日期:2013-03-01 19:40













Smog returns to Beijing




Here at Beijing's Tiananmen Square, guards are busy keeping up with the return of thick smog. Haze mixed with a sandstorm on Thursday (February 28) to blanket the capital in toxic levels of air. A reading of hazardous particulate matter - or PM 2.5 - showed levels well beyond recommended daily intake. Air quality fell to the worst on record in January. It's become a major challenge for new leader Xi Jinping, who'll become president at the National People's Congress (NPC) next week. Residents here call for action.


在北京的天安门广场,警卫们正在忙于处理再次出现的厚厚烟尘oOqvCr8;&Q,gPjWZ[。周四(2月28日),混着沙尘的烟雾笼罩着首都北京,空气达到了有毒的水平BG+&NX^ABM&jZ9Z。有害颗粒物(PM 2.5)水平远远超出每日推荐摄入量!^rWX&TDni@.|4bJq[EO。一月,空气质量下降到有记录以来的最糟水平LTw+J*DvWTbDv9C。对于下周在全国人民代表大会(NPC)即将上任的新领导人习近平,这成了一个主要的挑战+65g&^kh%C*7O[aAe9bD。居民呼吁采取行动c0=ck2EeX2UJm@Xu+ZD



40-YEAR-OLD BEIJING RESIDENT HU JING, SAYING: "Smog had already been forecast but now there's a sandstorm mixed with it! So I can't open my eyes or mouth. Just look at me! I'm heavily dressed from head to toe! If this weather continues in Beijing it will certainly damage everyone's health. So I hope leaders at the NPC attach importance to this problem." State TV warned drivers to take care as visibility dropped to around 500 metres (1,640 feet). Cities in surrounding provinces also suffered poor air.




Two officers dead in California shooting





Gunfire breaks out in California's Santa Cruz, where two police officers were shot dead. Sgt. Loran Baker and detective Elizabeth Butler were killed on Tuesday (February 26), by a gunman identified as 35-year-old Jeremy Goulet. He was later shot dead by police. Officers say Goulet had three handguns and was wearing body armour.





SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SHERIFF PHIL WOWAK, SAYING : "We know that he was distraught. We know now that he had intentions of potentially harming people and or the police.The officers that engaged Goulet stopped an imminent threat to the community and neutralized that problem before it reached out and harmed the people we are sworn to protect."


圣克鲁兹县警长Phil Wowak说:"我们知道他那时丧心病狂xan8U#z1oUAVW。我们知道他可能会有意伤害人们或者警察_MUHEfPlBk8p**&2pAR。在古利特案件中,警察阻止了逼近的危险,在事态恶化并伤害我们誓言保护的民众前将危机化解了3*UzHlo--si_vq5=jh=H。”



Police said the officers came under fire as they conducted an investigation. Santa Cruz has already suffered two shootings this month, including a drive-by that left a local resident dead.




U.S. to give Syrian rebels medical, food aid, not arms





For the U.S. --- it's a first regarding how it plans to engage with Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry made the announcement at a meeting of the "Friends of Syria" group in Rome.





U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry saying: ''The United States has decided that given the stakes the president will now extend food and medical supplies to the opposition including to the Syrian opposition's Supreme Military Council. So there will be direct assistance though non-lethal.''





The offer of medical aid and food rations fell far short of rebel demands for sophisticated anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons. Kerry did underscore the U.S. position that a regime change in Damascus is critical.





U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry saying: ''So we are determined to find a better way forward that we know awaits Syria and a day that will not come as long as Assad is in power.'' Since the fighting began nearly two years ago, more than 70,000 Syrians have been killed.







"Journey to the West" sweeps domestic ticket sales




Hong Kong director Stephen Chow's latest comedy "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" has become a box office hit. Competing with Hollywood blockbusters like "Jack Reacher", "Cloud Atlas" as well as the upcoming "The Hobbit", the film still shows explosive energy while it rakes it in at the box office. It seems that domestic comedies have become the new darling of the Chinese movie market.



"Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons” created quite a buzz when it was released on the first day of the Chinese lunar new year. The film is based on the classic novel written by Wu Cheng’en in the Ming Dynasty some 600 years ago. Today Stephen Chow gives it a modern twist.



The comedy broke the daily box office revenue record on Valentine’s Day. That first day it made 122 million yuan, beating Transformers III to the top. And the fever it brought has continued to burn.



Audience member said, “I’ve watched the film twice. It’s terrific and it’s quite a good laugh. So I brought my friend to watch it again.”



Audience member said, “My friends all told me the film is very interesting. But I was out travelling during spring festival. So I came to watch it now.”



Audience member said, “Journey to the West is all over the place on the internet. And it’s Stephen Chow’s film. After the Spring Festival now I have time to come watch it."



Reporter: “Journey to the West has raked in more than 700 million yuan in ten days and has set a new box office record. But whether the film can continue its crazy run, it remains to be seen.”



Alongside “Journey to the West” are Hollywood blockbusters like Jack Reacher, Cloud Atlas, and the upcoming the Hobbit which hits China this Friday. But, cinemas still seem to favor the domestic comedy as the Chinese New Year atmosphere hasn’t yet passed.



Jiang Guofang with Capital Cinema said, "’Journey to the West’ has taken more than 30 percent of our screening times since its release, and made up for half of our total revenue. Jack Reacher, which hit the screens last Saturday, somehow didn’t meet our expectations and we are cutting some screening times. The Hobbit is coming this Friday. It is certain that Journey to the West will continue its growth."



This isn’t the first time a domestic film has held the competitive edge in the Chinese movie in recent years. Last year, imported films took more than half of the total market revenue. Yet, the box-office champion was the Chinese made small-budget film "Lost in Thailand."



Domestic comedies are attracting more and more interest. But "Journey to the West" still has 500 million yuan in tickets sales to go before it beats the record set by "Lost in Thailand."





Roman Catholic Church Will Choose New Leader




CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: It`s Thursday, February 28th. And it`s Pope Benedict XVI last day as pope. He announced his resignation earlier this month, and his time as pope officially ends this evening.



The pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Christianity is the world`s largest religion, and Catholics are the largest groups of Christians. There are around 1.2 billion Catholics around the world. Yesterday, Pope Benedict made his final public speech in St. Peter`s Square. That`s part of Vatican City, the headquarters of the Catholic Church, and the world`s smallest country.



In yesterday`s speech, the pope talked about his spiritual journey during his nearly eight years as head of the church. There have been controversies and scandals surrounding the Catholic Church, like accusations of some priests abusing children and claims of corruption. Some analysts think the pope was referring to these issues during his speech.



CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He spoke about how he had so much joy, he said, in the church, in his eight years of reign, but he also talked about how - that it`d been difficult times, he said, it had been far from easy on occasion. He talked about how the church had come across "agitated waters", and then sometimes found itself facing the different directions of the wind.



AZUZ: Pope Benedict is the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign. What comes next? He`ll still be called Benedict, the name he chose when he became pope, and he`ll still be referred to as "His Holiness." But his official title will be Pope Emeritus. He`ll live in Vatican City in a small monastery. And Benedict is expected to devote his time to prayer and study. As for the Roman Catholic Church, it has to elect a new pope and here`s how that process happens.



JOHN ALLEN, CNN SENIOR VATICAN ANALYST: The pope is the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics around the world, and the most visible religious leader of any kind on the planet.



The new pope is always chosen by the members of the college of cardinals. They are the highest office in the church under the pope himself. Normally, when a papacy ends either through death or resignation, cardinals from around the world gather in Rome, they have daily meetings to talk about the issues facing the church and the qualities the new pope needs. We are talking about slightly over 100 cardinals who file into the Sistine Chapel cast ballots and pick a pope.



Conclave is a term that comes from two Latin words, meaning with a key. It refers to the fact that the cardinals are locked behind closed doors while they go through a highly ceremonial process of casting ballots and then burning them. Then it goes as long as it takes for somebody to get two thirds - the shortest conclave in history took a couple of hours. The longest one took three years.



In the old days, they would burn ballots largely because they wanted to maintain the secrecy of the conclave, that is they didn`t want the vote totals to get out. What they realized, is that when people saw the smoke from the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel, they knew a round of balloting had ended, and so they came up with the system where they would put chemicals into the mix to turn the smoke black if no pope had been elected, and white, if a pope had been elected.



In theory, according to the law of the church, any person who was eligible for ordination to the priesthood and therefore, an unmarried male, could be elected as pope. But in practice, the new pope will be elected from among the cardinals who are voting. That is the cardinals who are under the age of 80, who will take part in this election. Which means that the roughly 150 cardinals aren`t merely voters, they are all also candidates.



When a candidate crosses that two thirds threshold, another cardinal will approach him and say, do you accept your canonically valid election as Supreme Pontiff? If he answers yes, from that moment forward, he becomes the pope. The next questions is, by what name will you be known? And at that stage, the new pope tells his brother cardinals what he wants to be called. And in a few minutes later, when the announcement is made from a balcony outside St. Peter`s Square, the whole world will know the name of the new pope.



AZUZ: The deadline is tomorrow for President Obama and Congress to come up with the deal to lower the country`s debt. Otherwise, some forced spending cuts are automatically going to kick in. We are talking about $85 billion immediately, $1.2 trillion total over the next ten years. Tomorrow, we are going to look at where some of those cuts could happen. Today, we are looking at how we got here.



Every year the president is required to come up with a budget proposal. He submits that to Congress. Then Congress comes up with the final budget. Right now, the U.S. government spends more than it makes. A lot more. That`s why we have a massive debt. Back in 2011, during a standoff over the debt, the president and Congress came up with the plan. They set up the possibility of automatic spending cuts, but only if lawmakers couldn`t agree on other ways to reduce the debt. The idea was that the automatic cuts would be so drastic, that there was no way anyone was going to let them happen. Throughout 2012, political leaders never agreed on an alternative. The cuts were supposed to happen on January 1st of this year. They got pushed back two months, and that leaves us where we are now.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s "Shoutout" goes out to Mrs. Mackin`s classes at Westminster High School in Westminster, California.



Who was known as the mother of the U.S. civil rights movement? Is it Harriet Tubman, Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks or Susan B. Anthony? You`ve got three seconds, go!



Rosa Parks is referred to as the mother of the civil rights movement. Partly because of her actions on December 1st 1955. That`s your answer and that`s your "Shoutout."



AZUZ: On that day, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. The ensuing bus boycott is considered the official start of the civil rights movement. Parks passed away in 2005. She`s gotten numerous honors and tributes for her work for equal rights. The U.S. Postal Service released a stamp this year, honoring Parks. And yesterday, President Obama and congressional leaders unveiled a bronze statue of Rosa Parks at the U.S. Capitol. She`s the first African- American woman to be honored in this way.



BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We celebrate a seamstress slight in stature, but mighty in courage.



AZUZ: As we wrap up Black History Month, you can go to our home page and check out a gallery, a past and present African-American pioneers.



Next story today comes from Emily Longnecker, a reporter with affiliate WTHR. It reminds me of this great quote from Thomas Edison: opportunity is missed by most people, because it`s dressed in overalls and looks like work.



For a young man in Indiana, finding work was all that mattered. While he was on the way to interview for one job, he landed another almost by accident.



JHAQUIEL REAGAN, HIRED AT RESTAURANT: I`m out there, you know, every day, trying to make a dollar.



EMILY LONGNECKER: Friday morning, though, 18-year old Jhaqiel Reagan was unemployed and broke.



REAGAN: I`m staying anywhere I can.



LONGNECKER: But a walk through this restaurant`s parking lot turned out to be the proverbial fork in what`s been a long road for this young man.



ART BOUVIER, OWNER, PAPA ROUX: He just says excuse me, can you tell me how far it is to the hotel (ph) Sherman.



LONGNECKER: The owner of Papa Roux, Art Bouvier, was out clearing ice and snow from the parking lot.



BOUVIER: I said, buddy, that`s about six or seven miles to Sherman, and I fully expected the next question was, can you give some money for the bus? And it wasn`t. He just kept walking.



LONGNECKER: 20 minutes later, Art was driving down 10th street, Jhaqiel and offered him a ride.



REAGAN: I was really appreciative.



LONGNECKER: What Art heard next, though, convinced him. This meeting was no accident.



BOUVIER: It was destiny. He said, I have an interview at a thrift store. I said - interview at a thrift store. You`re walking ten miles in the ice and snow to an interview at a thrift store.






BOUVIER: And I just got the thinking, that`s - that`s a good work ethic.



LONGNECKER: So, Art took Jhaqiel`s number just in case. Just in case came hours later.



BOUVIER: I want to show you the ropes tonight, if you want, we`re a little busy in there.



REAGAN: OK, that`s fun. That`s real (ph).



LONGNECKER: Art was so impressed by Jhaqiel, he posted the story of their chance meeting on Facebook. Now, he has regular customers offering to buy Jhaqiel a bus pass so he can get here, to his new job.



REAGAN: I don`t know. I get my work ethics from my dad. You know, he`s worked his fingers to the bone all his life.



LONGNECKER: Like father, like son. Jhaqiel is willing to do the same. And now has the chance to do it.



AZUZ: Know anyone like Jhaqiel? Tell us about him or her in our blog. Well, today`s post is all about work ethic. You`ll find it at cnnstudentnews.com. The same site where we are hoping teachers will also chime in with their opinions about today`s show.



Well, sometimes our "Before We Go " segment requires a little setup. But sometimes, all you have to say is monkeys riding dogs.






AZUZ: Awesome.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The racers down the hallway are back at a local news station, the one in pink didn`t quite make it all the way down, but it gave her a head start to the finish. Who knew a simian could be such a cheater? The point of all this, was to promote a professional bull riding event that features these guys. I guess the monkeys just wanted to horn in on the event and to steer all the attention back to themselves. Or maybe they were just monkeying around. Other way, I`m sure, people went bananas over that performance. Sad, isn`t it? It`s time for us to split. We`ll see you tomorrow.





  • visibleadj. 可见的,看得见的 n. 可见物
  • chapeln. 小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会
  • hallwayn. 门厅;玄关;走廊
  • blanketn. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版 vt. 用毯子裹,扑灭,挡风
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间
  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • detectiveadj. 侦探的 n. 侦探