A farmer harvests his first pail of crabs this fall from Yangcheng Lake in Jiangsu province on Tuesday. Though orders have dwindled, the price of the delicacy continues to rise. Zhu Guigen / for China Daily
Orders for the popular Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, which officially went on sale on Tuesday, are lower than in previous years because of the government's ban on extravagance.
Hairy crab就是美味的“大闸蟹”,之所以是hairy,是因为大闸蟹的学名叫做“中华绒螯蟹”,又称“毛蟹”。大闸蟹是lake crab(河蟹)中的一种,其中口感最鲜美的莫过于Yangcheng Lake hairy crab(阳澄湖大闸蟹)。
九月正是吃大闸蟹的好季节,此时要吃female crab(雌蟹),因为九月的雌蟹黄满肉厚,那美味的crab roe(蟹黄)让许多人一想到就会mouth waters(垂涎三尺)。但在食用美味的螃蟹时,也别忘了螃蟹与sweet potato(红薯)、soft-shelled turtle(甲鱼)等食物共食会引起food poisoning(食物中毒)。而且,吃螃蟹时也不能喝cold drinks(冷饮)哦。