每日视频新闻:腾讯奇虎案二审开庭 360愿和解腾讯未表态
日期:2013-12-05 08:18







双11网上购物节 天猫一分钟交易额破亿




奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步






Thai protesters to pause for King's birthday


Thai protesters are not giving up. It is week two of their demonstrations, and on Wednesday (December 4), some 3,000 marched outside the police headquarters. Authorities have tried to defuse the tensions by letting protesters into the premises of state agencies. Their numbers have decreased, but the protesters vow to fight on until they bring down Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's government. The protest leader is calling for a "people's council" to replace the government, but Yingluck says this is unconstitutional. Out of respect for Thai King Bhumibol's birthday, the protesters will take a pause on Thursday (December 5). But the campaign will continue after that. Meanwhile, businesses relying on tourism are seeing a slowdown. A hotel in Khao San Road, an area popular with backpackers, is facing cancellations. But Thailand's economy has weathered eight years of periodic unrest, and analysts are not expecting a long-term impact. This week, shopping malls have remained open, despite demonstrations just a few blocks away.



U.N. forces use drones for first time, in eastern Congo


UN forces deploy surveillance drones for the first time ever as part of peacekeeping efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The aircraft will be used to look for threats in the east from a host of local and foreign armed groups along the border with Rwanda and Uganda. Alexandre Luba Ntambo welcomes the drones.
联合国军队首次派遣了监视无人机,作为刚果民主共和国维和任务的一部分Rv]h4#R!Xb4Yu1~。无人机用于发现与卢旺达和乌干达接壤处来自当地和外国武装组织的威胁d&i3!B;pp^T。亚历山大·卢巴·恩坦伯(Alexandre Luba Ntambo)对直升机的部署表示欢迎VNxLm4p34Xp#HS0lRr,


(SOUNDBITE) (French) DRC MINISTER OF DEFENSE, ALEXANDRE LUBA NTAMBO, SAYING: "There are armed groups that don't have uniforms and are active within the population. I think that these drones will make an important contribution on this matter."
刚果民主共和国国防部长亚历山大·卢巴·恩坦伯(Alexandre Luba Ntambo):“有一些便装武装分子非常活跃BdTK73__9e&toj_Z5&。我认为无人机将在处理这个问题方面做出重要贡献bRoH#x[n#;xzj[。”


U.N. peacekeepers have been widely criticized for doing too little to end fighting in eastern Congo -- a densely forested area that Kinshasa has struggled to control during two decades of virtually constant conflict. The deployment comes after M23 rebels were defeated. While a final political deal with M23 is still being ironed out, Congolese and U.N. forces are now expected to turn their attention to the Rwandan and Ugandan rebel groups, both of which are based in Congo's east.



Hezbollah says commander killed


One of Hezbollah's commanders was killed in Beirut, the militant group said. This is the house of Hassan Al-Laqqis, where the assassination took place around midnight. The commander was shot in the head while he was driving his car. A gun with a silencer was used. Hezbollah is blaming Israel, an old rival with whom it fought a month-long war in 2006. The group describes Al-Laqqis as a leader of the Islamic resistance against the Jewish state. Israel denied any role in the killing. A source has said Al-Laqqis had joined battles in neighbouring Syria. The Shi-ite group has been sending fighters to Syria to support President Bashar al-Assad against mostly Sunni rebels. Such intervention has fueled sectarian violence in Lebanon.
黎巴嫩真主党称其一名指挥官被杀害-X-RXxyvC;。这里是Hassan Al-Laqqis的家,暗杀活动发生在午夜时分4TI|h^T;qVqNV_wn-s。这位指挥官驾车时头部中枪nN#TOHJS~%pC@M3f。枪支安装了消音器;hP43fpTf]K35Y)6+_。真主党指控是宿敌以色列所为L6|SI;]1;W。2006年,双方曾进行了为期一个月的战争2BJpU)4)lcLUS-(。真主党称Al-Laqqis是伊斯兰抵抗犹太国的领袖F%2Ke|7Tx.t;IYuz。以色列否认参与了暗杀行动ZiQPAW;%vc!F。有消息来源称,Al-Laqqis参加了邻国叙利亚的战斗p8*#xCkKAueJ.W#eK6。该什叶派组织向叙利亚派遣战士支持总统阿萨德打击逊尼派叛军B!7.uzM)&T2X-。真主党的干预加剧了黎巴嫩的宗派暴力KFwaXe^5NHZzWl




CCTV:腾讯奇虎二审开庭 360愿和解腾讯未表态




Second trial in Supreme court, Qihoo appeals against Tencent
腾讯奇虎纠纷案二审开庭 360愿和解腾讯未表态


The legal dispute between Qihoo and Tencent continues. The second trial of Qihoo’s apeal against Tencent opened on Wednesday in the Supreme Court.


The first trial on Qihoo’s appeal against Tencent wrapped up last week. Qihoo lost the case in the High People’s Court of Guangdong Province in May. The legal dispute has been going on between the two Chinese IT companies, Tencent and Qihoo, over competition practices. It escalated in November 2010, when hundreds of millions of users were forced to choose sides in the dispute. It is the first anti-monopoly lawsuit in the Internet industry after the anti-monopoly law was released in 2008.





Xi Jinping meets with U.S. vice president


Chinese President Xi Jinping has held talks with US Vice President Joe Biden in Beijing. They both called for cooperation between their two countries.


President Xi recalled his agreement with US President Barack Obama on building a new model of relations. Xi Jinping said China and the United States have an obligation to maintain world peace and stability and promote development.


Biden said the United States is willing to have regular dialogue with China to strengthen coordination on global and regional issues, handle differences, and ensure the healthy growth of bilateral ties.


Next year marks the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. This is Biden’s second visit to China as US vice president.



  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • interventionn. 插入,介入,调停
  • handlen. 柄,把手 v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • trialadj. 尝试性的; 审讯的 n. 尝试,努力,试验,试
  • rivaln. 对手,同伴,竞争者 adj. 竞争的 v. 竞争,
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • commandern. 司令官,指挥官
  • diplomaticadj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的
  • contributionn. 贡献,捐款(赠)