每日视频新闻:马云换“马甲”复出 千亿打造智能物流网
日期:2013-05-30 19:58




大学生最难就业年 毕业季你的方向在哪?

美副总统拜登宾大演讲 称中国不能自由呼吸

《中国合伙人》票房三天破亿 盘点走俏电影

奥巴马莫尔豪斯学院毕业演讲 望生多行善事

Taiwanese protesters rally against nuclear power


Protesters in Taiwan call on the government to reduce the country's reliance on nuclear power. They gathered in the capital Taipei, where legislators are considering a national referendum on the fate of a controversial nuclear plant. Demonstrators, like this man, worry about a potential meltdown.


"The government should think about a safe future for the people," he says. "We don't want our children to think of us as sinners." Taiwan has three nuclear plants that combined produce almost 20 percent of the country's power. A fourth plant is 90 percent compelete and a referendum on its future may take place later this year.


Thousands march against gay-marriage in France


They marched along the banks of the River Seine, thousands of demonstrators angry about a new law allowing gay marriage and the adoption of children by same-sex couples.


Protester Amelie, saying (French): "We are here to defend marriage because we believe a child needs a father and a mother to grow up and that this is important so that they can grow up normally." The controversial law adopted by parliament last month and spearheaded by President Francois Hollande enraged social conservatives who see it as anti-family. Waving flags and chanting, "We want work not gay marriage," three streams of protesters, starting in parts of the city, were to converge on central Paris. The law's passage makes France the 14th country to allow gay marriage.


Sewer baby recovers

弃婴被困下水道 精心救援2小时"剥"出婴儿

A true survivor, this baby is recovering inside an incubator in a Chinese hospital after being cut out of an inches thick sewer pipe. The infant was abandoned in a residential waste duct in Zhejiang province's Jinhua city. Unable to remove the 2.3 kilogram baby safely, firefighters brought the child to a hospital, where doctors carefully cut away the pipe. The infant is in healthy condition, say doctors, aside from scrapes to its head, arms and legs. Residents were still in shock over news days later.


25-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF 6-MONTH OLD BABY, WU YUNDING, SAYING: "I feel heartbroken. As a parent, when my child is ill I get very worried. How can someone have the heart to abandon the baby once she has given birth to it. I feel so sad." China witnesses frequent reports of parents abandoning babies, often shortly after birth. The issue is attributed to young women unaware they are pregnant, unwanted female children and China's strict family planning rules.


CCTV:马云换“马甲”复出 千亿打造智能物流网

Alibaba Group launches China Smart Logistics Network

马云换“马甲”复出 千亿打造智能物流网

We now turn to the new China Smart Logistics Network. The internet based Alibaba Group has officially launched the network, or CSN program. It promises to support 30 billion yuan worth of online sales daily. The company, called "Cainiao", or Rookie Logistics in English, is jointly established by Alibaba Group, Intime Group and some of the country’s major delivery companies. Jin Yingqiao has more.

For years it’s been an ambition to build a massive logistics network in China. At the end of May, they finally took the first step.

Jack Ma, the former CEO of Alibaba, will be the board chairman of Rookie Logistics. He explained why they decided to build the company.

Jack Ma, Former CEO of Alibaba Group, said, "Currently there are about 25 million parcels delivered every day in China, and that figure is expected to hit 200 million in ten years time. The existing logistics network won’t be able to cope with the extra capacity, so we’ve decided to set up logistics facilities nationwide to enable parcels in some 2,000 Chinese cities to be delivered within 24 hours of online purchasing."

Dubbed an "idealist program", Ma introduced the initial company plan.

"In the first phase, the company will invest 100 billion yuan to set up the logistics network. We hope this investment will stimulate the growth of current logistic infrastructures, such as highways, railways and airports." Jack Ma said.

Ma has also expressed his hope that the network will support a 10 million-strong workforce of delivery personnel throughout China.

In 2012, China’s on-line sales reached 1.3 trillion yuan, or around 200 billion U.S. dollars. Since China’s e-commerce market is rapidly expanding, a bigger and more complete logistics network is needed to cope with the growth in the coming years.


Remarks by the President After Touring the Tornado Damage in Oklahoma


THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Obviously, a picture is worth a thousand words, and what we’re seeing here I think gives you some sense of what the people of Moore and the people of Oklahoma have been dealing with over these last several days.

There are a couple of acknowledgements that I want to make, but let me begin by just saying that whenever I come to an area that’s been devastated by some natural disaster like this, I want to make sure everybody understands I’m speaking on behalf of the entire country. Everywhere, fellow Americans are praying with you, they’re thinking about you, and they want to help.

And so I’m just a messenger here today, letting everybody here know that you are not alone, that you’ve got folks behind you.

Obviously, the damage here is pretty hard to comprehend. Our hearts go out to the families who have been impacted, including those who had loved ones who were lost. And that was true for the parents of some of the children here at Plaza Towers Elementary School.

There are a number of people I want to especially thank, because they’ve engaged in some heroic efforts in dealing with this disaster. First of all, Governor Mary Fallin, thank you so much for your quick response and your outstanding work. Mayor Glenn Lewis, the mayor of Moore, who has been mayor here before, when there was a disaster, and because of his strong spirit and sense of community has been able to help lead the community through this disaster. We very much appreciate your work.

Representative Tom Cole -- not only is this his congressional district, but more importantly, this is his hometown. And so for him, this carries a special sadness but also a resolve in terms of trying to make sure that the city of Moore bounces back. Mayor Mick Cornett of Oklahoma City, a neighbor and friend -- we appreciate him being here. Craig Fugate is here, and obviously we are very proud of the work that he and his FEMA team have done. Susie Pierce, superintendent of schools here -- thank you for your leadership.

Amy Simpson -- I want to especially commend Plaza Towers Elementary School principal, as well as Shelley McMillan, the Briarwood Elementary School principal. They were on the ground when this happened, and because of their quick response, their keeping a level head, their putting kids first saved a lot of people. And they’re still going through some tough times. I can only imagine being their husbands, who are here, and the panic that I’m sure they were feeling when the tornado first struck. But I know that they could not be prouder of their wives for the outstanding work that they did in this amazing situation.

I want to thank Chief of Police, Jerry Stillings, and all the first responders in this area who were some of the first folks on the scene who were putting themselves at risk to save other people’s lives. That’s what first responders do -- but sometimes we take them for granted, and it’s important we don’t and we remember moments like that. That’s why it’s so important that we continually support them.

At my direction, Craig Fugate arrived here on Tuesday. FEMA was on the ground even before Monday’s tornado hit. And their teams have now completed searches of more than 1,200 buildings. We’ve helped to register more than 4,200 people for disaster assistance, and we’ve approved more than $3.4 million in direct aid. Obviously, there’s a lot more to come. But it’s not just a government response. We’ve seen incredible outpourings of support from churches, from community groups who are helping folks begin to recover.

This area has known more than its share of heartbreak. But people here pride themselves on the “Oklahoma Standard” –- what Governor Fallin has called, “Being able to work through disasters like this, and [to] come out stronger on the other side.” And that’s what we’ve been seeing this week.

From the forecasters who issued the warnings, to the first responders who dug through the rubble, to the teachers who shielded with their own bodies their students, Oklahomans have inspired us with their love and their courage and their fellowship.

Neighbors have been offering up spare bedrooms and couches for those in need of shelter. Universities have opened up their buildings for temporary housing. And local companies have pitched in.

This is a strong community with strong character. There’s no doubt they’re going to bounce back. But they need help -- just like any of us would need help if we saw the kind of devastation that we’re seeing here. We have about 1,200 homes that have been completely destroyed, but we’ve got 12,000 that have been damaged in one way or another, and that’s a big piece of business. And along with the schools, we’ve got a hospital that has been destroyed. It’s going to take a long time for this community to rebuild.

So I want to urge every American to step up. If I’ve got one message for folks here today: Go online, donate to the American Red Cross. And if you’re from the area and you need to register for disaster assistance, you can call 1-800-621-FEMA. That’s 1-800-621-FEMA. Or you can go to disasterassistance.gov. Disasterassistance.gov on the web. Either way, I guarantee you, if you’ve got some significant damage and have been impacted, go ahead and reach out, and there are going to be professionals there who are ready and willing to provide you the assistance that you need.

We know Moore is going to come back stronger from this tragedy. Your mayor said that you’re already printing new street signs. And I want folks affected throughout Oklahoma to know that we’re going to be with you every step of the way.

On Sunday, the first deadly tornadoes touched down about 40 miles from here. And I mentioned this the day afterwards -- there was a story that really struck me in the press -- in the rubble was found a Bible, open to the words that read: “A man will be as a hiding place from the wind, and a cover from the tempest.” And it’s a reminder, as Scripture often is, that God has a plan, and it’s important, though, that we also recognize we’re an instrument of his will. And we need to know that as fellow Americans, we’re going to be there as shelter from the storm for the people of Moore who have been impacted.

And when we say that we’ve got your back, I promise you, we keep our word. If you talk to folks in Alabama who have been affected over the last couple of years; you talk to the folks at Joplin, who I know have actually sent volunteers down here to Moore; if you talk to folks in New Jersey and New York, they’ll tell you that when we say we’re going to be there until you completely rebuild, we mean it. And I want everybody to have that confidence.

So, again, to all the people here behind me, I want to say how proud I am of them, how grateful I am for their service. I want to make one final comment. A lot of the first responders talked about the training they’ve done, in part through some federal grants, to prepare for disasters like this. And, as a consequence, when it actually happens, they know what to do, they’re not losing time, they’re able to go through all the drills and the training that they’ve gone through.

Training, education, both for citizenry but also for first responders, is absolutely critical. And we’ve got to make sure that those resources remain in place. So I know everybody in Congress cares deeply about what’s happening, and I’m confident that resources will be forthcoming when it comes to rebuilding. But remember that it’s also the ongoing training and equipment that we’re making sure that those things are in place. We can’t shortchange that kind of ongoing disaster response. We can’t just wait until the disaster happens. That’s how, in part, we were able to save a lot of lives -- and I want everybody to keep that in mind.

So with that, let me just, again, say thank you to everybody here. Madam Governor, thank you for your leadership. And may God bless the people of Oklahoma and obviously continue to bless the United States of America.

Thank you.

  • outstandingadj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • rookien. 新手
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • commendvt. 推荐,嘉奖,把 ... 托付给 vi. 推荐
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • heroicadj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • sewern. 下水道,阴沟,裁缝师