日期:2012-11-03 00:47









1【Obama back on the trail after Sandy】奥巴马回归竞选首斥罗姆尼


TEXT:With the race for the White House in a dead heat, U.S. President Barack Obama returns to the campaign trail for the first time in four days Thursday. This after overseeing the response to the devastating storm that hit the eastern seaboard. He revived his successful 2008 campaign slogan: change. It's a slogan Republican rival Mitt Romney has jumped on .... U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "Now, in the closing weeks of this campaign, Governor Romney has been using all his talents as a salesman to dress up these very same policies that failed our country so badly, the very same policies we've been cleaning up after for the past four years. And he is offering them up as change. He's saying he's the candidate of change. Well, let me tell you, Wisconsin, we know what change looks like. And what the Governor is offering sure ain't change." After Wisconsin, Obama has stops scheduled in Nevada and Colorado before spending the night in Ohio.


2【Suspected armed robbers kill 20 in Nigeria】尼日利亚武装嫌疑份子致20人死亡


TEXT:Residents of a small village in the northwest Nigerian state of Zamfara bury 20 of their kinsmen. They were killed by dozens of gunmen, suspected to be armed robbers, who stormed the village on Tuesday morning demanding money. One victim told Reuters that he was praying in the mosque when he heard people shouting. He said one of the assailants attacked him with a machete, but he defended himself and was able to escape. Mai Wada, the village head, said the prevailing situation is beyond the control of the residents. He said groups of vigilantes have formed in the town to capture criminals and hand them over to the authorities. But they are generally released after a few days and return to the village to kill those who arrested them. A breakdown of law and order in Nigeria has created opportunities for armed gangs to engage in violent crime. END
参考译文:尼日利亚赞法拉州一个小村庄,居民们正在埋葬他们20名亲属gp%be-+4hlD0XT8YD。周二,疑似为武装劫匪的持枪歹徒袭击了村庄抢劫钱财并将他们杀害.M#w@5w-jE!Dp~Rv。一名受害者告诉路透社记者,当他听到大喊声的时候他正在做祈祷hmVvE=06s]。一名歹徒用砍刀袭击了他,他自我防卫得以逃脱@*Tcq97706。村长Mai Wada称当时的情况居民们无法控制Kim81Vr!oe[dpO!%SazU。他表示城镇已经组成了多组义务警员捉捕罪犯,并将其转交给当局#-byn@M-u4x。通常,数天后他们会被释放并回到村庄杀害那些逮捕他们的人;T(v,%FyD%0lu&e。尼日利亚崩溃的法律和次序已经为武装暴力团伙犯罪创造了机会pUto;Y&Rk)*


3【Iranian warships depart after timely visit to Sudan】伊朗军舰适时访问苏丹后回航


TEXT:Two Iranian warships leave Port Sudan on Wednesday after a three day stay. The first ever visit by Iranian naval vessels comes less than a week after Khartoum accused Israel of attacking an arms factory in the capital. Four people were killed after a blaze broke out which Sudanese authorities say was caused by an Israeli air strike. Israel has not commented on the fire in the Sudanese capital. Speaking to the media at Port Sudan, the Iranian military attache to Sudan repeated the accusations, harshly speaking out against Israel. A Sudan military spokesman, however, said the Iranian naval visit was not intended to show aggression towards any particular nation.SUDANESE ARMED FORCES SPOKESPERSON, COLONEL AL-SAWARMI KHALID SAAD, SAYING: "It is not targeted at anyone and is not intended as a hostile act, but it is an action aimed at improving political and diplomatic actions, and the joint security for both Sudan and the Republic of Iran maritime forces." Sudan, with close ties to Iran, has long been seen by Israel as a conduit for weapons smuggled to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, via the Egyptian Sinai desert.






This is AP news minute.


President Brack Obama and mitt Romney are shifting focus from superstorm sandy ... to next Tuesday ... hitting several swing states ... Romney addressed a crowd in virginia meanwhile Obama was in Wisconsin.


There's some good news for new Yorkers...Conedison says it is on track to restore power by Saturday in manhattan...that's where a quarter of a million homes and businesses are without power.


Former Penn state president graham Spanier (span'-yer) has been charged with hushing up child molestation allegations against former assistant football coach jerry Sandusky. Spanier is now the third school official to be charged in the alleged cover-up.
前宾夕法尼亚州立大学校长因掩盖前足球教练助理jerry Sandusky猥亵儿童的控告已经遭指控ueXg,,Pg;Ok+OMAh。现在,Spanier是涉嫌到所谓掩盖罪中的第三位学校官员V9-bxZA2g;lwbE.x


And piles of foam covered this major street in Tokyo after a small truck rammed into a fire sprinkler pipe ...firefighters spent nearly two and a half hours cleaning the site.police say no one was hurt.
The associated press with AP news minute.


【TV sets through the ages】电视伴随的那些岁月



A television set, a home appliance that can be found in almost every Chinese home, was at one time a novelty. As the country’s economy continues to expand and develop, so do the screens we find in our homes.


70-year-old Chen Dexing lives in Shangyu County of east China’s Zhejiang Province. A television enthusiast, Chen is often one of the first people in line to buy the latest model on the market.


"This is a high-definition TV set and this is a set-top box receiver. I bought these several years ago."


Every time he upgrades, Chen stores his old televisions away, from the small black and white receivers to the flat screens.


"This is a small black and white receiver. This button is used to tune the channels and these two are for brightness and contrast."


As technology continues to develop, people have gone from tuning channels manually to using automated voice control commands.


Lin Maoxiang, chairman of Changhong Multimedia Industry Company, said, "The voice recognition function can find the channels the users want. The TV voice control is convenient for customers to use at night, or for the aged who cannot see clearly."
长虹多媒公司主席林茂祥说:“语音识别功能可以找到用户想要的频道7sJW|meAO#1gpYge=。电视声控很方便顾客晚上使用, 或视力不好的老年人r]QfOh2!Ypgp6~(o。”


Now 3-D and Ultra High Definition Televisions are commonly sold in the retail market. Some of the country’s televisions can provide users with wireless internet access, computer applications, and video games based on motion detection.


There are 100-million digital cable TV users in China. By 2015, all of China’s televisions will be upgraded from analogue to digital transmission. For people like Chen, it means more choices in channels and programs to enjoy each night.






CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: All week we`ve been looking at different aspects of this massive storm named Sandy. We`ve talked about the science behind it, what happened when it hit the U.S., the devastation that it left behind. Today we are going to take a look at how Sandy affected people on an individual level. Plus, we`re going to take a look ahead the next Tuesday as the presidential campaigns make their final push. I`m Carl Azuz. This is CNN STUDENT NEWS.


When you`ve lived through something like Sandy, how do you balance the need to emotionally recover with the need to get back some sense of normalcy? A lot of people are struggling with that question right now.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can`t describe it in words, because there is nothing -- nothing, all you see is burnt out rubble. That`s it. Burnt out rubble.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, it is no words to put on what happened here, but we -- we got to start over and bring back this community.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You take a lot of stuff for granted, I think until you get to this point, and then now it`s -- you just want to get back to it, you know, you want everything back that you complained about a week ago.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just want to get back in there, get the kids back to school and things like that, get our life back.


AZUZ: In New York and New Jersey, people are trying to get back to their normal routines, but things aren`t normal. This line, it`s for a bus. With huge sections of the subway shutdown, bus service is trying to help now. Some people said it took four or five hours to get to work on Thursday. And how about checking your email or sending a text? Millions of people still didn`t have power on Thursday, couldn`t even charge their phones. Some of the ones who did, were offering it up to neighbors. They set up charging stations, running extension cords and power strips out of their homes for anyone to use, the sign of community coming together as it tries to recover.


On our blog, it`s cnnstudentnews.com, jobs, the economy and education top your list of election issues.


Priscilla is concerned about all three. "With the prices of everything going up, including college, it is really going to be a challenge to attain a higher education."


Carol says, "... there are enough jobs for the people who have just graduated college. I am worried I won`t be able to support myself when I graduate."


Max writes," ... education should be the top concern. If we have a good educational system, we will be able to make jobs and help the economy at the same time."


Some folks like Joshua had a different take, the biggest issue for him is deficit reduction. As a large deficit could lead to a default on our debt.


Jabari also notes the debt, saying, "new ways to try to fix it might not help."


Austin writes, "It`s the high price of fuel. I think that if the price of gas were lower, more people would have jobs ..."


And Brittany feels that Obama and Romney should talk more about what will happen when schools have to fire teachers because the school is low on money."


People who think jobs are the number one election issue, might focus on a government report that comes out every month. It updates the national unemployment rate and says how many jobs were added the month before. The latest numbers come out today, and they are the last ones coming out before Tuesday`s election. You could be sure the presidential candidates will be talking about this report and hoping it helps them gain some support on Tuesday.


We looked at Governor Romney and President Obama`s economic policies earlier this week. Today, as we wrap up our series on the candidates` positions we are focusing on foreign policy. That covers a lot of issues, so we are going to cover two of them today. First one, the war in Afghanistan. President Obama has announced the plan that would have U.S. combat troops out of Afghanistan by 2014. Governor Romney has said, he supports gradually pulling American forces out of Afghanistan, but he`s criticized the president for announcing the timetable.


Next up, Iran. When it comes to that country`s controversial nuclear program, the U.S. presidential candidates share a lot of the same basic ideas. Neither one wants Iran to be able to develop a nuclear weapon. Both support the idea of using sanctions, punishments against Iran and neither one has ruled out the idea of using military force against Iran.


We have a ton of resources on the presidential election on our home page. Go to cnnstudentnews.com, check out the election resources bin.


We are in the home stretch of this presidential campaign. For some folks, it feels like it`s going on forever. It`s this idea called voter fatigue. That after months and months of the speeches and the rallies, the media coverage and especially the ads, some people are just worn out. Presidential candidates have been making political ads for decades, but they haven`t always look like the ones we see today. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You like Ike, I like Ike, everybody likes Ike.


DARRELL WEST, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION: The way that candidates communicate with voters tells us a lot about the politicians, but also about ourselves.


JOHN F. KENNEDY: This is candidate John Kennedy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Johnson.




WEST: So, it`s an amazing lens on American culture and on American politics.`


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This time, vote like your whole world depended on it.


WEST: The biggest difference in ads that we see today is really in the editing. Today, we have a much faster pace, they splice different images together, there is much greater sophistication in the production that lies behind contemporary ads.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eisenhower answers America.


WEST: The first presidential election where TV ads played a role was 1952, Dwight Eisenhower pulled together footage from press conferences and basically had "Eisenhower Answering America."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This historic moment is brought to you by Citizens for Kennedy.


WEST: 1960 is really considered the first television election, that was the first election where we had TV debates between Kennedy and Nixon, ads also were seen as very prominent, because it was a wave for Kennedy to basically contrast his youthfulness with Nixon experience.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They understand what peace demands.


WEST: 1964 was a very interesting election, and it featured a lot of attack ads.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Four, five, six ...


WEST: There was a famous ad called "the daisy ad", incumbent president Lyndon Johnson had a little girl in a meadow pulling petals off of a daisy and in the background you have the countdown, and at the end of the end, there is a nuclear explosion.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nine, eight, seven, six, five ...


WEST: By today standards, it seems remarkably tame, because we`ve seen a lot more vicious and personal attacks on individuals. But when that ad aired, it actually only aired once on network television, the public outcry was so strong that Johnson took down that ad and never aired it again.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s "Shoutout" goes out to Mrs. Golden`s U.S. and world history classes at the Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts in Baltimore, Maryland. Who painted this famous artwork? You know what to do. Was it Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello or Raphael? You`ve got three seconds, go!


You`re looking at Michelangelo`s masterpiece on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. That`s your answer and that`s your "Shoutout."


AZUZ: Michelangelo`s masterpiece is celebrating a big birthday this week. In 1512, exactly 500 years ago, it was finished and open to the public. The different panels on the Sistine Chapel ceiling show people and events from the Bible. The most famous one is the creation of Adam, which shows the arms of God and Adam reaching out to each other. The painting has survived centuries of war and severe weather. But now, it`s facing a new threat, one that comes from an unexpected source.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Today the greatest threat to this priceless art comes from those who flock to admire it. About 5 million people visit the Sistine Chapel every year, that means 5 million people with sweat, with heat, with dust.


The number of visitors is expected only to grown in coming years. The Vatican is planning to upgrade the current climate control system for the chapel, but officials are hesitant to turn tourists away.


AZUZ: We don`t have to wait till next Tuesday for election results, thanks to some presidential prognosticators. Like the Redskins rule. If the team wins its last home game before the election, the person or party in power stays there. Road team wins, expect a victory for the White House challenger. Has that ever been manipulated before? We`d be worried about pass interference.


If football is not your cup of tea, try coffee. 711 is selling Obama and Romney cups of java, those results will be hot off the presses. Halloween may be over, but some people think they can predict the presidency based on which candidate`s mask sold more. On election day, they`ll face reality. And the squirrel can tell us the outcome based on which dish it eats from. Some of these ideas seem a little wacky, that squirrel one is downright nuts, but hey, listen, it`s not scientific, it just food for thought. One thing we can predict, we will be back on the air next Monday, so we hope to see you then, and that you have a wonderful weekend. Bye now.


  • combatn. 争斗,战斗 vt. 打斗 vi. 战斗,与 ...
  • sophisticationn. 老练,精明,复杂,精密,有教养,诡辩,强词夺理
  • functionn. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会 vi. 运行,起作用
  • sprinklern. 洒水装置,洒水车
  • definitionn. 定义,阐释,清晰度
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • intendedadj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.
  • savageadj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的 n. 野蛮人,
  • fatiguen. 疲乏,疲劳,累活 adj. 疲劳的 vt. 使 .
  • institutionn. 机构,制度,创立