During a film premiere in New York, veteran director Phillip Noyce had this to say about Williams. (SOUNDBITE) (English) PHILLIP NOYCE, DIRECTOR, SAYING:"He was one of the greatest comedians of all time. He made us laugh deep down in our hearts, in our minds, ever part of our bodies." And in Australia, his death led early morning newscasts. SOUNDBITE)(English) AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION NEWSREADER ROS CHILDS SAYING: "The entertainment industry is reeling from the news that Oscar winner and comedic genius Robin Williams has been found dead at his californian home. Williams' was known for both his frenetic comedic stylings and ability to play dramatic roles. In 1998 he won an Academy Award for his role in the film "Good Will Hunting". During his acceptance speech he thanked his late father and joked about whether he would be successful in the tough world of show business.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) ROBIN WILLIAMS SAYING: "I wanna thank my father... up there... the man, who, when I said I wanted to become an actor said 'wonderful, just have a back up profession, like welding." Williams was 63 years old.





Statement by the President on Iraq
Martha’s Vineyard, MA


5:08 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I wanted to provide an update on recent developments in Iraq, including some important steps forward as Iraqis form a new government.


Over the past few days, American forces have successfully conducted targeted airstrikes to prevent terrorist forces from advancing on the city of Erbil, and to protect American civilians there. Kurdish forces on the ground continue to defend their city, and we’ve stepped up military advice and assistance to Iraqi and Kurdish forces as they wage the fight against ISIL.


At the same time, we’ve continued our daily humanitarian efforts to provide life-saving assistance to the men, women and children stranded on Mount Sinjar, and deployed a USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team to help. Some have begun to escape their perch on that mountain, and we’re working with international partners to develop options to bring them to safety. I want to thank in particular the United Kingdom, France, and other countries working with us to provide much needed assistance to the Iraqi people. And, meanwhile, our aircraft remain positioned to strike any terrorist forces around the mountain who threaten the safety of these families.


This advances the limited military objectives we’ve outlined in Iraq: protecting American citizens, providing advice and assistance to Iraqi forces as they battle these terrorists, and joining with international partners to provide humanitarian aid. But as I said when I authorized these operations, there is no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq.


The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government -- one that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis, and one that can unify the country’s fight against ISIL.


Today, Iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. Last month, the Iraqi people named a new President.


Today, President Masum named a new Prime Minister designate, Dr. Haider al-Abadi. Under the Iraqi constitution, this is an important step towards forming a new government that can unite Iraq’s different communities.


Earlier today, Vice President Biden and I called Dr. Abadi to congratulate him and to urge him to form a new cabinet as quickly as possible -- one that’s inclusive of all Iraqis, and one that represents all Iraqis. I pledged our support to him, as well as to President Masum and Speaker Jabouri, as they work together to form this government. Meanwhile, I urge all Iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process in the days ahead.


This new Iraqi leadership has a difficult task. It has to regain the confidence of its citizens by governing inclusively and by taking steps to demonstrate its resolve. The United States stands ready to support a government that addresses the needs and grievances of all Iraqi people. We are also ready to work with other countries in the region to deal with the humanitarian crisis and counterterrorism challenge in Iraq. Mobilizing that support will be easier once this new government is in place.


These have been difficult days in Iraq -- a country that has faced so many challenges in its recent history. And I’m sure that there will be difficult days ahead. But just as the United States will remain vigilant against the threat posed to our people by ISIL, we stand ready to partner with Iraq in its fight against these terrorist forces. Without question, that effort will be advanced if Iraqis continue to build on today’s progress, and come together to support a new and inclusive government.


Thanks, everybody.

  • updatev. 更新,补充最新资料 n. 更新
  • striken. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,撞,罢工,划燃
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战
  • commandn. 命令,指挥,控制 v. 命令,指挥,支配 n. [
  • defiantadj. 挑衅的,目中无人
  • demonstratevt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威
  • cabinetn. 橱柜,内阁 adj. 私人的
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液
  • personneln. 职员,人事部门