每日视频新闻:毕业生就业困境 理想与现实脱节
日期:2014-05-15 09:24







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Bill Clinton defends Hillary over Karl Rove "brain" remarks
前白宫顾问暗示希拉里或患脑损伤 克林顿辩护


Hillary Clinton did not suffer brain damage in 2012, thank you very much. That was the message from former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday. He was reacting to news that Karl Rove, a former top aid to President George W. Bush, said Clinton may have suffered brain damage from a 2012 blood clot while Secretary of State.
希拉里·克林顿在2012年并未遭受脑损伤,非常感谢QFhM7~X&.rBd(YD=BS。这是美国前总统比尔·克林顿在周三传达的信息G+Nr=)+A]VQ|Cq]v*p8T。他的言论是对前总统乔治·W·布什前高级助手卡尔·罗夫(Karl Rove)的消息作出回应*V&,s,6!ir!tUJ。罗夫称,希拉里·克林顿在2012年担任国务卿期间可能由于脑血栓遭遇脑损伤*]+yAGjx21OQ&BwC;O


SOUNDBITE: FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON SAYING: "First of all, I've got to give him credit. That embodies the old saying that consistency is the hob goblin of little minds. Rove denied making the comment but told Fox News that Clinton will have to deal with questions about her health if she runs for president.


SOUNDBITE: FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON SAYING: "First they said she faked her concussion, and now they say she's auditioning for a part on The Walking Dead. I mean what ever it takes."


Hillary Clinton suffered the blood clot in her head in 2012 after a fall at her home. She got treatment at a New York hospital but the incident raised health concerns at the time. The 66-year-old is seriously considering entering the race to succeed President Obama. She'd be the prohibitive favorite if she decides to run.



Four dead, hundreds feared trapped in Turkish mine explosion
土耳其煤矿爆炸 4人死亡数百人被困


Rescue teams rush to treat the injured after an explosion at a coal mine in western Turkey. At least four people are dead and hundreds are believed to still be trapped inside.




(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) TURKISH ENERGY MINISTER, TANER YILDIZ, SAYING: "A very serious accident has happened in Soma in a mine. There is a big problem due to a fire that started after an electrical fault underground."
土耳其能源部长耶尔德兹(Taner Yildiz):“索玛镇一座煤矿发生了非常严重的事故F!&LKSH|J#Cc^Pvj[。地下电路出现故障导致起火,引发了非常严重的问题Gy_D3(Wmr2L7XRUoGQBd。”


Family members rushed to the mine for updates on their loved ones. Because the explosion happened during a shift change, officials say it isn't clear just how many people are trapped inside.



September 11 Memorial Museum preps for opening


More than 12 years after these two towers came crashing down... a memorial rises from their ruins. In New York, just above the twin reflecting pools, the National September 11 Memorial Museum is on the verge of opening. Inside, gut-wrenching sights of a dark day. The museum recalls Sept. 11, 2001, when hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, the Pentagon and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed. The historical exhibition shows artifacts like wrecked emergency vehicles and various items buried in the rubble. The museum is the result of eight years of work. One hall features a retaining wall that survived the attack. There's also a 36-foot column covered with mementoes, inscriptions and missing posters. The museum opens on Thursday for victims' family members and on May 21 for the general public.


CCTV9:毕业生就业困境 理想与现实脱节




Job seekers' aspirations collide with market realities
毕业生就业困境 理想与现实脱节


Each year, this is the time hundreds of thousands of soon to be college graduates begin their hunt for a dream job. Job fairs are held in quick succession and many kinds of jobs are offered. But for most graduates, the market just doesn’t satisfy their dreams and aspirations.


Working in a state owned enterprise or a foreign company. That’s the first choice for most college graduates. But this isn’t easy to achieve.


"I don’t want to do jobs like telephone follow-up or sales. A middle school student can do that. I’m a college graduate and I want to have a higher starting point." a college graduate said.


Graduates with higher demands leave some small and medium-sized enterprises in a dilemma.


Compared to state owned enterprises, they provide a lesser standard of employment but reasonably good salary. However, this fails to draw in the talent.


"Our company is based on sales and production. Most graduates do not want to work on the production line. They think that since they’ve spent four years of learning, the heavy workload is not for them." Liang Juntian, Hr Director of Wanhuihaoran Electronics said.


According to domestic recruitment website, 51job.com, jobs in sales, administration and service sectors are not very high skilled. Therefore, more than 80% of graduates think they cannot use what they’ve learnt and have no future, if working in those fields.


"When looking for jobs, graduates value room for growth and promotion more than enterprises can offer. While enterprises need people who meet the needs for the positions they have advertised. This causes a dilemma for both sides." Lu Lun, Employment Guidance CTR Director of Xi'an Univ. of Finance and Econ. said.


It however is a dilemma that has no easy answers. Especially for a country like China, that needs skilled manpower in its various sectors for sustained economic growth.





German FM in Ukraine to help broker dialogue


Germany’s Foreign Minister has traveled to Ukraine to help broker dialogue there. It comes just one day after opposition groups in two of the country’s Eastern regions announced they’d like to join Russia.


Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived in Kiev early on Tuesday morning and met Ukraine’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister first thing at the airport. They were on their way to Brussels.


Germany has been playing a key role in efforts to defuse tension here. And Steinmeier wants the momentum increased before a key nationwide vote in less than two weeks’ time.


Steinmeier said: "The presidential elections in Ukraine on May 25th play a decisive role. And as we have said before it’s important that as many people as possible participate in them."


For his part, the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he remained open to a national dialogue, and that he welcomed the involvement of key foreign players.


"Our position was, is and will be unchanged. We consider that an international format of negotiations must consist of four sides - Ukraine, the European Union, the United States and Russian Federation," he said.


Meanwhile officials here announced plans for a "roundtable" to be held at Parliament on Wednesday. It’s slated to include the prime minister, various heads of regional government and representatives, at least two former Ukrainian presidents, the current candidates for president, and MPs from different parties.


But just hours before the announcement, the acting president Oleksandr Turchynov said he'd try to ban Ukraine’s Communist Party. He’s accused them of having backed eastern separatists.


Turchynov said: "There is a lot of information and materials on the complicity of the members of the Communist Party in the organization of separatist and terrorist activity. I am addressing the Ministry of Justice to consider this issue. If there is evidence, the minister should submit materials to the court to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine."


Oleksandr Turcyhnov was speaking in response to comments made by Petro Symonenko, the head of the Communist Party, in which he referred to Ukraine’s soldiers as "executioners."


It’s not clear if the court would in fact ban the party. But critics say doing so would hardly be the right foot upon which to start a national dialogue.

  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • clotn. 凝块,血块,一推,一群 n. 笨蛋,傻瓜 v. 凝
  • columnn. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列
  • involvementn. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况
  • oppositionn. 反对,敌对,在野党
  • participatevt. 分享 vi. 参加,参与
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • creditn. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方 (复)c
  • decisiveadj. 决定性的
  • tensionn. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压 vt. 使