日期:2014-07-23 07:52











德国队赢得世界杯冠军 球迷狂欢





Delta, US Airways halt flights to Israel citing safety concerns


Americans hoping to visit Israel are out of luck. Delta and US Airways canceled flights to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. Both airlines cited U.S. Federal Aviation Association concerns about safety. The decision comes as Hamas fired more rockets into Israel -- with one hitting the outskirts of the airport -- injuring two people. It isn't clear at this point how long the travel ban will last.



MH17 black boxes handed over


The two 'black box' recorders from Flight MH17 shot down over Ukraine are handed over to Malaysian officials. A leader of the Pro-Russian separatists who control the area where the plane came down, formally presented them early on Tuesday. Aleksander Borodai handed them over after lengthy negotiations with Malaysia whose officials thanked him for doing so.
在乌克兰被击落的MH17航班上的两个“黑匣子”记录器已移交给马来西亚官员YUB)mi.3]Wo7。周二早上,控制飞机坠毁地区的亲俄分裂分子领袖正式移交黑匣子[J1y|y^GA[Td,Pj@rJGF。与马来西亚官员进行了漫长的谈判之后,亚历山大·波罗岱(Aleksander Borodai)完成了移交工作,马来西亚官员对此表示感谢mYc=L)kwt4x


(SOUNDBITE)(English) COLONEL MOHAMED SAKRI, MALAYSIAN NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, SAYING: "I would like to convey our sincere appreciation to his Excellency Mr Borodai for giving us the opportunity and attain special request to him for handing over the two black boxes to Malaysia. This is the property of Malaysia."
马来西亚国防委员会官员COLONEL MOHAMED SAKRI:“我要向波罗岱的善行表示感激,感谢他们给我们机会提出这个特别的要求,请他把两个黑匣子归还马来西亚WAmey)zcWPC。这是马来西亚的荣幸I(ERa1v(6Le+^*G。”


The Malaysian Airlines plane went down in an area of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic on Thursday. All 298 passengers and crew on board were killed. The United States and its allies have blamed pro-Russian rebels for downing the plane. Russia in turn has blamed Ukraine. The United Nations Security Council on Monday condemned the act and demanded that armed groups allow "safe, secure, full and unrestricted access" to the crash site.



U.N. condemns plane's downing, but issues remain


As a train in eastern Ukraine heads off, carrying bodies and belongings of the victims of the Malaysia passenger plane,tensions escalate in the United Nations Security Council. Even after a unanimous vote to condemn the downing of the plane,the Russian ambassador to the UN warns fellow members not to jump to conclusions.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) VITALY CHURKIN, RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, SAYING: "What is going on today is absolutely inadmissible. It seems that Kiev is attempting to draw the shock of the international community given the downing of MH17 to step up its punitive operations in the east of the country."
俄罗斯驻联合国大使丘尔金(Vitaly Churkin):“今天发生的一切是绝对不许可的~L!qRjUmJMOFb8|__j。看上去似乎是基辅希望通过击落MH17航班来引起国际社会震惊,从而加剧其在乌克兰东部的惩罚行动.3-npVHsOg]*oz.XZ9d%。”


The U.S. and its allies have blamed pro-Russian rebels for downing the plane that killed all 298 passengers on board.Russia's full cooperation and its influence over the rebels have raised issues for council members. The council's resolution also demanded respect for the site's integrity and cooperation from armed groups controling the site.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) FRANS TIMMERMANS, DUTCH FOREIGN MINISTER, SAYING: "We haven't seen until today a firm commitment from President Putin. Today is the first day that he made a public statement that the separatists should cooperate with international investigation."
荷兰外长堤孟思(Frans Timmermans):“我们直至今日都没有见到俄罗斯总统普京的坚定承诺=*.H|a2u52~。今天是他首次发表公开声明,呼吁叛军配合国际社会调查xg0n.1#STt;0qE[PuC[d。”


Russia's Defense Ministry has challenged accusations that rebels were responsible. Instead it Ukrainian warplanes had flown close to the airliner.






"Monty Python" stars bid an emotional farewell in final show


Monty Python performed the final show of their ten-day residency at London's O2 arena on Sunday June 20th. The comic team,including John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin, say it's probably the last time they'll all be on stage together. The show was broadcast live to fans around the world - and before taking their final bow the Pythons sang 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life'. For the last night of the show, famous fans such as comic actot Mike Myers also showed up SOUNDBITE,Mike Myers, actor (English): "Python are the McDaddy of comedy. I mean if there was a periodic table of element of comedy Python would have Pythonium. They're just everybody who does anything, you know, are influenced by Python." And so in the end- the curtain call had to come -- this could be the final bow the Pythons ever make together after more than 50 years of comedy.





Remarks by the President at Signing of Executive Order on LGBT Workplace Discrimination
East Room


10:39 A.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Welcome to the White House, everybody. I know I'm a little late. But that's okay because we've got some big business to do here.


Many of you have worked for a long time to see this day coming. You organized, you spoke up, you signed petitions, you sent letters -- I know because I got a lot of them. (Laughter.) And now, thanks to your passionate advocacy and the irrefutable rightness of your cause, our government -- government of the people, by the people, and for the people -- will become just a little bit fairer.


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Amen. (Applause.)


THE PRESIDENT: It doesn’t make much sense, but today in America, millions of our fellow citizens wake up and go to work with the awareness that they could lose their job, not because of anything they do or fail to do, but because of who they are -- lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. And that’s wrong. We’re here to do what we can to make it right -- to bend that arc of justice just a little bit in a better direction.


In a few moments, I will sign an executive order that does two things. First, the federal government already prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Once I sign this order, the same will be explicitly true for gender identity. (Applause.)


And second, we’re going to prohibit all companies that receive a contract from the federal government from discriminating against their LGBT employees. (Applause.) America’s federal contracts should not subsidize discrimination against the American people.


Now, this executive order is part of a long bipartisan tradition. President Roosevelt signed an order prohibiting racial discrimination in the national defense industry. President Eisenhower strengthened it. President Johnson expanded it. Today, I'm going to expand it again.


Currently, 18 states have already banned workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. And over 200 cities and localities have done the same. Governor Terry McAuliffe is here; his first act as governor was to prohibit discrimination against LGBT employees of the Commonwealth of Virginia. (Applause.) Where did Terry go? Right back here.


I’ve appointed a record number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender public servants to positions across my administration. They are ambassadors and federal judges, special assistants, senior advisors from the Pentagon to the Labor Department. Every day, their talent is put to work on behalf of the American people.


Equality in the workplace is not only the right thing to do, it turns out to be good business. That’s why a majority of Fortune 500 companies already have nondiscrimination policies in place. It is not just about doing the right thing -- it’s also about attracting and retaining the best talent. And there are several business leaders who are here today who will attest to that.


And yet, despite all that, in too many states and in too many workplaces, simply being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender can still be a fireable offense. There are people here today who’ve lost their jobs for that reason. This is not speculative, this is not a matter of political correctness -- people lose their jobs as a consequence of this. Their livelihoods are threatened, their families are threatened. In fact, more states now allow same-sex marriage than prohibit discrimination against LGBT workers. So I firmly believe that it’s time to address this injustice for every American.


Now, Congress has spent 40 years -- four decades -- considering legislation that would help solve the problem. That's a long time. And yet they still haven’t gotten it done. Senators Terry [Tammy] Baldwin and Jeff Merkley are here. They have been champions of this issue for a long, long time. We are very proud of them. I know they will not stop fighting until fair treatment for all workers is the federal law of the land. Everyone thanks them for that. (Applause.)


But I’m going to do what I can, with the authority I have, to act. The rest of you, of course, need to keep putting pressure on Congress to pass federal legislation that resolves this problem once and for all.




THE PRESIDENT: Amen. Amen. (Applause.) Got the “amen” corner here. (Laughter.) Well -- (sings) -- (laughter.) You don't want to get me preaching, now. (Laughter.)


For more than two centuries, we have strived, often at great cost, to form “a more perfect union” -- to make sure that “we, the people” applies to all the people. Many of us are only here because others fought to secure rights and opportunities for us. And we’ve got a responsibility to do the same for future generations. We’ve got an obligation to make sure that the country we love remains a place where no matter who you are, or what you look like, or where you come from, or how you started out, or what your last name is, or who you love -- no matter what, you can make it in this country.


That’s the story of America. That’s the story of this movement. I want to thank all of you for doing your part. We've got a long way to go, but I hope as everybody looks around this room, you are reminded of the extraordinary progress that we have made not just in our lifetimes, but in the last five years. In the last two years. (Applause.) In the last one year. (Applause.) We're on the right side of history.


I’m going to sign this executive order. Thank you, everybody. (Applause.)


(The executive order is signed.)


10:47 A.M. EDT

  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • identityn. 身份,一致,特征
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • inadmissibleadj. 不许可的;难承认的
  • organizedv. 组织
  • appreciationn. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值
  • condemnvt. 谴责,判刑 vt. 宣告(建筑)不宜使用
  • unanimousadj. 全体一致的,一致同意的
  • arenan. 竞技场