日期:2012-08-30 13:12









1【Syrian refugees support in-country "safe zone"】叙利亚难民支持在其国家建立“安全区”


TEXT:Syrian refugees at this Turkish camp are hopeful nations like Turkey will step in to help end Bashar al-Assad's rule. They support Turkey's proposal to create a so called "safe zone" in Syria, where citizens and rebels would be protected by foreign troops. SYRIAN REFUGEE, WALID, SAYING: "We are with Turkey, we support Turkey. All Syrian people are with Turkey and support their move for a safe zone. We ask the international community to set up a safe zone and a no fly zone." Turkey is already struggling to clothe and feed 80,000 refugees fleeing the violence, with thousands more arriving every day. On Tuesday, foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu asked the United Nations to lay the foundations of a safe zone by building camps inside Syrian territory where people would be protected and provided for. However, in a rare tv interview, president Assad said such zones would be impractical and that the situation in Syria was, improving.


2【India upholds death sentence for Mumbai attacker】 印度维持对卡萨伯判处死刑


TEXT:Mohammad Ajmal Kasab, the lone survivor of a group of militants responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people. He is seen here walking through Mumbai's main train station, during an attack in which at least 60 people were gunned down. On Wednesday, India's Supreme Court moved to uphold the death sentence handed down to Kasab. A lawyer for the prosecution announced the verdict to reporters. PUBLIC PROSECUTOR, GOPAL SUBRAMANIUM, SAYING: "The Supreme Court has today dismissed the appeal of Mohammad Kasab. It has confirmed the findings on evidence on a scrutiny of the same. The evidence was place before the court de novo by both parties." The three-day string of coordinated attacks struck key landmarks in the city, including the Taj Hotel, as well as a Jewish centre. Kasab was found guilty on more than 80 charges, including murder and waging war on India.
参考译文:穆罕默德阿杰马勒·卡萨伯,-- 2008年在孟买造成166人死亡的武装袭击案唯一幸存者m[W5ELmAG]gMo。在一次枪杀了60人的袭击案件中,他被发现正穿过孟买主火车站,xAdZQ;AN]V(n_ci@VSV。周三,印度最高法院维持了对卡沙伯死刑的判决YJPR^bM4@c5wW%。原告律师向记者宣布了判决a#!%DJhSvDCjI!rj。公共检查官Gopal Subramanium说:“今天最高法院驳回穆罕默德·卡萨伯的上诉GA^!L_|x!OH。法院已经确认所得证据和审查相符TmsbC#j|b]h。证据是在双方从启开庭前提交的QKjwnCj]SP1r(T。”为期三天的系列组织袭击案主要攻击该市地标性建筑,包括泰姬陵酒店以及一个犹太中心m(-).cML.nt7fwT3bP。卡萨伯遭到80余项指控,其中包括谋杀罪以及在印度发起战场罪Yafu1bhi4-


3【Fetal duck eggs: delicacy for some, disgusting for others】受精鸭蛋:萝卜白菜各有所爱


TEXT:Balut is a fertilized duck egg that's about a dozen days from hatching and it's just another item on the menu in the Philippines. But Miguel Trinidad is promoting it at his restaurant in New York. Miguel Trinidad, executive chef, Maharlika, saying (English): "Once you crack it open, there is basically a soup in it and you crack it open, you drink that soup and then you eat the yolk and inside you see a baby duckling. Sometimes you might get lucky and you might find one that has a few feathers, a little bit of a beak on it." If you're lucky? Miguel Trinidad, executive chef, Maharlika, saying (English): "It's a great source of protein. It's considered an aphrodisiac. It's supposed to give people power." If you say so, but let's see if the locals can stomach it. At Trinidad's restaurant in Brooklyn, competitors lined up for the very first balut-eating contest. The rules? Eat as many as you can in five minutes. And the verdict is in... (SOUNDBITE) Jill, competitor, saying (English): "You can feel the feathers and then like feel a little bit of the bone. It's a little bit crunchy." (SOUNDBITE) Eric, competitor, saying (English): "Honestly, it's like a hard boiled egg with feathers. So... I don't even want to look at that." The title went to Wayne the "Wayney Wonder" for downing a total of 18 eggs.
参考译文:巴鲁特是指大约在孵化前十几天的受精鸭蛋,在菲律宾这仅仅是餐桌上另一道菜xm1e2LUjR!。但Miguel Trinidad正在纽约他的餐馆进行推广VvYiyNcKz7jwY。主厨Miguel Trinidad说:“一旦你打开它,基本上都有汤在里面,你把它打开,先把那些汤喝了,然后吃掉蛋黄,在里面你会看到一只未孵化的小鸭子sS.3(8_lsxOAh*r。有时你可能很幸运,你可能会发现它上面长了一些羽毛,一个小小的鸭嘴33+EQ5H]ff*Oq~E。”如果你够幸运?Miguel Trinidad说:“这是蛋白质的很好来源,里面含有阳性物质NTMBxjvIpS&zr.aw。它可以给人力量Q=|kHt=j_zhKWlqR@yOQ。”虽然你这样说,但我们来看看当地人是否可以接受它YU5up)JILRS|JU5B%。在布鲁克林特立尼达餐馆,参赛选手在首届巴鲁特饮食大赛上排好队伍比赛;4I6NPbU]4PjK。规则是什么呢?在五分钟内你尽可能的多吃,并且这个裁定就是…Gq1IlnF&+&(fnlKG7。参赛选手Jill说:“你能感觉到它的羽毛,然后感觉还有一点点骨头Jmo37%F@n(dZjvKg。这有点脆KX[(aTNZ.F_。”参赛选手Eric说:“老实的说,这就像带有羽毛煮沸了的鸡蛋,因此…我看都不想看nPWWYNQUz4)n8。”最终选手Wayne以完成18个鸡蛋的成绩获得“Wayney Wonder”的称号gW%.l%nEEqIS#4wpG;


4【U.S singer hits new low】美国歌手打破世界最低音


TEXT:Just how low can a person go? Around eight octaves below the average person, if you're U.S. singer, Tim Storms. (English) TIM STORMS, MAN WITH WORLD'S DEEPEST VOICE, SAYING: "My lowest note would be somewhere around, if you were to take another piano and sit at the bottom on the left side of the piano, that would be about how low I can go - eight octaves lower than the lowest G on the piano." He's stormed the world records for the widest range of octaves - that's ten, and for reaching the lowest note, which can't be heard by the human ear. One doctor was compelled to find out what created Tim's extraordinary gift. (SOUNDBITE) (English) TIM STORMS, MAN WITH WORLD'S DEEPEST VOICE, SAYING: "He said that my vocal chords were almost twice as long as he's used to seeing and the arytenoid muscles around my vocal chords - they had a lot more movement to them." Tim Storms is putting his talents to use on a record he made with the composer from last year's British Royal wedding, and the St Petersburg Chamber Choir.
参考译文:一个人的音可以到多低?如果你是美国歌手Tim Storms,你的音可以比普通人大约低八度gST=d7aNTu[,=。拥有世界最深沉声音的男人Tim Storms说:“我最低的音大约是,要是你在弹奏另一架钢琴并坐在钢琴左边的底部,那将是我音能达到的低度,比钢琴最低的G音还要低八度7+dLc]cQPd=z3。”他打破了世界上八度的最宽幅度--十个,并且达到了最低的音调,低到人的耳朵都听不到OQ5+&Mi^AddrQ*Qe.zE。一名感兴趣的医生曾找出过Tim拥有这天赋的原因!vS55DH-_QEj9CkD。世界最低音者Tim说:“他说我的声带比他平常见到的长两倍,身带旁边围绕着杓状软骨肌肉,它们会做很多的运动%RVUxLIA4MY;O7J~7y!。”在去年英国皇家婚礼上,Tim Storms凭借他的才能和圣彼得堡唱诗班作曲家演唱过&&XfX!@j[jh%%




【Scandals and Mistakes Influence US Political Campaigns】



TEXT:Just as Republicans were preparing to introduce Mitt Romney to the nation, a little known U.S. Senate candidate sparked a controversy.


Congressman Todd Akin was asked if abortion should be allowed for a victim of rape.


“If it is a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” Akin said.


Democrats like President Barack Obama were quick to pounce. “The views expressed were offensive; rape is rape,” Obama said.


Akin apologized, but the damage was done as the media spotlight shifted for Romney.


“The timing could not be worse. The last thing Mitt Romney wants to focus on is abortion and social issues,” said Allan J. Lichtman, a political historian at American University.


The Sea of Galilee, where the Bible says Jesus walked on water, was the location for yet another embarrassing event.


During an official trip to Israel, Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder decided to go skinny dipping. “It’s obviously a mistake and something I regret,” Yoder said.


Some mistakes cost candidates their careers.


Take Gary Hart. He was the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in the 1988 election, but was suspected of marital infidelities.


He dared reporters to follow him and they discovered evidence that forced him out of the race, including this now-famous picture.


“Incredibly, having a beautiful blonde sitting on his lap aboard a ship called 'Monkey Business.' How much worse can you get in terms of self-destructing?,” Lichtman said.


Other politicians have survived scandal.

Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry has been a politician for 40 years.


He was active in the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King.


In 1990, however, he was captured on an FBI surveillance camera smoking crack cocaine and served six months in prison.


Despite that setback, he was reelected mayor for a fourth term and at age 76 is now a city councilman.


“You sit and you look back and say why did I do this? What was going on in my head? You can’t do anything about that. That is done. What you can do is move forward,” Barry said.


The greatest recent example of a politician surviving scandal is former president Bill Clinton.


Despite an affair with a White House intern, he remains a popular figure.


“And now he is going to be a featured speaker at the Democratic convention and they consider him a big plus,” Lichtman said.


It's anyone's guess when the next political scandal will erupt - or whether it will end in personal disgrace or political resurrection.




【Connecting Employers with Jobs Seekers in Today’s Economy】





This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.


About three hundred fifty thousand newly unemployed people signed up for financial assistance in the


United States during the first week of July. The nation’s jobless rate was eight point two percent in both May and June.


Some employers say they would add employees if they could find workers with important technology skills. As VOA’s Jim Randle reports, some experts say better communication and technology could reduce this "skills gap."
有的雇主说,如果能找到具备重要科技技能的工人,就会增加雇员9HXOz4]oTX。美国之音Jim Randle报道说,有专家说,更好的沟通和技术可以减少这种“技术缺口dpGgf^pR(3p8f7[KbA9[。”


Angel Gurria is head of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He says even some well-educated people are having trouble finding work around the world.
Angel Gurria是经济合作与发展组织主席,他说,全世界甚至一些受过高等教育的人找工作也困难jy#uCHIPz[h#~87~


ANGEL GURRIA: "There are unemployed graduates on the streets, while employers search in vain for people with the skills they need. There is an obvious mismatch here. And it is a paradox and a great tragedy."
ANGEL GURRIA: “满大街都是失业大学生,而雇主在徒劳地寻找所需的技术人员w%wJS5#j4ncSNdo。这里显然存在着不匹配,这是个悖论,也是个巨大的悲剧rV5FH1m*lpT。”


OECD officials say more than forty-four million people are unemployed in the thirty-four wealthiest nations belonging to the organization.


In the United States alone, nearly thirteen million people are unemployed. But the country also has more than three point six million unfilled jobs. Experts say some positions are unfilled because those seeking work lack high-technology skills.


A company called Monster Worldwide is using some new technology it says can help solve that problem. Company official Earl Rennison says computer programs called "semantic search" are able to process huge amounts of information. That includes millions of resumes, to help connect skilled people with open jobs.
一家名为Monster Worldwide的公司正在使用新科技来帮助解决这个问题PLntEMIi0y]。公司官员Earl Rennison说,公司使用名为“语义搜索”的程序来处理大量数据,包括数百万份简历,来将技术工人与职位空缺联系起来3;GO8|;9+hku0Nh)Yihq


Earl Rennison says semantic search is designed to choose the right match from the words or expressions around a key word. He says this helps it get the right match even if a job posting, resume or other documents use different words to express the same idea. He says better searches will lead to better matches, and fill more jobs.
Earl Rennison说,语义搜索旨在围绕关键词来为单词或词组寻找合适的匹配0-Ukujs-]91!Gjkd]UFN。他说,这有助于获得正确的匹配,即使一份工作发布时,简历或其它文件使用了不同的单词来表达相同的意思,idc.+G*c7t;iCG,p[。他说更好的搜索可以产生更好的匹配,填补更多职位空缺R9)KOiyJ;RcII8cGd8^p


Rich Milgram is head of a recruitment company called Beyond.com. He says another problem is that the people who are experts at finding just the right workers were the first ones out of work during the recession.
Rich Milgram是一家名为Beyond.com的招聘公司的负责人,他说另一个问题是,招聘专家是经济衰退期间的首批失业者5)XQ^-&b#-2dQLK7hd


He also says it will take time for companies to rebuild their workforces, even if they have added new recruiters.


RICH MILGRAM: "They [the new recruiters] don't understand the business that well because they are new, they don't have a rapport with the hiring managers."
RICH MILGRAM: “这些新招聘人员不了解业务,因为他们是新来的,还没有与招聘经理达成默契F6f1WD4!Quj%+。”

Rich Milgram says companies in need excellent workers have to do a good job of writing job advertisements that are understandable. And job seekers need to make it clear to hiring managers how they can help their companies.
Rich Milgram说,需要出色工人的公司必须撰写易懂的招聘广告,招聘人员需要让招聘经理明白他们怎么可以为公司提供帮助jSI(uavpxaB*IpF%P


adj.不切实际的, 无用的, 不现实的
a fundamentally impractical design
an impractical suggestion
He rejected my suggestion as impractical.
Such a solution proved impractical.
He was hopelessly impractical when it came to planning new projects.
a lone voice of dissent
a lone walker on the hills
a lone wolf
In the police force he had the reputation of being something of a lone wolf.
vt.解雇; 撤职; 开除
The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor.
He dismissed me from the club.
使退去; 解散
The pupils were dismissed from school.
自心中摒除, 不再考虑或谈论
He dismissed the story as a rumour.
He dismissed the idea as impossible.
n.细看, 细查; 监视
He drew the conclusion after scrutinies.
vt. & vi.(使…)开裂, 破裂
But at last the shells cracked, one after another.
最后, 蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了Q,3R0BV6wZuXEM=5DAO
You can crack this toughened glass, but you can't break it.
(使)身体上或精神上垮掉;打开, 砸开
Father was cracking the nuts.
The whip cracked threateningly.
He cracked the joints of his fingers.
n.裂缝, 缝隙
There's a crack in this cup.
劈叭声, 爆裂声
He heard the sharp crack of a twig.
I got a nasty crack on the head when I went through that low door.
我走过那扇矮门时, 把头给撞了一下%ASnldtzT(77K
试图, 尝试
I've never done this before, but I'll have a crack.
我以前从未做过这个, 不过我将试试看(!=L0c%.2xZ0NX;T=mm
He's always making cracks about my big feet.
vt. & vi.孵化
When will the eggs hatch?
A hen hatches chickens.
孵出, 破壳而出
The chickens have already hatched.
They hatched a plot to murder the king.
I hatched all the arrangement for the dance.
n.开口, 活板门; 舱口

  • hatchn. 孵化,舱口 vt. 孵,孵出 vi. 孵化,破壳
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • impracticaladj. 不切实际的,不实用的
  • upholdv. 支撑,赞成,鼓励
  • ducklingn. 小鸭子
  • delicacyn. 柔软,精致,佳肴
  • chefn. 厨师,主厨
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • predecessorn. 前辈,前任,原有事物
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗