每日视频新闻:李克强出任国务院总理 与温家宝握手
日期:2013-03-15 22:22







雾霾未去沙尘又起 “美丽中国”任重道远

朝鲜威胁要先发制人核打击美国 金正恩访前线





China mine explosion kills 21




Rescue efforts were ongoing on Wednesday at a mine in southwestern China, after state media reported that at least 21 miners were killed and another 20 were injured in an accident. All of those injured were reported to be in stable condition. Official state broadcaster CCTV said that 83 miners were in the pit when there was an explosion. Fifty-eight managed to escape, while four were alive but remained trapped. Xinhua news agency said the accident was the result of a coal and gas outburst. Officials at the site said high levels of toxic gas were hampering rescue efforts. Xinhua reported that an investigation into the cause of the accident had been launched.




China confirms Li Keqiang as premier





Amidst the pomp and ceremony of Beijing's Great Hall of the People, Li Keqiang is officially appointed as China's premier. Nearly 3,000 delegates gathered at the annual parliament session to vote on Li's appointment. It was not much of a surprise that the largely rubber-stamp National People's Congress, chose the 57-year-old to replace Wen Jiabao. He received 2,940 votes, drawing only three no votes with six abstentions. As legislators applauded, Li rose and shook hands with Xi Jinping, who was elected president by the legislature on Thursday. The appointment puts Li at the helm of the world's second largest economy. Many Chinese think he has his work cut out for him.





42-YEAR-OLD BEIJING RESIDENT CHEN BIN SAYING: "Domestically, we are still facing many problems such as property, medical, pension and economic transition. As for overseas affairs, we have the Diaoyu Island dispute, North Korea issue and pressure from the U.S. that all need to be resolved soon." Li is facing one of the world's widest gaps between rich and poor, an economy that is over-reliant on investment and a soaring housing market that is stoking resentment among the middle class.




Pope's childhood friend says he mentioned marriage


教皇的童爱 我要和你结婚



Before he became Pope Francis, he was Jorge Bergoglio, the son of an Italian railway worker living in what is now a comfortable Buenos Aires neighborhood. Amalia, who also lived in the same area, says she had a close relationship with the new pontiff when they were children.





Amalia, Woman Who Says She Was A Childhood Friend Of Bergoglio saying (Spanish): "He sent me a letter telling me that he was going to build me a house, that we would get married. And, unfortunately, my mother took the letter. I was looking all over for it and she said, 'So you're receiving letters from him." But even then, she says, the priesthood was in his sights.





Amalia, Woman Who Says She Was A Childhood Friend Of Bergoglio saying (Spanish) "He said to me, 'If I don't marry you, I'll become a priest." Bergoglio became a man of the cloth at age 32, committing himself to a life of service and poverty. And while many in his native Argentina are excited by his trajectory, his sister Maria worries about her brother. She says she remembers meeting Pope John Paul II when her brother transitioned from a priest to a cardinal.





Maria Elena Bergoglio, Pope Francis' sister. "I kneeled to kiss his ring, I looked up at his face, It was so full of love but, at the same time, infinite loneliness. My brother's face reflects love , but I didn't want it to reflect loneliness."







Li Keqiang appointed as Chinese premier




The National People’s Congress has appointed Li Keqiang as the country’s premier. Known as a "reformer", Li will lead the government in ensuring the country’s progress over the next years.



With China now as the world’s second largest economy, Li takes over at a crucial stage in its transition. His appointment was greeted with enthusiasm by fellow lawmakers.



Li Keqiang’s reputation for toughness as well as his outgoing personality has made him a popular figure in China’s political arena.



Calling reform "China’s biggest dividend", Li Keqiang has frequently suggested ways of working differently since being re-elected to the Standing Committee of the CPC politbureau.



He says reform is like rowing upstream, if you miss a stroke, you may fall behind.



He is keenly aware of the urgent need to restructure China’s economy, highlighting the issue as long ago as the annual Davos world economic forum in 2010.



Li Keqiang said, “We should be acutely aware that in the post-financial crisis time, we should readjust the economic growth model, and we should not sacrifice our environment and sustainable development for economic growth.”



China’s new reforms have already begun, with cuts in lavish outlay at meetings.



Li has also told officials to stop reading from prepared speeches, encouraging them to speak freely and ask incisive questions to get to the root of issues that matter.



He also makes sure he gets to meet people face to face to find out what really matters to them.



He stresses that only reform can improve people’s living standards and that future changes must ensure equal rights and opportunities for everyone, and that the law is upheld.



To many lawmakers, the new premier is innovative and determined.



Hong Changyou, NPC deputy, said, “I’m very much looking forward to a pragmatic and determined new premier, leading us to deeper reforms in all affairs.”



Xu Xi, NPC deputy, said, “I think the new premier and his administration will continue with economic restructuring.”



Huang Xiuling, NPC deputy, said, “I hope the new government will focus more on people’s livelihoods, such as the implementation of universal medical insurance.”



On many occasions, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have encouraged ordinary people to speak their true minds and tell their real life stories. They are resolved to seek advice and comments on governance from the people. For ordinary people, they want a clean government that is more self-disciplined and responsible, and more efficient in social administration. With the determination of the new leaders, the two sessions will create more positive energy for further reforms.





Teens Driving Safely




CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: I`m Carl Azuz. And welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ever since Pope Benedict announced his plan to resign, we`ve been talking about how a new pope is chosen. Yesterday, we told you that black smoke from this chimney indicates a new pope hadn`t been elected yet. So you know what this means.



AZUZ: The bells confirmed with the smoke signal: the 115 cardinals had come to a decision.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I announce to you a great joy. We have a pope.



AZUZ: That new pope is Cardinals Jorge Bergoglio. He is 76 years old from Argentina. He is the first pope from South America. In fact, he is the first pope in modern times who is not from Europe. When cardinals become pope, they traditionally choose a new name. Cardinal Bergoglio chose Francis, and he`s the first pope to do that too. A CNN Vatican expert said the name symbolizes humility, simplicity and rebuilding the Catholic Church.



Next, we are moving from Italy to Syria. The civil war in that country has been going on for two years. More than 60,000 people have been killed and more than a million others have left Syria. These refugees have escaped to neighboring countries, places like Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan in order to get away from the fighting. When you have to leave your home quickly, like a lot of these refugees have, you may only have time to grab a few things. One photographer, working in this camps, asked people about the most important item they brought from home.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Abdul carried with him the keys to his apartment in Damascus. He is not sure what`s left of his home, but he says he dreams every day of returning. Yousef took his mobile phone with him when he fled Damascus and says the small piece of technology is his lifeline to his family, both hearing their voices and seeing pictures he saved on his phone. Tamara and her family left Syria after their home in Idlib was damaged. The 20-year old proudly holds her diploma. The refugee camp where she stays visible behind her. Tamara plans to continue her education in Turkey. They are the true faces of Syria, lives that will be forever changed, escaping from war, separated from everything they know and hold dear, taking with them their pride, their heritage and a little peace of home.



AZUZ: If you have to leave your home, what is the one thing you`d be sure to take with you: tell us on our blog today at cnnstudentnews.com



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? In the United States, the driving age is set by the federal government.



Not true. Each states makes its own laws for young drivers.



AZUZ: There have been a lot of news about young drivers this week, not for good reasons: multiple fatal crashes. And on our blog, we asked if news like this affects the way the other teens drive. Kelly said yes. "The more I hear about teen car accidents, the more I feel obligated to drive safely." Eva disagreed saying, most teens ignore it thinking they are invincible." In Matt`s opinion, teens might take notice for a while, but they will quickly ignore it. Next today we have CNN George Howell.



GEORGE HOWELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Three tragic car wreck in three different states claimed the lives of 15 teenagers in a matter of just three days. The most recent near Chicago. Authorities found four teenagers dead after they believed the driver lost control on a patch of water or ice and slammed into a creek. Before that, five teenagers were killed in a fiery crash at an intersection in the Texas panhandle town of Dumas. Police say their SUV ran a stop sign an collide with the fuel tanker whose driver was severely burnt. And in Ohio, investigators say an SUV took a curve too fast and flipped over into a small lake, killing six of the 18 in the packed vehicle.



Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers ages 15 to 20, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. At Taggart`s driving school in Georgia, teenager students are given a quick reality check.



(on camera): What do you tell teenagers? The first thing? What do you tell them about driving on the roads in your class.



ELEANOR BARNETT, DRIVING INSTRUCTOR: The first 15 minutes of class, I have the students randomly. It`s every third student, is what it is, and I have him stand up. And then I have him look around in the classroom and I say all right. This is the third of the students. The first year you drive, a third of you will be in an automobile accident.



HOWELL (voice over): Accidents caused by everything from distracted driving to drunk driving. A study by the Governors` Highway Safety Association shows the number of fatal crashes for 16 and 17 year olds rose 19 percent during the first six months of 2012 from the same period a year earlier.



In the report you saw that there was a sharp increase in teen-related crashes, but putting it in perspective, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that over the past three decades, those numbers have declined dramatically, from more than 8,000 fatal crashes in 1975 to just more than 3,000 fatal crashes in 2011. And the CDC attributes that to seat belt laws and graduated license programs. George Howell, CNN, Atlanta.



AZUZ: Teen driving safety, Syrian refugees, the new pope. We`ve got a couple of more stories ahead. Teachers, give us your feedback on all of today`s show. Cnnstudents.com.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s "Shoutout" goes out to Mr. Barber`s classes at Manheim Central Middle in Manheim, Pennsylvania. Which of the would you use to determine a circle`s circumference?



Is it the Pythagorean theorem, Bernoulli`s principle, quadratic equation or Pi? You`ve got three seconds, go!



To figure out circumference, you multiply the circle`s diameter by Pi. That`s your irrational answer and that`s your "Shoutout."



AZUZ: Who doesn`t like pie? Whether it`s an old-fashioned apple pie, the Oscar-winning "Life of Pi," a pepperoni pizza pie - unless it`s a slice of humble pie, it brings us together. Of course, if you drop the e in it, you`ll drop some of the enthusiasm. But the true mathletes there can always bake up a little fun on Pi Day. It`s celebrated every year on March, 14th. That`s 3-14, as in the first few digits of Pi. The ration of a circle circumference to its diameter. You can all our fascination with it irrational, and that`s just the kind of number it is - an irrational one. It just goes on and on, without stopping or repeating, at least as far s we know. Computers have calculated Pi to its 2 quadrillionth digit. Don`t ask me what that means, I` majored in telecommunications. What I can tell you is that when it comes to this ration, the Pi is the limit.



Here`s another story you can sink you teeth into: shark bites. Doctors want to get more information about how to treat patients who`ve had shark`s teeth sunk into them? First step, they`re going to get their hands on some sharks. John Zarrella takes it from here.



JOHN ZARRELLA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No one went in the water: the sign warned sharks. A lot of them migrating north were close to shore off Palm Beach. Bad for swimmers, good for a shark fisherman Joshua Jogerson (ph). He had one hooked quickly, fighting it through the waves.



Jogerson working fast got it close enough to grab and pull it to the beach. This wasn`t about sport, it was about research.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!



ZARRELLA: Jogerson and Nova Southeastern University assistant professor Nathan Unger ...



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Six foot - six foot one.






ZARRELLA: Are hunting bacteria in the mouth of sharks.



NATHAN UNGER: We are going to swab the mouth of the shark around the teeth and the gums.



ZARRELLA: Once the sample is taken, the shark is released. They`re hoping to find out what bacteria sharks carry, and whether it`s the same in every species.



One of the biggest problems doctors face when treating a shark bit is not knowing what antibiotic will work to fight infection, because they don`t know what bacteria they`re up against. Ask Anthony Segrich.



ANTHONY SEGRICH, SHARK BIT VICTIME: The first bite went through the knee cup and the ankle at the same time. So, it was about 17.5 inches wide, the mouth.



ZARRELLA: Segrich was spear-fishing off Palm Beach two years ago, when he was attacked by a ten foot bull shark, the most vicious there is.



SEGRICH: You name the antibiotic, I had it at that point. They hit you with everything.



ZARRELLA: St. Mary`s Hospital in West Palm Beach where Segrich was treated, is participating in the research project, perhaps a game changer for doctors fighting to save a bite victim`s life.



AZUZ: Yikes! We hope they are able to.



Now, before we go to day, Gatorade baths, a sport`s tradition. There is a reason you usually only see them on the football field. Watch what happened when this women`s college basketball team drenched its coach. Boom! And that when someone in the stands comes to help, boom again! Yes, this is exactly how not to let a victory wash over you. Liquid plus basketball court equals slippery. The coach and the fan were OK, the coach`s granddaughter said, he just laughed it off. Let`s just hope there is no repeat performance. After all, this kind of thing can quickly turn into a slippery slope. And we are sure the coach is not going to court this tradition, because after the first time it had people in stitches. I`m Carl Azuz. Have a great day.





  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • invincibleadj. 不可征服的,难以制服的
  • multiplyvt. 乘,增加 vi. 扩大,繁衍,做乘法 adv.
  • resignv. 辞职,放弃,顺从,听任
  • collidevi. 碰撞,互撞,砥触
  • boomn. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅 vi. 急速增长,发出低
  • sinkn. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器 vi. 下沉,下落,
  • incisiveadj. 尖锐的,一针见血的,敏锐的