每日视频新闻:米歇尔访华 中美第一夫人巅峰对决
日期:2014-03-21 08:05









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Australia says satellites spot objects possibly from Malaysian plane


Australian vessels have been scouring the southern Indian Ocean, searching for any trace of the missing Malaysia airlines aircraft. Finally, 13 days after the aircraft vanished, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says a satellite has spotted something floating around this area. An Orion aircraft has been sent to the area to try to locate the objects.
澳大利亚船只正在南印度洋海域搜索,试图寻找马航失联客机的踪迹|M2Ay;Wm*2。最终,在这架客机失踪13天之后,澳大利亚总理托尼·艾伯特(Tony Abbott)表示,一颗卫星在这片海域发现了一些漂浮物wIB8i*9&jO1#。他们已经派遣一架“猎户座”飞机前往该地区查看这些物体Ds@~biG|gQ)+


(SOUNDBITE) (English) AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT SAYING: "Three more aircraft will follow this Orion. They are tasked for more intensive follow up search. I have spoken to my Malaysian counterpart Prime Minister Najib Razak and informed him of these developments. I should tell the house and we must keep this in mind the task of locating these objects will be extremely difficult and it may turn out that they are not related to the search for flight MH370 nevertheless I did want to update the house on this potentially important development."
澳大利亚总理托尼·艾伯特(Tony Abbott):“还有三架飞机将跟随猎户座飞机前往f4P.uW7)7Nu6zh-)or#。他们的任务是进行更加密集的追踪搜索S36NqYz7,d6rdCLSc。我已经跟马来西亚总理纳吉布(Najib Razak)通话,通知他相关进展sGu238e&IK@YjSiFKW。我应该告诉观众,我们必须记住,确定这些物体位置的位置将会非常艰难,最终也可能证实这些物体与马航MH370航班没有任何联系^a!v(h8BJTD%pG%UG)j。尽管如此,我还是要把这个可能非常重要的进展及时告诉观众-Op)9IVJ,mRx.TV!C。”


Twenty-six nations have been involved in a massive search roughly the size of Australia. Flight MH370 was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it lost contact with air traffic controllers. Malaysian officials believe the aircraft was deliberately diverted thousands of miles off course. A number of sightings of possible debris have already been investigated but so far none have proved to be related.



Four men guilty of gang-raping photojournalist in Mumbai


This court in the Indian city of Mumbai has convicted four men of the gang rape of a photojournalist last year. The men have been found guilty of five offences, including, unnatural sex and destruction of evidence. Sentencing is set for Friday.


(SOUNDBITE) (Hindi) INTERIOR MINISTER OF INDIA'S WESTERN PROVINCE OF MAHARASHTRA, R.R. PATIL, SAYING: "Today's verdict will send a strong message to criminals and they will not try to commit such crimes in future."
印度西部马哈拉施特拉邦内政部长R.R. PATIL:“今天的判决将向罪犯发出严厉的信息,他们将不敢再犯如此严重的罪行3e+*1[,S(QyN。”


The 22-year-old woman was attacked by five men while on assignment at this deserted mill in August. The fifth accused,believed to be under 18 at the time of the incident, is being tried in a juvenile court. The attack here provoked a public outcry and the introduction of tougher sexual assault laws, raising fresh questions about attitudes to women in the world's largest democracy.



Taliban suicide attack on Afghan police station kills 11


This is all that remains of an Afghanistan police station in Jalalabad after a suicide bomb attack. Gun fire could be heard for as long as three hours, as fighting continued after the initial explosion.....Bullet holes can be seen in what remains of nearby buildings. Several people were killed here at the police post, close to compounds used by international agencies, such as the UN.


(SOUNDBITE) (Pashto) NANGARHAR POLICE CHIEF, FAZEL AHMAD SHIRZAD SAYING: "A car bomb exploded at the gate of the police station. Following the explosion, the suicide bombers were trying to enter the compound while the Afghan police forces resisted and managed to kill all seven bombers in heavy clashes. Unfortunately 10 of the police officers were martyred during the clashes."
楠格哈尔省警察局长FAZEL AHMAD SHIRZAD:“一枚汽车炸弹在警察局门口爆炸9udrD^%a(UuBv(XN8。爆炸过后,一些自杀式爆炸者试图进入建筑,阿富汗警察奋起抵抗,经过激烈的战斗将所有7名爆炸者击毙%NXlb)RQwIzp。不幸的是,也有10名警察在冲突中殉职hb7fuWez2#pjXeolV5nc。”


The NATO-led force in Afghanistan sent helicopter gunships to support Afghan security forces. Scores of wounded were taken to hospital. The Taliban sent a text message to media claiming responsibility for the attack, which comes ahead of a presidential election on April 5th. The militants have threatened to kill anyone participating in the election, stepping up attacks since the start of the year.


CCTV9:米歇尔访华 中美第一夫人巅峰对决



US, Chinese First Ladies to meet in Beijing
米歇尔访华 中美第一夫人巅峰对决


Michelle Obama will arrive in Beijing today for a week-long trip, at the invitation of Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Chinese first lady.


They’ll visit the Forbidden City in central Beijing, before sitting down to dinner together. It’s the first time a US First Lady has visited China in her own right, without being accompanied by the US President. Travelling alongside Michelle Obama are her daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother Madrian Robinson.


She’s looking to promote education and cultural exchanges between young people of both countries. Michelle Obama will also visit the central city of Xi’an and the southwest city of Chengdu. The US First Lady is promising to keep people informed about her trip by updating her blog every day. She hopes the visit will help young people in the US gain a better understanding of China.





Chinese internet giants move into the U.S.


As China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba prepares for an IPO in the U.S, other Chinese internet heavyweights are also considering IPO destinations, with America remaining a hot spot.


The titans of the world’s biggest Internet markets are lining up to take their battles to the U.S. Alibaba Group, JD.com, Weibo. Here in China you can’t get away from them.


JD.com. started as they go to place for electronics but now sells just about everything. It’s China’s second largest online retailer and has market leader, Alibaba, in its sights.


JD.com is investing in a massive logistics network, so its biggest challenge in the near-term may be profitability.


The Internet giant hitched its wagon to WeChat -- China’s most popular mobile messaging app. WeChat is owned by Tencent,which is already listed in Hong Kong. There’s talk that Tencent is considering an IPO for WeChat too.


WeChat started as a straight messaging service like WhatsApp but is quickly morphing into a one-stop mobile Internet shop.


Moments: it’s like a Facebook for sharing. Bank Card: link it to WeChat and spend away, even pay cab drivers. Games. It’s missing a good map app.


But it’s unclear how many of these innovations can actually make money. Tencent’s ad revenues are weak compared to international peers. Weibo is owned by New York-listed Sina and Alibaba’s also scooped up a stake. It’s been the microblog to beat and a force for change in China with hundreds of millions of users trading news and views.


So do these firms hold long-term promise for investors?


"2014 is going to be a year of mobile land grabs. So you’re a little bit more aggressive in terms of fighting for the users.


After two years when China’s smartphone penetration reaches 70-80 percent, I think the market competition will be relatively more stabilized and we’ll see better revenue and earning growth for these companies," CLSA head of telecom and internet research Elinor Leung said.


All of China’s big Internet players are likely to benefit as the market’s blistering growth continues.


But expect some blood -- and red ink -- to be shed as the companies move into each others’ territory.

  • updatev. 更新,补充最新资料 n. 更新
  • initialn. (词)首字母 adj. 开始的,最初的,字首的 v
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • democracyn. 民主,民主制,民主国家
  • counterpartn. 相似之物,副本,对应物
  • deliberatelyadv. 慎重地,故意地
  • unclearadj. 不清楚的;不易了解的
  • promisingadj. 有希望的,有前途的
  • staken. 桩,赌注,利害关系 v. 下注,用桩支撑