每日视频新闻:南非前总统曼德拉95岁生日 健康状况改善
日期:2013-07-19 19:13








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Mandela turns 95




Well-wishers and media were gathering early as the 95th birthday of South Africa's former president Nelson Mandela dawned. He's been at this hospital in Pretoria for more than five weeks undergoing treatment for a lung infection. A statement from South Africa's current president, issued on the anti-apartheid hero's big day, says his condition is improving. On the eve of the event old friends Mac Maharaj and Epainette Mbeki, mother of Mandela's successor as president, offered their birthday greetings.
南非前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)95岁生日来临之际,祝福者和媒体一大早就来到这里1sN#sV=_Xhd%*]w8x&。曼德拉已经在比勒陀利亚这家医院度过五周多的时间,接受肺部感染治疗*@r.yIKg52X,]。南非现任总统在这位反种族隔离英雄生辰当天发表声明,称曼德拉的身体状况正在改善Fdrd=s_xq#)lsQYecvU(。此前,他的老朋友迈克·马哈拉杰(Mac Maharaj)和曼德拉的继任者姆贝基总统的母亲艾潘妮特·姆贝基(Epainette Mbeki)送上了生日问候zmZ~Ex&4v%QWA



MAC MAHARAJ, PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESMAN AND FRIEND OF NELSON MANDELA, SAYING: Nelson Mandela. I would like to take this opportunity to wish him everything of the best on his 95th birthday. Get well, get better. We need you, and stay forever young at heart."
迈克·马哈拉杰(Mac Maharaj),总统发言人和曼德拉的朋友,说:“纳尔逊·曼德拉~;]|DVmB13C。我希望借此机会,在他95岁生辰之际送上最真挚的祝福-.tCqDPCa7W9f8FY@。希望他的身体好起来,越来越好@CVw,0=N7q8c。我们需要你,希望你的心态永远年轻7n^bV+Z%L8wAQ%|s。”



EPAINETTE MBEKI, MOTHER OF FORMER PRESIDENT THABO MBEKI, SAYING: "I am wishing you a happy birthday and many more returns."
艾潘妮特·姆贝基(Epainette Mbeki),前总统姆贝基的母亲,说:“我祝你生日快乐,尽快恢复健康_XV6-QRHVK)Y;SmjYs@。”



July 18th was named Nelson Mandela International Day by the United Nations in 2009. It's commemorated in South Africa and abroad by people carrying out 67 minutes of charitable acts to mark the time Mandela actively fought to end apartheid. Mandela's expected to spend the day receiving visits from close family.




UK retail sales point to recovery


The latest sign of recovery in the UK economy. Retail sales rose in June, helped on their way by an unusually high level of discounts and promotions at department stores. Sales volumes increased 0.2% on the month. It was a slight slowdown after a very strong May, but is still means they'll show growth of 2.2% on the year, according to the Office for National Statistics. Carsten Brzeski is from ING.



Carsten Brzeski, Senior Economist, ING, saying (English): "We do see a recovery starting to unfold, still not a strong recovery, we still need I would say accommodative monetary policy, but compared with the euro zone I would say the glass is half full." The retail sales data echoes other economic readings, which suggest Britain's recovery gained some speed in the second quarter, after growing 0.3 per cent between January and March. But consumer spending in the UK is still under pressure from inflation, which is outstripping growth in wages. The Bank of England and policymakers are looking at ways to reassure households, businesses and the markets, that interest rates won't rise any time soon - and that may also encourage Brits tospend.
荷兰国际集团(ING)资深经济学家Carsten Brzeski表示:“我们确实看到经济复苏开始出现,不过仍然不是很强劲的复苏,我们仍然需要相应的货币政策,但是与欧元区相比,已经进入正轨LMcT8Asa+2。”零售行业数据也可以反映出其他经济指标,这表明第二季度英国的经济复苏已经获得了一些势头,第一季度增长了0.3个百分点|KxO,+K@sC。但是由于通货膨胀超过了薪资增长,英国的消费者支出仍然承受着压力,tFb+ks[d4L0WOfe|f。英格兰银行和政策制定者正在寻找方法来向业主,企业和市场保证,利率不会很快上涨——这或许可以鼓励国民消费RouaAW*m3F




Homs under attack as sources say Britain will not arm Syrian rebels
消息来源称英国放弃武器支援叙利亚叛军 霍姆斯遭遇袭击


The city of Homs under attack in Syria, in a government campaign that has lasted some three weeks. This video, which can not be independently verified, comes as sources familiar with the government thinking say Britain has abandoned plans to arm Syrian rebels. They tell Reuters President Bashar al-Assad might survive in office for years. The reported British position amounts to one of the gloomiest assessments of the rebels' prospects yet. More footage shows a historic home that is a portrait of destruction. There is no sign of help on the way. Russia and the United States had wanted to try to organize peace talks. The hope was to try to agree to a ceasefire and the makeup of a transitional government. But sources say the initiative has stalled and there is a risk such talks will never happen. Syria's top rebel commander is likely to visit the U.S. next week, -- he is expected to make a plea for speedy U.S. arms shipments. Those plans for shipments have been delayed by Congress. There is no way to measure the cost of destruction in the country -- in a war where more than 90,000 people have lost their lives.





Home price rise continues to slow in June


Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that new home prices rose at a slower pace in Chinese cities in June.


Of a statistical pool of 70 major Chinese cities, 63 saw new home prices increase month on month in June, down from 65 citiesa month earlier. This is the third straight month housing prices have gone up in China.


In June, home price in 2 cities stay unchanged, and 5 cities saw a month-on-month price drop.


In June, the highest price increase rate stay at 2.4%. On a year-on-year basis, 69 cities registered rising prices with thehighest growth rate stands at 16.7 percent, And one city saw price drop. For second-hand houses, prices rose in 55 cities month on month in June.


白宫发言:推进移民改革 促进经济发展



WEEKLY ADDRESS: Strengthening our Economy by Passing Bipartisan Immigration Reform
每日讲话:推进移民改革 促进经济发展



WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama said that two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority in the Senate voted to pass commonsense immigration reform, which would add a big boost to our economy, strengthen Social Security, and modernize our legal immigration system to make it more consistent with our values. The President urges Congress to quickly take action to fix our broken immigration system and keep America strong for years to come.


The audio of the address and video of the address will be available online at 6:00 a.m. ET, July 13,




Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
July 13, 2013


Hi, everybody. Two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority of Senators voted to pass commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform – taking an important step towards fixing our broken immigration system once and for all.


This bill was a compromise, and neither side got everything they wanted. But it was largely consistent with the key principles of commonsense reform that most of us in both parties have repeatedly laid out. If passed, the Senate’s plan would build on the historic gains we’ve made in border security over the past four years with the most aggressive border security plan in our history. It would offer a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million people who are in this country illegally – a pathway that includes paying penalties, learning English, and going to the end of the line behind everyone trying to come here legally. And it would modernize our legal immigration system to make it more consistent with our values.


The Senate’s plan would also provide a big boost to our recovery. And on Wednesday, we released a report detailing exactly how big a boost that would be.


The report is based on the findings of independent, nonpartisan economists and experts who concluded that, if the Senate’s plan becomes law, our economy will be 5% larger in two decades compared to the status quo. That’s $1.4 trillion added to our economy just by fixing our immigration system.


Here in America, we’ve always been a nation of immigrants. That’s what’s kept our workforce dynamic, our businesses on the cutting edge, and our economy the strongest in the world. But under the current system, too many smart, hardworking immigrants are prevented from contributing to that success.


Immigration reform would make it easier for highly-skilled immigrants and those who study at our colleges and universities to start businesses and create jobs right here in America. Foreign companies would be more likely to invest here. The demand for goods and services would go up – creating more jobs for American workers. Every worker and business would be required to pay their fair share in taxes, reducing our deficit by nearly $850 billion over the next two decades. And since a large portion of those taxes go towards retirement programs that millions of Americans depend on, Social Security would actually get stronger over the long-term – adding two years to the life of the program’s trust fund.


That’s what immigration reform would mean for our economy – but only if we act. If we don’t do anything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire. We won’t benefit from highly-skilled immigrants starting businesses and creating jobs here. American workers will have to make due with lower wages and fewer protections.


And without more immigrants and businesses paying their fair share in taxes, our deficit will be higher and programs like Social Security will be under more strain.


We’ve been debating this issue for more than a decade – ever since President Bush first proposed the broad outlines of immigration reform – and I think he gave a very good speech this past week expressing his hope that a bipartisan, comprehensive bill can become law.


If Democrats and Republicans – including President Bush and I – can agree on something, that’s a pretty good place to start. Now the House needs to act so I can sign commonsense immigration reform into law. And if you agree, tell your Representatives that now is the time. Call or email or post on their Facebook walls and ask them to get this done. Because together, we can grow our economy and keep America strong for years to come.


Thanks, and have a great weekend.


  • infectionn. 传染,影响,传染病
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • comprehensiveadj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的
  • portionn. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任
  • measuren. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸 v. 测量,量
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • majorityn. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派 n. 法定年龄
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • strainn. 紧张,拉紧,血统 v. 劳累,拉紧,过份使用