每日视频新闻:奶源紧缺 部分乳企提高牛奶价格
日期:2013-11-29 11:04







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奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步






Accident at Brazil World Cup stadium kills at least two


At least two workers are killed in Brazil when a crane collapsed at the stadium slated to host the opening match of next year's World Cup. Construction workers had been racing to finish the stadium in Sao Paulo before a December deadline imposed by world soccer body FIFA. The manager of the site says the structure is still sound.


(SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) OPERATIONAL MANAGER AT THE SITE FOR THE ODEBRECHT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, FREDERICO BARBOSA, SAYING:"The structure was not compromised. There was damage to part of the building, but nothing that compromises the security or stability of the structure itself. "
ODEBRECHT建筑公司该建筑工地执行经理FREDERICO BARBOSA:“建筑结构没有受到损坏ng@Bt*B;oS2S+2pRVLO。大楼部分受到破坏,但是并不影响建筑本身的安全和稳定cgTg-&wRjrk545.bT。”


The company building the stadium says it plans to restart work Monday, but the union representing the workers says construction could be frozen for up to 30 days while authorities investigate the incident.



Thai PM survives no-confidence vote


It was a subdued start to the day in Bangkok, as demonstrators ate breakfast and drank tea. Hundreds had stayed overnight here in ministries and government offices. They stormed the buildings on Wednesday hoping to shut them down and paralyse the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. But still anti-government protesters plan to keep the pressure on by marching to police headquarters and the defence ministry later in the day.. There have been huge protests in Bangkok for weeks. The protesters, who are led by a former opposition party politician, say Yingluck's government is controlled by her brother - the ousted former leader Thaksin Shinawatra. But despite the biggest protests since the violence in 2010, Yingluck easily survived a no-confidence vote in parliament. The motion was brought by the opposition Democrat Party, but Yingluck's Pheu Thai party dominate the chamber and voted it down.



Berlusconi expelled from Italian parliament over tax fraud


Uproar in the Italian Senate ahead of a vote to expel Silvio Berlusconi from Parliament. Berlusconi is expelled over his tax fraud conviction, drawing a defiant response from the veteran center-right leader who shows no sign of going gently. As his supporters gather Berlusconi spoke of dark times in Italy.


(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) ITALIAN CENTER-RIGHT LEADER, SILVIO BERLUSCONI, SAYING: "We are here in what is a bitter day, a day of mourning for Italian democracy."


Italy now moves into an uncertain new phase with the 77-year-old media billionaire preparing to use all his extensive resources to attack the coalition government. On the street, mixed reaction.


(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) GIUSEPPE, SAYING: "They are persecuting Berlusconi, they are being vindictive, it's not right. He's been a politician for 20 years, and he governed well."


(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) CLAUDIO BRUNATO, SAYING: "Firstly, finally Italy is free, but it's too late, it's embarrassing."
CLAUDIO BRUNATO:“无论如何,意大利是自由的,但是现在还不是太迟,!14EEX[&w(tPWQu_%。非常令人尴尬W=fy]aDP7gD。”


The political battle over Berlusconi has already hampered any serious overhaul of Italy's stagnant economy, which is stuck in a recession that has lasted more than two years, sending youth unemployment up over 40 percent.





U.S. is lack of fresh birds for Thanksgiving holiday


The US President has many responsibilities, but one of the strangest is the annual pardoning of turkeys, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Around 46 million turkeys will be eaten during the annual American holiday, which gets going on Thursday. But as our correspondent Daniel Ryntjes reports, two lucky birds will escape the oven.


There are two visiting dignitaries who seem to get even better treatment in Washington than a head of state-with massive media exposure and top class hotel rooms. "Caramel" and "Popcorn" have been pardoned by President Barack Obama and his daughters.


"The office of the presidency - the most powerful position in the world - brings with it many awesome and solemn responsibilities. This is not one of them. (Laughter.) But the White House Turkey Pardon is a great tradition. And I know Malia loves it, as does Sasha," said Obama.


These 38-pound turkeys raised in Badger, Minnesota are harder to come by this year, because a top producer, Butterball says it’s struggling to provide fresh turkeys weighing more than 16 pounds to U.S. supermarkets.


"Just on this one farm alone, twenty thousand turkeys are produced each Thanksgiving. The challenge for the farmer is not producing lots of them, but getting them in all shapes and sizes to please the fickle U.S. consumer," said Daniel Ryntjes at Washington.


Farm Manager Chris Bohrer says the birds are almost as tricky as lawmakers.


"To get a hen to weigh 26 pounds finished is very difficult . If it’s too cold, the turkeys may not eat. If it’s too hot,the turkey’s may not eat," said Chris Bohrer, manager of Maple Lawn Farm.


The two pardoned birds will head to the Mount Vernon estate, the former home of America’s first President George Washington and then onto a retirement farm. But not for long, because it turns out that all previously pardoned turkeys die within a few months, because specialized farm breeding to make them plump also shortens their lives.


"The oldest turkeys we have here on the farm were born in June. The youngest ones were born in August. So they have a very short lifespan. And most of the turkeys they pardon, they won’t live any longer, because that’s just their lifespan is no more than six or seven months," said Chris Bohrer, manager of Maple Lawn Farm.


So off you go, "Popcorn" and "Caramel" to a comfortable retirment enjoy it while you can.


CCTV9:奶源紧缺 部分乳企提高牛奶价格



China faces milk shortage
奶源紧缺 部分乳企提高牛奶价格


China faces a shortage of dairy products because it doesn't have enough dairy cattle. In response, many dairy companies are brewing price-hikes.


It's hard to find milk in this grocery store in northern China. And it isn't any easier to find more in the supermarkets.


"Pure milk, especially low-end milk products are in short supply about one-third less than the same period last year, " Guo Hongyan, Director of Guoda Supermarkets, says.


The problem lies at the dairy farms.


Keeping cattle is getting more expensive, with rising feed and maintenance costs. Some dairy farmers are slaughtering cattle.


Main dairy producing areas have seen 10-20% falls in cattle numbers, according to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science.


"The output last year was four tonnes and a half, this year, it might only be two and a half tonnes. That’s two tonnes less," dairy farm owner Cheng Zhongjie says.


In the face of the milk squeeze, many dairy companies are raising prices of their products.


That cheers the international milk brands, as they see domestic companies losing the low-price advantage.


"International brands make up a very good supplement in Chinese market. But on the flip side, too many imported products would be a shock for domestic brands. However without such imports, domestic output is not enough to fulfil market demand,"


Chen Yu, researcher at Ministry of Argriculture, says.


But the question is whether the Chinese dairy industry is in a healthy condition.


Fitch Ratings says now is time for industry consolidation, as larger players could cope with the tight raw material supply and stiff competition.

  • squeezev. 压榨,挤压,塞进 n. 压榨,勒索,榨取
  • incidentn. 事件,事变,插曲 adj. 难免的,附带的
  • oppositionn. 反对,敌对,在野党
  • estaten. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产
  • democracyn. 民主,民主制,民主国家
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • vindictiveadj. 有报仇心的,怀恨的,惩罚的
  • reactionn. 反应,反作用力,化学反应
  • uncertainadj. 不确定的
  • stiffadj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的 adv