每日视频新闻:日文输入法在日本遭禁 百度否认搜集情报
日期:2013-12-31 10:25







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Unemployment benefits run out for 1.3 million Americans


It's not the way Kathy Biscotti wanted to start the New Year. She lost her job in the summer and has been living on $332 a week in unemployment benefits. But starting this week, she will no longer receive those checks after Congress failed to extend the program.
Kathy Biscotti不希望以这种方式开始新年S44kZ2),jzGp9。她夏季失去了工作,依靠每周332美元的失业救济金生活[uMRE-3[he9q|ZefG。但是由于国会未将失业救济项目延期,从本周开始,她将收不到救济金GKE4mKww@HY~m


SOUNDBITE: KATHY BISCOTTI, UNEMPLOYED, SAYING: "I wake up in the middle of the night in a complete panic of what is going to become of me. Um, you know, am I going to end up living under a bridge? Am I going to end up being homeless?"
失业人员KATHY BISCOTTI:“半夜醒来,想到目前的处境,我就会陷入一片恐慌的感觉ObB9kH6b+0^Td|_msyI8。我是不是要住在天桥下?我是不是会无家可归?”


Congress approved the extended jobless benefits back in 2008 as the recession was just beginning. But this year, lawmakers did not extend the program when they voted on the budget deal that was passed just before the holiday break. That will likely set up a contentious debate when Congress reconvenes in the new year. For the 1.3 million Americans who counted on the unemployment benefits to survive, the debate can't come soon enough.


SOUNDBITE: KATHY BISCOTTI, UNEMPLOYED, SAYING: "It's horrible to wake up in the morning and not have somewhere to go, and um...it's degrading."
失业人员KATHY BISCOTTI:“早上醒来时非常可怕,没有地方可去,非常有辱人格9MQ;!SY|Ax3Z116dge。”


President Obama has urged Congress to extend the unemployment benefits but most Republicans are against it.



Flu season hits hard and early


The flu season is hitting hard and early this year. The CDC reports close to a dozen states, mostly in the South, have widespread cases of the flu, keeping doctors busy.


SOUNDBITE: DR. GERRY CVITANOVICH, SAYING: "We are seeing tons of flu. Our offices are seeing over one hundred patients a day."
GERRY CVITANOVICH医生:“我们看到许多流感病例Yrx7zWcU;xVje%3aGR。我们的办公室每天接待100多位病人CsW~vmKJdD*a@+(R*%。”


Texas has been hit the hardest, with several deaths blamed on the H1N1 strain. This year, doctors are seeing even the healthiest of people succumb to H1N1 also known as the swine flu.


SOUNDBITE: DR. GERRY CVITANOVICH, SAYING: "People in the young age group between 20 and 40 who normally we would not expect a death from the flu."
GERRY CVITANOVICH医生:“20岁至40岁之间的年轻人群正常情况下不会因流感而死亡-KMO0R7].|n.9%_E0L。”


The good news is there is still plenty of the flu vaccine available. Doctors say it's not too late to get the shot.


SOUNDBITE: DR. GERRY CVITANOVICH, SAYING: "Us having widespread flu this early is alarming to me and should be to everyone.Especially to people who haven't been vaccinated yet or to people who are in categories that cause us concern about complications."
GERRY CVITANOVICH医生:“美国今年这么早出现这么多流感病例让我产生了警惕,也应该让所有人警惕CV5y]!%XknC+u]。尤其是还没有注射疫苗的人和让我们担心并发症的患病人群ndhhMEQk,n#!DK+。”


Flu season typically lasts through February.



Bank robber who killed cop shot dead in Arizona


The nationwide manhunt for a bank robber accused of killing a Mississippi police officer came to an end Sunday in this Phoenix neighborhood. A witness going through a drive-thru restaurant called police after spotting the suspect going into a bank with a mask on. When officers arrived, the robber opened fire on police.


SOUNDBITE: WITNESS STEVE LOPEZ, SAYING: "I heard five explosions like a big flat tire. They sounded like boom boom! Five,real loud."
目击者STEVE LOPEZ:“我听到了五声爆炸声,就好像巨大的轮胎爆胎的声音,非常巨大的轰轰声yV7hX]HZH9。一共响了五次,非常大的声音zU1G6bpHAa#a2C。”


A police detective who happened to be in the area shot and killed the suspect, ending a nationwide manhunt. Police say the robber started his crime spree earlier in the week when he tried to hold up a bank in Atlanta. Then, hours later, he robbed a bank in Mississippi, killing one cop and wounding another during a shootout. Hundreds turned out to pay tribute to the fallen officer.


SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED MOURNER, SAYING: "This was a senseless tragedy. We wanted to come and show our respect." The violent crime spree finally coming to an end when the suspect was shot dead after robbing a bank in Phoenix.


CCTV9:日文输入法在日本遭禁 百度否认搜集情报



Baidu denies its Japanese input software abuses user information
日文输入法在日本遭禁 百度反驳搜集情报指责


Tensions between China and Japan are riding high, and is now spreading to technology sectors. China's search giant Baidu on Thursday denied claims by the Japanese government that it is spying on users through its Japanese input software.


A Baidu spokesperson acknowledged that its Japanese language input program collects data to update its dictionary, but pointed out that the information is encrypted and anonymous. Furthermore, Baidu said the servers for the program are located in Japan itself, contradicting the Japanese government’s claim that data flows to servers outside of the country.


Currently Baidu’s language input software has attracted about two million users in Japan, and its mobile phone input app has been downloaded over seven million times in the country. The Japanese government has warned around 140 organizations not to use the company’s language software. It says that all the text typed into computers is sent to Baidu’s servers, and could lead to security leaks.





16, incl. suicide bomber, killed at Russian railway station


A suicide bomb attack at a train station in Southern Russia has killed 16 people, including the bomber. The city, Volgograd,is a busy hub north of the violence-plagued North Caucasus region. After the deadly explosion, the local government announced 3 days of mourning starting January 1st. The bombing highlights the daunting security challenge Russia will face in hosting the Sochi Winter Olympics in February.


A terrifying moment.


Sunday’s explosion rocked the Volgograd station at a time when millions of people were travelling home for the New Year holidays.


The explosion shattered windows and sent debris and smoke into the air.


"Everything was covered in smoke. After 10 minutes I was able to see again, and there were bodies everywhere. Inside the train station itself everything was destroyed." Nona Kapilova, staff of Newspaper Kiosk, said.


The spokesman for the nation’s top investigative agency said the bomber detonated explosives at the station’s main entrance. The bomb contained about 10 kilograms of explosives and was rigged with shrapnel.


"The explosion was done by a suicide bomber, who, when trying to pass the gates of a metal detector saw a police officer there, got nervous and detonated the bomb with grave consequences." Vladimir Markin, spokesman for Russian Investigative Committee, said.


13 people were killed on the spot, and Volgograd’s regional government said two other people died later at a hospital. About 50 people were injured.


Markin said that security controls prevented a far greater number of casualties at the station, which was packed with people at a time when several trains were delayed.


No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack in Volgograd, but it came several months after Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov called for new hits on civilian targets in Russia, including the February Olympics in Sochi.


A Russian website with ties to security agencies, Life News, said authorities had identified the bomber as a resident of Dagestan, the province adjacent to Chechnya and now the centre of a long-running Islamist insurgency.


It was the second deadly attack in Russia within three days. With the Winter Olympics to start in 40 days, it has really raised security concerns.


We've had conflicting reports on the bomber’s identity. The Interfax news agency quoted unidentified law enforcement agents as saying that footage taken by surveillance cameras indicated that the bomber was a man. It also reported that it was further proven by a torn male finger ringed by a safety pin removed from a hand grenade, which was found at the site of the explosion.


  • widespreadadj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论
  • detectiveadj. 侦探的 n. 侦探
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • extendv. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要