日期:2013-09-04 12:26







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Syrian towns attacked by tanks, fighters jets


Shelling from government tanks in the Syrian town of Daraya. 'GoGo Go' yells one of the rebel fighters. It wasn't the only part of the country under fire. A suburb of Homs. Fighter jets have repeatedly targeted the area say rebels in this latest video posted to a social media website whose content Reuters cannot independently verify. The situation on the ground is only expected to get more complicated says a Khaled Saleh, spokesman for the Syrian opposition.
叙利亚城镇达拉雅遭遇政府坦克攻击D2kk0@5z1a6d5Peg。叛军一名战士高呼“前进,前进”5L9Np_tB*l-。遭遇战火的并不只是这一个地方y_~b_9,!4+.YVJq。据叛军上传到社交网站上的视频,在霍姆斯一个郊区,战斗机反复轰炸这个地方!*A25RFor!|486cd(m8。目前路透社还难以进行独立证实^F;^WY6[qbF!。叙利亚反对派发言人Khaled Saleh表示,现场的形势只会越来越复杂[o9I4DJ+qG


SOUNDBITE: Syrian National Coalition Spokesman Khaled Saleh saying: "We have received information in the last couple of days that three convoys that are carrying chemical weapons left their locations. Now we can confirm that two of them had arrived at their final destination."
叙利亚全国联盟发言人Khaled Saleh表示:“过去几天我们收到消息,三支携带化学武器的车队离开原来的位置Z2#+3tM1Nn7+9*+[)C。现在我们得知,其中两支队伍已经抵达最终目的地t-9DxSM*d-aEIDrF.C~U。”


Speaking in Turkey, Saleh added that a prominent Syrian medical expert with evidence of an earlier chemical attack, has fled the country.


SOUNDBITE: Syrian National Coalition Spokesman Khaled Saleh saying: "In terms of the information presented by Dr. Abdeltawwab Shahrour, he is the head of forensics investigation authority in Aleppo, he has been overseeing and is very aware of many crimes that the Assad regime had committed in Aleppo province, specifically in the city of Khan Alassal."
叙利亚全国联盟发言人Khaled Saleh表示:“根据Abdeltawwab Shahrour提供的消息,他是阿勒颇法庭调查部门负责人,一直在监督,非常了解阿萨德政权在阿勒颇犯下的罪行,尤其是在Khan Alassal市c~iaqezr!=Si[-_Nj#n。”


Saleh said Dr. Shahrour, who did not appear at the news conference, had investigated the attack that killed two dozen people in March. Both the government and rebels have blamed each for deaths which are widely believed to have been caused by chemical weapons.



Mexico, Brazil angry over new U.S. spy claims


The fallout over leaked data on the scope of U.S. surveillance programmes continues to reverberate around the world. On Monday, Mexican authorities said they were questioning the U.S. ambassador following allegations the United States spied on President Enrique Pena Nieto before he was elected. Brazil's news show Fantastico, which aired late Sunday, said Brazilian leader Dilma Rousseff had been a target as well. The report was based on documents journalist Glenn Greenwald received from American ex-spy contractor Edward Snowden. Greenwald was listed as a co-contributor on the programme. Brazil echoed Mexico's outrage and said the claims would be a serious violation of sovereignty, if true. The Brazilian government was already angered about earlier leaks suggesting the United States was keeping tabs its citizens' emails and phone calls.
美国监视项目数据泄露的余波仍在全世界回响U6a^9Zc=#A%。周一,墨西哥当局表示,有指控称美国在总统恩里克·涅托(Enrique Pena Nieto)当选之前就已对其展开监视行动,墨西哥当局对美国大使提出了质疑&anO1WELiybm|。周日晚间播出的巴西新闻“奇妙人间”(Fantastico)报道称,巴西总统罗塞(Dilma Rousseff)也是美国监听的目标jBpJ=zIpOLKhb2。该报道是基于记者格林渥德(Glenn Greenwald)从前情报承包商斯诺登那里获得的文件qfFcfL-N0r。格林渥德被列为该项目的贡献者之一mk~hp7,-TVj_6RNHj。巴西与墨西哥一样表达了愤怒,称如果事情属实,这是严重的侵犯主权的行为aBcjo4ZdZ@.[2QX。巴西政府对于此前披露的美国监视其公民的电子邮件和电话记录已经表达愤怒A.ax)0xcvUkqKG+LS)vo



Record-breaking San Francisco Bay bridge to open after delays


Six years behind schedule and five times over budget but -- finally - a new eastern span of the iconic San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is open to traffic.


SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED COMMUTER SAYING: "It was an engineering marvel. Fantastic."


Eager commuters began lining up their cars in the early morning hours to be a part of San Francisco history.


SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED COMMUTER SAYING: "It was great! We're gonna do it again!" Nearly 300,000 vehicles are expected during Tuesday's commute -- over what's one of the busiest spans in the country. The new $6 billion eastern span replaces a structure that was damaged during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.


SOUNDBITE: SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR EDWIN LEE SAYING: "It's fabulous. It is so open from the toll plaza up. It's going to be marvelous. I don't know how the CHP is going to stop people from taking pictures."
旧金山市长李孟贤(Edwin Lee)表示:“这简直就是神话jWtUat2L,+#i@。从收费广场开始延伸,非常叹为观止kOpNT5vGHsR。我不知道管理部门怎样才能制止人们拍照R9ySsNV^JC&U。”


The Bay Bridge is the largest self-anchored suspension bridge in the world. The much-anticipated opening follows years of delays, disputes over design, and financial struggles.






Microsoft to buy Nokia's devices and services unit


Microsoft is buying Nokia’s devices and services business for 7.2 billion U.S. dollars in an effort to expand its share of the smartphone market.


Microsoft will pay 5 billion U.S. dollars for the Nokia unit that makes mobile phones, including its line of Lumia smartphones. It is also paying 2.2 billion U.S. dollars for a 10-year license to use Nokia’s patents.


Microsoft says it is acquiring Nokia’s Asha brand of low to mid-level smartphones and will license the Nokia brand for current Nokia mobile products.


Both companies say in a joint statement this provides Microsoft with the opportunity to extend its service offerings to a far wider group around the world while allowing Nokia’s mobile phones to serve as an add on to its Windows Phone.


The companies also say when the deal is finalised in early 2014, about 32,000 Nokia employees will transfer to Microsoft.






Obama pushing for congress approval of air strikes


The United States, holding what it says is overwhelming evidence of the Syrian government using chemical weapons against its own people, pushes on in its mission to launch a military strike.


President Barack Obama is hoping to obtain congressional approval. On Monday, he swung open the White House doors for the start of what will likely become a parade of lawmakers he's hoping to sway.


After declaring that he would seek approval from the U.S. congress before striking Syria, the U.S. President Barack Obama took the argument directly to two of his biggest foreign policy critics. Senator Lindsay Graham and the man he beat for the presidency in 2008, Senator John McCain, invited him to the White house for a private meeting.


Obama tried to convince them to support a strike to Syria, and perhaps more importantly, to tell them to convince the others in the congress to join them in supporting for an attack.


Both men have stated previously that they do support military action. But they say they want Obama to lay out more comprehensive responses that will weaken more the Assad government.


After the meeting, Graham said if the president can lay out a plan that does that, he will support the plan and try to convince other lawmakers to support the president.


Even with Graham and McCain’s support it won’t be easy for President Obama to get the votes he needs to pass the resolution supporting military action against Syria. Some members of both parties are firmly against any sort of action, saying the intelligence has not convinced them, or that it is simply not the rule that the U.S. uses the force against a country that poses no direct threat to the U.S..


On Tuesday U.S. Secretary of State, Defense, along with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will testify before congress, where they will answer lawmakers' questions directly. Congress is officially back in session next week, giving the president a limited window to make his case.

  • reverberatev. 回响,反响,反射
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • spyn. 间谍,侦探,侦察 vt. 侦探,看到,找出 vi.
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污
  • approvaln. 批准,认可,同意,赞同
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • licensen. 执照,许可证,特许 vt. 允许,特许,发许可证给
  • defensen. 防卫,防卫物,辩护 vt. 防守
  • destinationn. 目的地,终点,景点