Four American teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel, have been arrested on charges of attempted murder after a woman was knocked off her motorbike with rope strung across two poles, Japanese police said.
日本警方称,四名美国青少年因被控谋杀未遂被捕,他们都是美国军方人员的子女 。此前,一名女子被绑在两根杆子上的绳子绊住,摔下摩托车 。
The 4 suspects-two 15-year-old boys,a 17-year-old girl, and an 18-year-old man-were taken into custody on Saturday, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said.
东京警察局表示,4名嫌疑人——2名15岁的男孩、1名17岁的女孩和1名18岁的男子——周六被拘留 。
They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old restaurant employee by stringing a rope between poles across a road.
他们被控在两根杆子中间绑了一根绳子,导致一名23岁的餐馆员工的头部严重受伤 。
U.S. Forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October, a public information officer said.
一名公共信息官员说,10月下旬,美国驻日本部队得知了8月份的事件 。
There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S. force and their dependants in Japan.
除了此事涉及华盛顿和东京之间关于美国军队及其在日本的家属的规定之外,美国方面没有明确解释为何延迟将嫌疑人移交给警方 。
The U.S. miliary presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years.
多年来,美国驻军及其对日本居民的影响一直是个棘手的问题 。