Taste Buds Influenced by Mom
We are fascinating new study tonight on taste. It's not hard to figure out why so many of us loathe ogling lovely chocolation. That's easy. But there is new science tonight and when we find some food irresistible and others impossible to swallow; like so much else in our lives. It may be hard-wired, programme by our mothers while we are still in the womb. ABC's John Berman explains.
今晚我们为大家带来一项令人惊叹的关于口味的新研究 。要了解为何我们许多人喜爱或讨厌巧克力并不是很难的事情 。这非常简单 。但是今晚,科学为我们解释为何我们觉得有些食物难以抗拒,其他食物则难以下咽,这在我们的日常生活中经常发生 。或许跟我们在母亲子宫时母亲的饮食习惯有关 。ABC记者John Berman为我们解释 。
It was in Look Who's talking when baby Mikey made a culinary proclamation.
So you are the one that's been kicking me.
你就是一直踢我的那个家伙 。
Well, you are the one that ate all that spicy food.
你就是那个一直吃辛辣食物的人 。
Well, Mikey might not know his mom was eating spicy food when pregnant, he'll probably like spicy food once forward.
Mikey或许不知道因为他的母亲怀孕时一直吃辣的东西,他可能以后一直都喜欢吃辣 。
A study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center finds what pregnant mom eats, chances are baby ultimately likes. The womb is filled with the flavors of what mom is eating and the results, well, you can see them later.
莫奈尔化学感官中心一项研究发现,怀孕时母亲吃什么,以后孩子可能也喜欢吃什么 。子宫充满了母亲吃的东西的味道,其结果你以后可以看得到 。
This young fellow's mom ate green beans when she was pregnant. When he tried them for the first time, his face is: Huh, not bad. Taste vaguely familiar. Oh, you want to give me another bite? Well, OK. Now, compare that with this dude, whose mother did not eat green beans when pregnant, and his face: Ugh, what's that? Another? No, no, no, no, no...Oh, come on. Or this young man whose mother also did not eat green beans. We'll let him speak for himself.
这个小家伙的母亲怀孕时经常吃四季豆 。当他首次尝试的时候,他的面部表情就是:嗯,不错 。这个味道隐约有点熟悉 。哦,还想再给我吃一口吗?好的,和这个小家伙对比一下 。他的母亲怀孕时没有吃四季豆,他的面部表情是:这是什么东东?还要再吃一口?不,不,不……哦,算了吧 。这个年轻人的母亲怀孕时也没有吃四季豆 。让他自己来说 。
Researchers say this helps explain why kids from different countries with more adventurous menus enjoy more diverse foods. The lesson: if you want your kids to like veggies, start early, before early, actually.
研究人员表示,这解释了为何菜单口味比较大胆的国家的孩子更喜欢花样繁多的食物 。其带给我们的教训就是:如果你想要喜欢吃蔬菜的孩子,那就早点准备 。
John Berman, ABC News, New York.
ABC新闻,John Berman在纽约报道 。
Downpours continue to lash southern regions
The heavy rainfall alert remains across China’s south. Heavy downpours are forecast to continue in at least nine provinces and autonomous regions until Saturday afternoon with the country’s meteorological bureau issuing the second highest alert for the wet weather in these regions.
Among them, the five areas highlighted in purple are set to receive extremely strong downpours of at least 40 milimeters per hour. People have also been warned of possible thunderstorms and gales in these areas.
Impact of 'Yes' or 'No' votes on Greece and Europe
Let's try to sum up the possible aftershocks of a 'yes' or a 'no' vote in the Greek referendum on Sunday.... not just on Greece itself, but on the whole of Europe and possibly the global economy. With the latest survey putting 'Yes' supporters at 44% , and 'No' supporters at 43%... it's by no means a clear result.
A 'Yes' vote would probably mean the resignation of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, and perhaps a change in government. That would bring new political turmoil to Greece... but it WOULD mean that talks over a new bailout could restart. Greece would stay in the Euro... but the country would have to accept levels of austerity that it rejected in electing the current government - pension cuts, tax hikes and other measures.
If Greece votes 'No' and rejects the offer by creditors, then many analysts say the country will face huge financial uncertainty.... and a likely exit from the Euro, and maybe even the European Union. That could have an impact not just on European markets... but the entire global economy. But not everyone shares that bleak view.
Prime Minister Tsipras says a 'No' vote will give Greece a stronger bargaining position... and he's sure that the fear of a Greek Euro exit would be enough to bring lenders back round the table once again.