每日视频新闻:泳坛神话菲尔普斯复出 剑指里约奥运
日期:2014-04-17 07:55









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Police detonate suspicious bags near Boston Marathon finish line


Police inspected two suspicious looking backpacks left near the finish line of the Boston Marathon Tuesday night. Boylston Street was evacuated, and both bags were detonated by the bomb squad. The incident occurred after the city marked the one-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, which killed three people and injured 264. Boston Police say the bags were detonated as a precaution. One man has been taken into custody.



NATO beefs up eastern European defenses to assure allies


NATO's top military commander says the alliance will beef up its eastern European defenses to reassure allies on Russia's borders. NATO's Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, Gen. Philip Breedlove says it's all about defense.
北约高级军事指挥官表示,该联盟将会增强东欧地区的防御,以安抚俄罗斯边境的盟国DoZ3R%E~9+J.r(Lsuy;P。北约联合部队驻欧洲司令菲利普·布里德洛夫将军(Philip Breedlove)表示,这完全是防御问题WvAV9ArS)vZP


(SOUNDBITE) (English) NATO'S SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER EUROPE, PHILIP BREEDLOVE, SAYING: "All the actions that we proposed and have been accepted today are clearly defensive in nature and I think it is going to be very straight forward to see them as defensive in nature."
北约联合部队驻欧洲司令菲利普·布里德洛夫将军(Philip Breedlove):“我们今天提议并接受的行动从本质上讲都是非常明确的防御性措施,我认为我们能够非常直观地看出其防御本性1FcTP],#w.+1UIP。”


NATO is expected to bolster air power in the Baltics.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) NATO'S SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER EUROPE, PHILIP BREEDLOVE, SAYING: "We have seen a Russian force that exercised, brought itself to high readiness, positioned itself on a border, and then came across an international border and posed its will on a sovereign nation and now has annexed a portion of that sovereign nation. That changes things. We need to now take measures to assure our allies of our complete commitment to our Article 5 collective defense and that's what these measures today are about."
北约联合部队驻欧洲司令菲利普·布里德洛夫将军(Philip Breedlove):“我们看到俄罗斯一支训练有素的部队做好高度准备,部署到边境,然后穿越国际边境,把自己的意愿强加到一个主权国家身上,现在吞并了这个主权国家的一部分-O.Iwuc|%+Kd3。这让一切都改变了;3Ss]%-4rV5~J。我们现在需要采取措施,向盟国保证,我们将遵守第五条规定的集体防御约定,我们今天的措施就是关于这一点rRn,U#uMO#lX。”


His comments come as European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton arrives in Geneva ahead of talks with Russia,Ukraine and the U.S. to resolve the crisis.
他发表该言论之时,欧盟外交政策代表阿什顿(Catherine Ashton)抵达日内瓦,与俄罗斯,乌克兰和美国举行会谈,旨在解决这场危机W8C[2,cMPm7*nm



U.S. Coast Guard seizes $110 million of cocaine


More than 7,000 pounds of cocaine is offloaded by the U.S. Coast Guard at the Miami Beach base Tuesday. It's worth 110 million dollars.


SOUNDBITE (English) U.S. COAST GUARD LIEUTENANT, MEAGHAN GIES, SAYING: "One of the larger busts that the Coast Guard has brought in in recent memory."
美国海岸警卫队副官MEAGHAN GIES:“这是近代历史上海岸警卫队缴获的数量最多的一批可卡因#=sh|M;#JXY=Oe3L。”


The seizure was a result of two separate interceptions of drug smugglers. Some of the cocaine was found after a fishing boat from Panama caught on fire. As the Coast Guard rescued crew members, it spotted a huge stash of cocaine floating in the water. More drugs were seized on a boat coming from Colombia.


SOUNDBITE (English) U.S. COAST GUARD LIEUTENANT, MEAGHAN GIES, SAYING "The main goal of the Coast Guard is to stop this bulk contraband, this bulk cocaine from coming and further deteriorating the crime and the violence in south Florida."
美国海岸警卫队副官MEAGHAN GIES:“海岸警卫队的主要目标就是阻止这种大宗走私活动,这批大宗可卡因被缴获粉碎了将来南佛罗里达的犯罪和暴力活动2j4akOcB@M。”


The cocaine will now be destroyed.





Google lobbying U.S. lawmakers over Google Glass


Google's Eric Schmidt is no stranger to Washington. He has spent lots of time at the White House and on Capitol Hill lobbying on behalf of his titan technology company. But Schmidt's relationship with Washington and the Obama administration has not always been a comfortable one.


Google was not previously known as a lobbier, but is now a key player in the game. The company has been lobbying officials in at least three American states to stop proposed restrictions on driving while wearing headsets such as Google Glass. The lobbying effort marks some of the first clashes over the nascent wearable technology.


Some eight U.S. states are considering regulations concerning Google Glass. Law enforcement and other groups are worried that drivers wearing these devices will pay more attention to their email than the road, causing serious accidents.


Google Glasses will be available to everyone in the United States for one day starting today in the U.S..


The product is still in testing stages, where previously only friends and family members of Google were given the glasses to try out.


CCTV9:泳坛神话菲尔普斯复出 剑指里约奥运



Michael Phelps returning to the pool
泳坛神话菲尔普斯复出 剑指里约奥运


The most successful Olympic athlete of all time, Michael Phelps, is apparently set to come out of retirement. The 28 year-old American has entered a meet in Mesa, Arizona at the end of Aprilas sign that just maybe, he may have one more Olympics left in him.


Phelps discussed his intention to get back into the pool in December last year, when he appeared at a promotional event in Sao Paulo with Brazilian football legend Pele. He will compete for the first time since the 2012 London Games at the meet in Arizona. Phelps’ long-time coach, Bob Bowman, revealed on Monday that Phelps is entered in three events - the 50-metre and 100-metre freestyle races and the 100 metre butterfly. Phelps turns 29 in June and is the most successful athlete in Olympic history, winning 18 gold medals and 22 medals overall at the last three Summer Olympic Games.


It could be the first step toward possibly swimming at the 2016 Rio Olympics, but Phelps isn’t confirming that yet.


"Over the last year I have had an amazing time being able to travel the world and I want to be able to start getting back into physical shape for myself more than anything. That is something that I need to do. Something that I want to do. That’s why I am doing it. If that leads me into swimming again then so be it." Phelps said.

  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • legendn. 传说,传奇
  • athleten. 运动员
  • assurevt. 使确信,使放心,确保
  • incidentn. 事件,事变,插曲 adj. 难免的,附带的
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • nascentadj. 新生的,尚不成熟的
  • intentionn. 意图,意向,目的
  • bulkn. 体积,容积,大批,大块,大部分 vt. 使成堆,使