日期:2013-12-22 10:12







双11网上购物节 天猫一分钟交易额破亿




奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步






Putin critic Khodorkovsky in Germany after pardon


The Hotel Adlon in Berlin. It's where former tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky was said to be on Friday, just hours after his sudden and unexpected release from a Russian prison. Khodorkovsky flew by private jet to Germany where he was greeted by former German foreign minister Hans Dietrich Genscher. A witness told Reuters he then traveled in a police convoy into the German capital. Russian President Vladimir Putin granted Khodorkovsky's request for a pardon on quote: "principles of humanity." His release ends a decade in jail that many said was punishment for daring to challenge the Kremlin. The amnesty could be seen as a move to deflect criticism over Putin's human rights record, as it prepares to host the Winter Olympics in February.
柏林阿德隆酒店b3Y@IN(65mQbq..x5。据称,周五,前石油大亨霍多尔科夫斯基突然从一座俄罗斯监狱获释几个小时之后就入住在这里bazV^T)Dl.q-bO。霍多尔科夫斯基乘坐私人飞机到达德国,受到德国前外交部长根舍(Hans-Dietrich Genscher)的接见1)3zNJ6OMM+2TYxU&mn#。一名目击者告诉路透社,随后他乘坐警车进入德国首都f7+k0l,HXm-rDjf。俄罗斯总统普京基于“人道主义原则”答应了霍多尔科夫斯基的特赦请求EZ&#fYZ=VWx+Nu#f。他的释放结束了长达十年的监禁,许多人称他的监禁是敢于挑战克里姆林宫而遭遇的惩罚+.-f2-85^-U#;B]&)UnM。普京由于人权记录而广受非议,俄罗斯正在准备二月份的冬季奥运会,这次特赦被视为平息批评的举动tE9;J;AV!]H;25



Bus robbery foiled by victims
受害者奋起反抗 公交抢劫犯被制服


It was a normal, calm bus ride for these Seattle passengers. Until this hooded man, dressed in all black, pulled out a gun. One by one, he snatched goods from oblivious passengers... until he pointed his gun in the face of this man... As fellow passengers wrestled the robber to the ground, one girl cries out "I gotta get my stuff." No one was hurt in the scuffle, and the passengers managed to restrain the man until police arrived. Local media report that 19-year-old Trevonnte Brown has been charged with first degree robbery.
对于这些西雅图乘客来说,这是一次正常平静的公交之旅pgTdwW2inlU。直到这名戴着头巾,身穿黑衣的男子掏出手枪,从毫不知觉的乘客手中拿取物品,然后用枪指着一名男子的脸j2T8e9@@(qLm8B。后来,几名乘客一起将抢劫者扭到地上,一个女孩大喊:“我要把我的东西拿回来c4#w,~mdZh=Jp@4_W。”无人在扭打中受伤,乘客们控制着抢劫者,直到警察到来P_c,S5m7*OX+.zL,7。当地媒体报道称,19岁的Trevonnte Brown被控告一级抢劫罪QD3daCg%ZO



Van Gogh painting not seen in decades on view in Washington


A Van Gogh work of art that hasn't been seen by the public in four decades is now on display at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The Dutch master's sweeping "Green Wheat Fields, Auvers," is believed to have been painted in France,just weeks before Van Gogh's suicide in 1890. It belonged to Van Gogh's brother, Theo, before being sold to a German collector whose son sold it to Paul Mellon in 1955. It remained in the Mellon's Virginia home, until now. The public last saw it during an exhibition devoted to works owned by the Mellon family in 1966.
公众四十年来未曾目睹的一件梵高作品在华盛顿特区国家美术馆展览j&2dgwh9rYvcjJ8-T。这位荷兰画家的《绿色的麦田和柏树》据信在法国创作,仅在1890年梵高自杀之前几周RCntaX9pA,Nxy。原作归梵高的弟弟Theo所有,后来出售给一位德国收藏家,他的儿子于1955年出售给Paul MelloneLej4N~+y.Hf[。后来一直收藏在Mellon位于佛吉尼亚的家中,直到现在4j%u;H^D[5f|xT,oy#。公众最后一次见到这幅作品是在1966年,Mellon家族捐赠的作品展览中w6rfW9,-Hr#mrWm.P*VI





Feng Xiaogang returns to comedy with "Personal Tailor"


The year-end domestic movie market is awash with gunshots and explosions this year, but that is all about to change. Director Feng Xiaogang’s latest comedy "Personal Tailor" is about to hit theatres on Thursday. Together with his cast and crew, Feng attended a world premiere of the movie on Wednesday to reveal more about his comedy comeback.


After last year’s feature film "1942", this time director Feng Xiaogang decided to turn back to what he does best--making comedies.


His latest film "Personal Tailor" charts the adventures of a company of the same name which provide tailor-made plans to help clients realize their fantasies, at any cost.


According to the director himself, it’s humour all the way through.


Actor Ge You has always been Feng’s top choice for leading actor.


Feng’s previous box office hits include "The Dream Factory" and the "If You Are The one" sequel.


But this time it’s less of a one-man-show.


As one of the new faces to appear in Feng’s comedies, actress Bai Baihe reveals the message Feng tries to convey.


Personal Tailor" hits theatres this Thursday, and hopefully it’s perfectly tailored to suit holiday audiences.


CCTV9:乔治王子首个圣诞节 期待圣诞老人礼物



Prince George’s first Christmas - what might Santa bring?
乔治王子首个圣诞节 期待圣诞老人礼物


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s son, Prince George, is about to experience his first Christmas. He’s expected to spend time with both sets of grandparents, including the Queen. But what type of gift is suitable for a baby’s first festive season?


The toy manufacturer Lego hasn’t yet designed a Prince George to match his parents the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but his granny Queen Elisabeth ll is here with one of her favourite corgis.


It’ll be quite a while before Prince George will be able to build anything on this scale, but there’s plenty of other toys which are fit for a baby.


Like these teddy bears which have been popular toys for babies for many centuries.


Or Barbie dolls, each with its own unique outfit specially designed by an international fashion designer.


However, child psychologist Dr. Gabrielle Highman says young babies don’t need toys to enjoy Christmas, not even a Prince.


"You’ll have people picking him up, he’ll have lots of sounds and lights and smells and tastes and textures to experience and he’ll probably get quite a lot of stimulation from that alone. I’m sure he’ll get plenty of presents too, but that actually is quite stimulating. Lots of music of course, music is fantastic stimulation, both because it can be loud and fun and also it can be calm and peaceful so you (the baby) can start to recognise the difference between the two. Even as a baby." said Dr. Gabrielle Highman, Child Psychologist.


As the countdown to Christmas continues the streets are packed with shoppers searching for something special for their little ones.


Babies can be noisy and they like making noises too, so what could be better than a floor mat that doubles as a drum kit?


Interactive maps like these will help Prince George learn about the Commonwealth of Nations and international relations, but it’ll be quite a few years before he’ll be up to that.


Robots come in every shape and size now, so if your child is hankering for a pet what about these robotic fish?


All playing aside, toys do have an important role in helping babies learn about the world around them.


"Toys like bricks, stackers which develop spacial awareness, improve fine motor skills, problem solving all those sort of cause and effect toys. Great for kids of that age. Creative play they’re beginning to experience that and even though sort of social interaction in terms of working together with other children is not very strong, playing with adults, books of course (are) at that stage very important. So a much greater range of toys." said Dr. Gabrielle Highman, Child Psychologist.


Books may be traditional, but these aim to draw children into a habit of looking at and learning to read books. Stories like the "Wizard of Oz" entice children into the tale with clever little holograms which move when you turn the page.


So what do you get a baby prince who probably does have everything? Well one thing’s for sure, the right gift will no doubt have his name on it.

  • amnestyn. 大赦,特赦
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • exhibitionn. 展示,展览
  • wheatn. 小麦,小麦色
  • psychologistn. 心理学家
  • jailn. 监牢,监狱,拘留所 vt. 监禁,下狱
  • drumn. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物 vi. 击鼓,连续敲击,引起兴趣
  • deflectv. 打歪,使偏,歪
  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • stimulationn. 刺激,激励,鼓舞