日期:2015-05-21 08:25



ABC news:驾车时发短信是否该被禁止










毕业季来临 毕业还是失业



Texting while driving is illegal?


Texting while driving. Statistics say it’s the number one driver distraction. And it's also something Karol Smith fears everyday.
驾车时发短信XODW9L#);2_@q[=。统计数据显示,这是导致司机分心的元凶,也是Karol Smith每天担心的事情kbC5c5hFB#


"It's kinda scary."

As the mother of a teenage driver, it's not her son she's most worried about texting. It's the other drivers on the roads who have admitted sending text messages while driving.

"When he first started out on his own, it's the most sickening feeling because, you know, you see all the people out there. You know, I hate to say it, but you see all the mums out there on their cell phones, not paying any attention to anybody."

And 22 year-old John Henderson knows the story all too well.
22岁的John Henderson对她的情况非常了解j6HD0+PKhJwFIXlPW

"One of my friends texted me, and I looked down there for a split second, and then I just… before I knew I hit him."

But his wreck is the only one of the thousands related to cell phone use.


"Anytime your full concentration is not on driving that vehicle, you become a danger. And all (it) really takes is to go to one tragedy accident scene and sees people that are seriously injured, worse yet, killed and understand that accident could easily have been preventable."

Text-messaging while driving may seem like the best opportunity to multitask. But studies show that text-messaging while driving could be as much as four times more dangerous than drunk driving and now law makers are cracking down.

“This bill simply says you can not send, or read text-messaging while operating a motor vehicle on public highways in Alabama.”

Representative McClendon wrote the bill which was approved by the Health Public Safety Committee and will now go to the rest of the House for consideration. But back to this Midwest residence, Karol is skeptical that the legislation will work.

"I would love for it to work, I really would. But I think it's just gonna be one more law they can't enforce."

Even that doesn't take away the worry of a mother.


"I think I’m probably like a lot of mums, you just pray for your children that they won't hurt anybody, and nobody will hurt them."


For ABC News On Campus, I’m Melissa Johnson.
ABC校园新闻,我是Melissa JohnsonxLy~Ib45bllW~






Collectivized online trade boosts local agriculture


New E-Commerce schemes are having a major beneficial impact on small rural communities.


China's Ministry of Agriculture is on a mission to boost rural e-commerce development even further this year, hoping to attract more entrepreneurial talents to the countryside.


Many schemes are already in place, helping farmers collectively sell their products to larger markets.


This Camellia wood in Southeast China was once overgrown and unused. The tree produces Tea-Oil. Since 2011, the wood has been brought back to life, by local farmer Zhu Qianhuang.


The revival is mainly because of rural e-commerce schemes, introduced by the local government.


"Before, it wasn't really worth me coming here to cultivate the Tea Oil. We'd maybe come five or six times a year. Now we're replanting all the time, and we come every month,"said Zhu Qianhuang, local farmer.


Under the scheme, farmers in the area sell their products collectively, through larger agents. Wholesale orders are placed online from across the country.


Mr Zhu says he can't keep up with the demand for his Tea Oil.


It's a similar story in nearby Ningdu County, where officials have been implementing similar measures.


"Rural poverty is caused by three factors - lack of skills, lack of information, and lack of incentive. If people group together, skills and resources can be shared. Right now,we have over 120 companies within our E-Commerce zone. That includes over eighty families, either employed or running their own businesses," said Ning Weisheng, Ningdu County Commerce Bureau.


The schemes have led to the creation of around 6,000 new jobs in Ningdu County alone, helping to push old, labor-intensive industries into a more modern era.


China's central Ministry of Commerce says over 200 counties and villages across the country are now running similar schemes.


The E-commerce link up is also bringing more business for courier and freight companies, tapping the new supply and demand.





Yoga practice is gaining popularity in China


Yoga is really getting a foothold in China. And classes instructing the traditional Indian discipline have been popping up all over Shanghai in the past few years.


Yu Wenqing has been practicing yoga for six years at a club in Jing'an District. At first, she thought yoga was simply another way to get some exercise.


"I just wanted to lose weight and work on my fitness. I was doing body building exercises at that time. But after I learned yoga, I found that it's not soft, slow or easy. I thought it wouldn't be as intense as running. But I felt painful, soreness and tired. However, my muscles, bones and joints were relaxing after the exercise," Yang said.


Working at an international advertising company, Yu said yoga helps her stay calm when things get busy, although previously she was often impulsive. And many others say they have benefited from yoga.


“The breathing and meditation help me to reduce a lot of pressure from work. Yoga is also a balance of the other sports. I play soccer and other ball games. But yoga is as important as those sports,” said yoga student Zhang Mingming.


Yoga was first introduced to the mainland from Hong Kong by Wai Lana in the early 1980s. Her daily TV shows taught people to clean out distracting thoughts and to live in a positive way. The show was one of the most popular programs on TV until 1999. And it gave a boost to yoga in China. But one Mexican instructor said he found a big difference between the yoga in China and the original form from India.


"The yoga we practice here is more oriented to a form of fitness somehow. And the yoga in India is based more on spiritual practice. That's why I found is the difference. Mainly people think that they will lose weight and they want to get fit and skinny all these things with yoga. When in India that's not important at all. Well, they practice a lot of breathing techniques, a lot of cleaning techniques," said Mexican yoga teacher Pablo Alvarec.


Having practiced yoga for 18 years, Alvarec said the advantage here is that people can choose from many different styles.


"Because yoga is new, everyone wants to do postures. Leg behind head, hand stands, back bends. Because they look nice," Alvarec said.


“I'm very lucky to know different types. I prefer now hot yoga, Vinyasa. I also take some classes in Ashtanga. Some genres stretch the body, the others make the muscles strong,” Yu said.


And Yu sees yoga as more than an exercise.


"Yoga presents a culture. It fixes the body like medicine. It's also a philosophy and a life attitude. So India is a holy land for me. I have to go there to practice yoga. I'll cultivate myself in one to two months," she said.


Almost every gym club in Shanghai has set up yoga classes. And there are more than 100 special clubs.
