每日视频新闻:飓风"艾萨克"横扫美国摩根堡 沙滩现南北战争时期船只
日期:2012-09-04 21:36







伦敦残奥会开幕 霍金首场亮相


1【Civil War ship washed ashore by Hurricane Isaac】飓风"艾萨克"重现内战船只




TEXT:The ghostly remains of a ship sit on a beach in Alabama. Believed to be from the era of the Civil War, the remains washed ashore as Hurricane Isaac battered the coastline. Strong winds and rain helped unearth the ship, revealing a historical find to residents venturing out after the storm. UNIDENTIFIED RESIDENT SAYING (English): "I am stoked that it is as well preserved as it is." JENNY TUCKER, LOCAL RESIDENT SAYING (English): "It's just really incredible to see history laying here right here on Fort Morgan, on the beach." Opinion differs as to what the ship could have been used for. Some believe the boat was a blockade runner during the Civil War. Others say it could have used to smuggle alcohol ashore during era of the Prohibition.


2【Car bomb kills five outside Damascus】大马士革外遭炸弹袭击5人死亡



TEXT:Mangled metal and cars fried to a crisp --- the aftermath of a bomb that killed five people and injured 27, just outside of Damascus. And inside the capitol ----this message from the government. Syrian information Omran Zoabi. "Nobody should worry. Our situation in Syria is very good on the level of leadership, government, institutions and army. Everything is under control and nothing will be different. Their kind of terrorist acts ensures what I am talking about." His went on to say that peace won't be possible if international support for armed groups continues. Syrian Information Minister Omran Zoabi saying: "What is needed is for the weapons, money and training to stop. Any initiative or effort will not succeed if some countries continue to adopt this position." Violence, particularly on the outskirts of the capital has intensified in recent weeks. Opposition groups says that the military is back in control in Damascus and are shelling neighboring areas as part of a push to drive rebels from the capital.
参考译文:大马士革外遭一枚炸弹袭击,变形的金属和汽车已被烧焦,目前已造成5人死亡27人受伤i0w1FKy4E7a0ScVj,。在国会大厦当局政府公布了这条信息NH8TW*bwfQ^3y%C。叙利亚信息部长Omran Zoabi说:“没人应该担心+L;Uqev)ux。在领导、政府、机构和军队层面叙利亚局势是很好的3c*YvhM@.iN-euyQTAd。一切都在掌控之下,没有什么会有所改变I!!!e&vup%!%F*P0)。他们的恐怖行径决定了我现在所说的!_PbbqkAqXS6Y;。”他接着表示如果国际世界对武装组织继续提供支持,和平将是不可能的Bp,e@yFKflSL.l。叙利亚信息部长Omran Zoabi说:“现在需要的是停止对武器,金钱和培训的提供SlY%Wkt+4r#;H。如果一些国家继续采取这个主张,任何行动和努力都将不会成功)Oa]Wm*+o|qPWapUYV,F。”在最近几周暴力活动已经加剧,特别是在首都郊区FBkxDGw6-*Pf3Tvo.w[。反对派组织称军方已经从新控制大马士革并轰炸周边地区以此将叛军从首都驱逐5&TZM@_oZK0sV


3【Obama tours storm hit Louisiana】奥巴马巡游受暴风袭击的路易斯安那州



TEXT:U.S. President Barack Obama tours parts of storm damaged Louisiana ahead of the Democratic National Convention. Obama commended local and federal relief efforts after their much criticised response to Katrina under President Bush in 2005. U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: " I want to particularly thank FEMA and the state and local authorities, because sometimes in the past we haven't seen the kind of coordination that is necessary in response to these kinds of disasters. This time we've seen it." Hurricane Isaac roared through the southern U.S. last week leaving thousands without power. Flooding and downed tree limbs in several parts of New Orleans had residents cleaning up for days after the storm hit.


4【Dozens feared dead after Guinea ferry accident】几内亚船难数十人恐遇难


TEXT:Rescuers comb the waters off Guinea, desperately searching for the survivors of a deadly weekend boat accident. At least eight people perished and dozens more are missing after a wooden ferry capsized Friday near Conakry, the capital of the West African state. Port officials have not said what caused the boat to flip, but one survivor says the seas were rough. "There was a lot of wind," says Mame Asta Bangoura. "We had hardly passed the signal area when the engine stopped again and the boat capsized." Relatives of the victims, many overcome by grief, gathered near the local morgue.IBRAHIMA CONDE, PARENT OF THREE VICTIMS, SAYING: "When they started to fish out the bodies I saw there was the body of my aunt and her two children. They are all at the morgue now." It was the latest in a series of accidents off the coast of West Africa where boats are often overcrowded and poorly maintained.
参考译文:救援人员将几内亚号上的水清理出去,绝望的周末致命船难事故中的幸存者qEM~S%76sn0i。周五,在这个西非国家的首都科纳克里附近,一辆木制轮船翻覆至少已造成8人死亡数十人受伤2bvnIOizV%。港口官员一直没有对轮船翻覆的原因作出解释,但一名幸存者表示当时海面环境很恶劣U7Dg[+ba4+4@。“那是风很大,”Mame Asta Bangoura说,“当船的发动起再次抛锚,我们几乎不能通过通过信号区,然后船翻了yNqyDegdOmFjp[r。”许多客服悲伤的遇难者家属集聚在当地停尸房旁边l,a7J8CyKTGW+IG。三名受害者的亲人Ibrahima Conde说:“当他们开始打捞尸体,我看见我姑母和他的两个孩子的尸体a&wdx&3&sah4LG!hK2。现在他们都在太平间@yw*(@U)l-。”因过度拥挤和糟糕的维修西非海岸已造成一系列船难,这是最近发生的一次L#;-aml!]#7o5wFnCaPh




【Austrian Programmers Build Free Bridge to Internet】



TEXT:For most users, Internet access is a utility, like phone service and electricity. Customers pay a company to access the Web through phone service or cable TV lines. But FunkFeuer's equipment on Vienna rooftops is a different.


It provides wireless network access across large areas using the same open radio spectrum as WiFi. But unlike traditional WiFi, responsible for small wireless networks in homes and offices, the FunkFeuer mesh operates over much bigger distances.

"You could do the same, of course, in a road, from window to window, and just sort of bounce along the road," explained Aaron Kaplan, a founder of the FunkFeuer mesh network. "Then you don't need these complicated, big-looking antennas. You can take just small ones just like this and just put it in your window."


The key is to have enough users to put routers and antennas out in the open, so that every user becomes another provider, further extending the network. If one node has access to the Internet, all of the FunkFeuer users on the network do too.

Many look at the technology as a way to circumvent government Internet controls.


"It's very hard to shut them down, because you have to go after each single node, every single node owner," Kaplan explained. "So it's not easy, it's not as easy as it was in Egypt, where you go to one ISP (Internet Service Provider), which has all the Internet cables going through one building, and you just call them and say you need to shut this down. This is not possible anymore because it's so distributed."


Metalab is a so-called hackerspace in Vienna, where tech enthusiasts collaborate on projects like computer networks as well as radio.

Adrian Dabrowski was one of the first to work on FunkFeuer. Dabrowski recalled first playing with the then-new WiFi possibilities.

"There were these experiments, make an own antenna and get not 20 meters but get 100 meters or get 200 meters and yeah, it was very interesting and suddenly you could build networks over a whole city and it was like a whole new world," Dabrowski recalled.


And here, collaboration with ham radio operators like Clemens Hopfer has led to a new breakthrough that has allowed them to send data by shortwave radio to receivers up to 200 kilometers away.

"If you want to spread links across a big country, it's not that easy to do it, but, it is possible," Hopfer said.


Programmers say the technology holds great promise - and to help spur innovation, all of their plans and technical memos are available free, online.


【US Faces Worst Drought in 56 Years】





This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.


The United States is suffering its worst drought in almost sixty years. Moderate to extreme dry conditions spread to fifty-five percent of the country in June. That was the most since December of nineteen fifty-six.


The National Climatic Data Center also says high temperatures in June added to the warmest twelve-month period on record. Recordkeeping began in eighteen ninety-five.


The drought map showed that conditions improved in the Southeast in June compared to May. But they intensified from the Midwest to the Great Plains and much of the West. Predictions through the end of October suggest that the drought is likely to improve in areas of the Southwest and Southeast. But the drought is expected to continue or intensify in large parts of the country.


Last week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack met with President Obama. Mr. Vilsack says the drought has severely affected corn and soybean crops. The United States is the world's leading producer of maze and soybeans.


TOM VILASK: " Thirty-eight percent of our corn crop as of today is rated as poor to very poor, thirty percent of our soybeans, poor to very poor."


Most of the affected states are in the southern half of the country. But officials said farmlands in the north are now drying up as well.


The drought has pushed up prices for corn and soybeans. Both are used in food production and for animal feed. Last week the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported a twenty percent jump in maize and wheat prices over the past three weeks.


Wheat prices are up as hot, dry weather affects production in the Black Sea region.


In the United States, ranchers may quickly reduce the size of their herds of animals rather than pay higher feed prices to keep raising them. That increased supply of meat would reduce meat prices in the short-term. But those prices could increase several months from now.


Mr. Vilsack said the overall effect of the drought is hard to predict. Some areas are getting rain, and drought-resistant seeds have helped crops grow well in some areas.


President Obama has cut the interest rate on disaster loans for farmers and made it easier for affected areas to receive government financial assistance. At the same time, farmers are waiting to see what Congress does with the farm bill, a major piece of legislation renewed every five years.


The Senate has passed a version that would end direct payments to farmers but help pay for crop insurance. The plan would save money. But the House of Representative has passed different legislation, and Congress needs to reach a compromise. The current farm bill ends at the end of September.


vt. & vi.敢于, 冒险
Nothing venture, nothing have.
不入虎穴, 焉得虎子M*foLd|7y5n
I won't venture a step farther.
He ventured to speak to her.
The police unearthed a skeleton in his garden.
The reporter had unearthed some secrets about him.
a blockade around the city
the blockade by Western nations
The ships blockades the harbour.
The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.
vt.表扬; 称赞
The teacher often commends good students.
托付; 委托
The dying man commended his soul to God.
vi.丧生; 消亡; 死亡
Hundreds of sheep perished that year because of drought.
那年由于干旱, 几百头羊突然死去Xli^B_1D@2ub;_Z
损坏, 腐烂
Continuous washing has perished the rubber.
vt. & vi.(使船)翻,倾覆
A family’s outing ended in tragedy when their boat capsized.
Her own boat capsized after she attempted a rescue.
vt.轻弹, 轻抛[扔]
They flipped a coin to decide who would go first.
vi.发疯, 失去理智
My brother really flipped after his experience in the war.




  • compromisen. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 vt. 妥协处理,危害 vi.
  • coastlinen. 海岸线
  • unearthvt. 发掘,掘出,发现并披露
  • conventionn. 大会,协定,惯例,公约
  • insurancen. 保险,保险费,安全措施
  • oppositionn. 反对,敌对,在野党
  • continuousadj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • droughtn. 干旱
  • cornn. 谷物,小麦,玉米 v. 形成(颗粒状),腌,(用谷